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Fundamentals of 3D Food Printing and Applications
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 408

Fundamentals of 3D Food Printing and Applications

Fundamentals of 3D Food Printing and Applications provides an update on this emerging technology that can not only create complex edible shapes, but also enable the alteration of food texture and nutritional content required by specific diets. This book discusses 3D food printing technologies and their working mechanisms within a broad spectrum of application areas, including, but not limited to, the development of soft foods and confectionary designs. It provides a unique and contemporary guide to help correlate supply materials (edible inks) and the technologies (e.g., extrusion and laser based) used during the construction of computer-aided 3D shapes. Users will find a great reference tha...

Engineering Plant-Based Food Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 354

Engineering Plant-Based Food Systems

Engineering Plant-Based Food Systems provides a comprehensive, in-depth understanding on the technologies used to create quality plant-based foods. This title helps researchers and food processors gain an understanding of the diverse aspects of plant-based foods, with a focus to meet the current consumers' demand of alternatives to animal products. This is a one-stop source that provides maximum information related to plant-based foods to food science researchers, food engineers and food processing/manufacturers. This book will enhance their understanding of plant-based protein sources, their application, product manufacturing, and bioavailability. In recent years, the emphasis on minimizing...

Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 629

Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-02-13
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering, Volume II - Current Status, Future Foods, and Global Issues reviews the literature and scientific frameworks to present a kind of sustainability compass. Disruptive approaches around potential sustainable foods are also widely investigated in order to be an alternative route for the industrial future. Thus, this book proposes new concepts and strategies to face future sustainability challenges that are on the horizon and can impact the next generation of foods. Divided into three parts, this book discusses the (i) status of sustainable food industry, (ii) next generation and future technology for sustainable foods, and (iii) policy, social, economic, and environmental aspects in food industries. Given the book's breadth, it provides readers with an invaluable reference resource for students, researchers, graduates, and professionals, in general, who wish to gain knowledge about the engineering and food processing area so as to achieve sustainable food production.

3D Printing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

3D Printing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-03-12
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

An accessible introduction to 3D printing that outlines the additive manufacturing process, industrial and household markets, and emerging uses. The use of 3D printing—digitally controlled additive manufacturing—is growing rapidly. Consumer models of 3D printers allow people to fabricate small plastic objects, from cabinet knobs to wedding cake toppers. Industrial uses are becoming widespread, as businesses use the technology to fabricate prototypes, spare parts, custom-fitted prosthetics, and other plastic or metal items, often at lower cost and with greater efficiency than standard manufacturing. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, John Jordan offers an accessib...

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Food and Popular Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Food and Popular Culture

The influence of food has grown rapidly as it has become more and more intertwined with popular culture in recent decades. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Food and Popular Culture offers an authoritative, comprehensive overview of and introduction to this growing field of research. Bringing together over 20 original essays from leading experts, including Amy Bentley, Deborah Lupton, Fabio Parasecoli, and Isabelle de Solier, its impressive breadth and depth serves to define the field of food and popular culture. Divided into four parts, the book covers: - Media and Communication; including film, television, print media, the Internet, and emerging media - Material Cultures of Eating; including eati...

4D Baskı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 479

4D Baskı

4D Baskı Nedir? Bir tür eklemeli üretim olan 3D baskı, modern üretimdeki en yıkıcı icatlardan biri olarak kabul edilir. Endüstride bileşenlerin ve ekipmanların yapılma şeklini, tasarım ve geliştirmelerini temelden değiştirmiştir. 3D baskı, üreticilerin ve araştırmacıların, daha önce geleneksel üretim yöntemlerini kullanarak oluşturmanın imkansız olduğu düşünülen karmaşık şekiller ve yapılar oluşturmasını sağlar. Son otuz yılda, 3D baskı teknolojisi sürekli atılımlar gördü ve çarpıcı biçimde değişti. Sofistike, biyo-ilham veren, çok malzemeli tasarımlar oluşturma yeteneğine rağmen, 3D baskı henüz seri üretim için uygun değil. 3...

4D Printen
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 512

4D Printen

Wat is 4D-printen 3D-printen, een vorm van additive manufacturing, wordt beschouwd als een van de meest ontwrichtende uitvindingen in de moderne productie. Het heeft de manier waarop componenten en apparatuur worden gemaakt fundamenteel veranderd, evenals hun ontwerp en ontwikkeling in de industrie. 3D-printen stelt fabrikanten en onderzoekers in staat om geavanceerde vormen en structuren te creëren waarvan voorheen werd gedacht dat ze onmogelijk te maken waren met traditionele productiemethoden. In de afgelopen drie decennia heeft de 3D-printtechnologie constante doorbraken gekend en drastisch veranderd. Ondanks het vermogen om geavanceerde, bio-geïnspireerde ontwerpen met meerdere materi...

Impressão 4D
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 509

Impressão 4D

O que é impressão 4D A impressão 3D, um tipo de manufatura aditiva, é considerada uma das invenções mais revolucionárias da manufatura moderna. Ele alterou fundamentalmente a maneira como os componentes e equipamentos são feitos, bem como seu design e desenvolvimento, na indústria. A impressão 3D permite que fabricantes e pesquisadores criem formas e estruturas sofisticadas que antes eram impossíveis de criar usando métodos de produção tradicionais. Nas últimas três décadas, a tecnologia de impressão 3D teve avanços constantes e mudou drasticamente. Apesar de sua capacidade de gerar designs sofisticados, bioinspirados e multimateriais, a impressão 3D ainda não é adequad...

4D 打印
  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 414

4D 打印

什麼是 4D 打印 3D 打印是一種增材製造,被認為是現代製造業中最具顛覆性的發明之一。它從根本上改變了行業中組件和設備的製造方式以及它們的設計和開發。 3D 打印使製造商和研究人員能夠創造出以前認為使用傳統生產方法無法創造的複雜形狀和結構。在過去的三年中,3D 打印技術不斷取得突破並發生了巨大變化。儘管 3D 打印能夠生成複雜的、仿生的、多材料設計,但尚不適合大規模生產。 向 3D 打印技術添加第四個維度稱為“4D 打印”。有了這個新維度,3D 打印的東西可以獨立於光、熱、電、磁場等環境刺激而改變形狀。印...

  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 467


4D印刷とは アディティブマニュファクチャリングの一種である3D印刷は、現代の製造業で最も破壊的な発明の1つと見なされています。それは、業界におけるコンポーネントと機器の製造方法、およびそれらの設計と開発を根本的に変えました。 3D印刷により、メーカーや研究者は、従来の製造方法では作成できないと以前は考えられていた洗練された形状や構造を作成できます。過去30年間で、3D印刷技術は絶え間ない進歩を遂げ、劇的に変化しました。洗練されたバイオインスパイアードのマルチマテリアルデザインを...