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A obra “A OFERTA ABUSIVA DO CRÉDITO CONSIGNADO AOS APOSENTADOS E O USO INDEVIDO DE DADOS PESSOAIS” se dedica à análise crítica do uso de dados de pessoas idosas para a oferta de crédito consignado. Com a entrada em vigor da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (Lei nº 13.709/2018) e a positivação do direito fundamental à proteção de dados pessoais no art. 5º, LXXIX, da Constituição Federal, houve considerável avanço na tutela dos direitos do cidadão brasileiro no contexto da sociedade da informação. Esta sociedade é caracterizada pelo predomínio das tecnologias digitais, o que expõe a pessoa humana a novos riscos. No caso das pessoas idosas, bancos e instituiç...
This book questions the political tools and the basis upon which the values of an informed and objective communication rest, and that nowadays encompass most of the ordinary situations encountered in institutions. What is the fate of the involuntary drifts of communication, such as disturbances, misunderstandings and troubles, in the use of decision-making tools, participatory mechanisms, and the establishment of contractual procedures or informed consent practices? How do they open a discordant and potentially critical gap in the protocols and assessment and categorization measures that govern these institutions? How can the virtues of these drifts, whether in the exercise of sociological research or of scientific discovery be revalued? Crisis situations seem implicitly or explicitly to involve communicative issues. The efforts of normative framing of communication and of information formatting are then numerous. However, as this book shows, one can question not only the effectiveness of these efforts, but also how the actors receive them and how they transform the actual modalities of their communication processes.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se há responsabilidade civil em caso de vazamento de dados pessoais de segurados do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social – INSS e, à luz da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – LGPD, avaliar se ela é objetiva ou subjetiva. No âmbito do Governo Federal, o Centro de Prevenção, Tratamento e Resposta a Incidentes Cibernéticos de Governo e as Equipes de Tratamento de Incidentes do INSS e da DATAPREV têm identificado incidentes de segurança, em que indica a crescente tentativa de acesso aos dados pessoais sob a custódia dos órgãos públicos, que inclui, também, o INSS como controlador. Nesse contexto, alguns segurados têm ajuizado ação indeniz...
"Missão por demais honrosa é a de prefaciar esta obra, "Superendividamento dos consumidores e o CNJ: aspectos materiais e processuais", coordenada por afamadas juristas, a Professora Claudia Lima Marques, a Advogada Juliana Loss de Andrade, e a Juíza de Direito Trícia Navarro, além deste subscritor, a qual resulta de sugestão apresentada pelo Grupo de Trabalho criado por intermédio da Portaria 55/2022, do Conselho Nacional de Justiça – CNJ. A concretização dessa iniciativa surgiu a partir do propósito de registrar e reunir as valiosas contribuições obtidas ante renomados operadores do Direito, especializados no tema de defesa do consumidor, como produto final dos trabalhos rea...
This volume showcases the presentations and discussions delivered at the 2018 POMS International Conference in Rio. Through a collection of selected papers, it is possible to review the impact and application of operations management for social good, with contributions across a wide range of topics, including: humanitarian operations and crisis management, healthcare operations management, sustainable operations, artificial intelligence and data analytics in operations, product innovation and technology in operations management, marketing and operations management, service operations and servitization, logistics and supply chain management, resilience and risk in operations, defense, and tourism among other emerging Operations Management issues. The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is one of the most important and influential societies in the subject of Production Engineering and, as an international professional and academic organization, represents the interests of professionals and academics in production management and operations around the world.
"In the early modern Iberian book world, as in the European book world more broadly, most works issuing from the presses contained some form of ornamentation. The nineteen contributions presented here cast light on these visual elements-on the production and ownership of printers' materials, and on the frequency with which these materials were exchanged and shared. A third of all items printed in the early modern Iberian world carried no imprint at all; for these items, woodblocks and engravings can assist scholars seeking to identify their place of origin or their date of publication. As importantly, decoration and illustration in early print can also reveal much about the history of the graphic arts and evolving forms of cultural representation"--
This volume features key presentations from the 6th International Congress of Autoimmunity. The International Congress of Autoimmunity has become established as one of the major meetings in the field of immunology, with presentations covering every aspect of basic research in the hopes of clarifying pathogenesis of autoimmune disease as well as providing information on the latest innovations in biological and other modes of treatment. The goal of this volume is to present cutting edge research that focuses in particular on newer diagnostic tools and newer therapies for human autoimmune disease. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
This book focuses on sciences in the universities of Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the chapters in it provide an overview, mostly from the point of view of the history of science, of the different ways universities dealt with the institutionalization of science teaching and research. A useful book for understanding the deep changes that universities were undergoing in the last years of the 20th century. The book is organized around four central themes: 1) Universities in the longue durée; 2) Universities in diverse political contexts; 3) Universities and academic research; 4) Universities and discipline formation. The book is addressed at a broad readership which includes scholars and researchers in the field of General History, Cultural History, History of Universities, History of Education, History of Science and Technology, Science Policy, high school teachers, undergraduate and graduate students of sciences and humanities, and the general interested public.