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The Manual of Galician Linguistics provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the current situation of the Galician language and introduces its readers to the most important topics of current linguistic research on Galician. Thevolume includes chapters covering diachronic and synchronic descriptions of all main areas of language structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicology), as well chapters on social and regional variation, language contact, sociolinguistics, language variation and other interesting areas of linguistic research. Rich in descriptive details and grounded in modern linguistic theory, this manual will be an essential research tool for students and researchers who are interested in the Galician language and in Romance linguistics. The preparation of this work has been partially funded through grants from the Ministerio de Cultura of the Government of Spain to the Instituto da Lingua Galega, and from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade of the Xunta de Galicia to the research group Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ED431C 2021/20).
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
In this volume, notable scholars honor James W. Harris for his contributions to Romance phonology. Inscribed within generative grammar, the studies seek to explain various phonological processes, structured around glides, aspects of onsets/codas as well as stress and weight. This book will be a useful reference tool for specialists in theoretical phonology, language acquisition, language in contact, bilingualism, and Spanish dialectology.
This handbook is structured in two parts: it provides, on the one hand, a comprehensive (synchronic) overview of the phonetics and phonology (including prosody) of a breadth of Romance languages and focuses, on the other hand, on central topics of research in Romance segmental and suprasegmental phonology, including comparative and diachronic perspectives. Phonetics and phonology have always been a core discipline in Romance linguistics: the wide synchronic variety of languages and dialects derived from spoken Latin is extensively explored in numerous corpus and atlas projects, and for quite a few of these varieties there is also more or less ample documentation of at least some of their diachronic stages. This rich empirical database offers excellent testing grounds for different theoretical approaches and allows for substantial insights into phonological structuring as well as into (incipient, ongoing, or concluded) processes of phonological change. The volume can be read both as a state-of-the-art report of research in the field and as a manual of Romance languages with special emphasis on the key topics of phonetics and phonology.
Contains the names of the members of the diplomatic staffs of all foreign missions to the U.S. and their spouses, listed in alphabetical order by country. Members of the diplomatic staff are the members of the staff of the mission having diplomatic rank. The report also includes a chronological list of national holidays around the world; a list of diplomats in order of precedence and date of presentation of credentials; and web site and e-mail addresses of embassies.
Unlike most monographs on Spanish phonology and morphology that approach these topics from a structuralist or generativist framework, this volume is written from a less traditional point of view. More specifically, it emphasizes quantitative evidence from sources such as usage-based studies, psycholinguistic experiments, corpus data, and computer simulations. Arguments are presented to demonstrate that these kinds of evidence are crucial for establishing theories of language that relate to the psychological mechanisms involved in producing and comprehending speech, in contrast to theories about abstract linguistic structure. A range of topics is covered including morphological parsing, nominalization, stress, syllable structure, diphthongization, gender, morphophonemic alternations, and epenthesis. An appendix is included that serves as a primer on quantitative linguistic research. It discusses how some of the cited experiments were carried out, provides an introduction to statistical analysis, and discusses tools that are available for conducting quantitative research on the Spanish language.
Spanish Phonology offers a comprehensive analysis of a variety of crucial issues in the phonology and morphophonology of various dialects of Spanish including syllable types, syllabification algorithms, syllable repair mechanisms, syllable mergers, nasal assimilation, obstruent vocalization and spirantization, obstruent neutralization, diphthongs and hiatuses, glide formation, onset strengthening, aspiration, rhotics, velarization, plural formation, word classes, and diminutives. Written from the perspective of optimality theory and with syllabic structure at its core, this volume highlights recent advances in Spanish phonology. The book includes margin notes to highlight key points and a glossary of constraints. Each chapter includes study questions, lists of the most influential sources for each chapter, and topics for further research. Spanish Phonology is intended as core reading for advanced phonology courses in Spanish linguistics, general linguistics, and related areas such as bilingualism, language variation, language acquisition, and speech and hearing.
This volume contains a collection of papers that address issues in Spanish phonology from the perspective of laboratory phonology. It is the first volume on Spanish dedicated exclusively to experimental phonology, and represents the variety of issues in Spanish phonology that can be addressed experimentally as well as the numerous types of experimentation that can be used to further our knowledge of phonological issues. This volume is sure to be an important addition to the library of not only Spanish phonologists, but also of any professional or graduate student interested in the contributions that empirical work can make to the study of phonology.