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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 291


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2025-02-25
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  • Publisher: Oni Press

Maya is a comic book artist in the middle of a creative crisis. She’s constantly stressed about deadlines and feels like she’s not doing the type of work she loves. In between trying to fight her writer’s block and doling out advice to her best friend on how to finally land a date, Maya receives an unexpected visitor: Soma, an extraterrestrial alien who crashlands in Maya’s living room. Soma delivers a message to Maya, warning her that an alien invasion from his own kind is fast approaching, and he needs her help to stop it! From writer Fernando Llor (Ojos Grises, Subnormal: Una Historia de Acoso Escolar) and writer/illustrator Carles Dalmau (Lucid Lucy, Cult of the Lamb) comes Soma, a science-fiction adventure about creativity and companionship during times of peril.

Last Day
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 122

Last Day

Vigo, Spain is ground zero for a rage-inducing plague. Jot, a computer specialist, is thrust into a battle for his life as the streets of the city are drenched in blood and his neighbors and friends become... something else. Something monstrous. They crave death, and falling under their relentless assault means you join their horde. As Jot navigates the city, he begins to uncover secrets the military want hidden. Jot soon finds others unaffected by the contagion: The beautiful and tough Aurea and her team of soldiers who have found a way to kill the infected, although one at a time and a group of scientists huddled in a secret lab working on a possible cure. But tensions mount when clues begin to point to both groups as the source of the contagion. Can a mild-mannered computer programmer, a small team of military specialists, and a few baffled scientists trust each other long enough to save the world? Or can they even save themselves?

Brasil Environment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 92

Brasil Environment

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1991
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Transnational Desires
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

Transnational Desires

Life histories of women negotiating their identities between two worlds

Game au vert - Tome 1
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 82

Game au vert - Tome 1

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-03-30T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: Bamboo

Préparez-vous à la grande aventure que vous offre la nature... Daniel passe sa vie collé à ses jeux vidéo. Alors quand il doit passer quinze jours chez ses grands-parents, à la campagne, sans écran et, pire, sans connexion à un réseau, il a l’impression d’être en enfer. Et ce ne sont pas les jeux de société d’un autre temps qui l’aideront à moins s’ennuyer. Heureusement, son grand-père est un homme plein de ressources. Il se met en tête d’initier le jeune citadin aux petits plaisirs de la nature : faire des ricochets, cueillir des fruits, se baigner dans la rivière... Et quand une mystérieuse femme-louve apparaît pour confier une succession de missions à Daniel, les jeux vidéo paraissent vite bien fades à côté des aventures de « la vraie vie ».

A historia do cómic en Galicia
  • Language: gl
  • Pages: 375

A historia do cómic en Galicia

Os feitos, as publicacións, as historias, precisan ser recompiladas, estudadas, entendidas e mostradas como parta da Historia que son. Este libro de Octavio Beares é o cimento para futuras xeracións de lectores e autores de cómic (Paco Roca), cumpre exhaustivamente este obxectivo e resulta imprescindible para comprender a evolución e o presente da BD galega (Miguelanxo Prado). Unha perfecta radiografía do pasado, o presente e o futuro da nosa BD (David Rubín) sen a que non se pode entender a evolución do cómic moderno sen a fundamental contribución da autoría galega (Álvaro Pons).

Interdisciplinaridade Na Formação de Professores - Da Teoria À Prática
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 124
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1112


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1989
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Arte en las alambradas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 692

Arte en las alambradas

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Un aspecto poco conocido de la historiografía artística del exilio republicano español es la experiencia concentracionaria por la que pasaron decenas de artistas, recluidos inicialmente en campos de concentración en del sur de Francia y del norte de África, y más tarde en los Dulag de tránsito y en los Stalag para prisioneros de guerra, a los que seguirían los campos de exterminio nazis y los gulags soviéticos. Las creaciones fueron debidas a un sentimiento de repulsa encaminado a testimoniar las tendencias más destructivas de la miseria humana, recreando las imágenes del terror, como si se tratase de un acto final de rebeldía que les permitía recuperar su dignidad. Superando la...

La venganza de la Historia/ The Revenge of History
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 218

La venganza de la Historia/ The Revenge of History
