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A projeção da consciência, também conhecida como experiência fora do corpo, é um fenômeno capaz de descortinar a realidade parapsíquica e multidimensional inerente em nossa consciência. Milhares de pessoas saem de seus corpos todos os dias e, justamente por ser algo subjetivo e transcendente, tal fenômeno merece ser investigado com cientificidade. Este livro apresenta metodologia inédita para o projetor ou projetora redigir e anatomizar suas experiências fora do corpo de modo autocrítico, transformando tais vivências em fontes de auto e heteropesquisas. Neste sentido, a Autoexperimentografia Projeciológica representa método prático para nortear a escrita, análise, síntese, interpretação, comparação e estudo muncioso das manifestações da consciência fora do corpo humano.
Before the late 1980s, when the ideas of sustainability and sustainable development to the forefront of public debate, conventional, neo-classical economic thinking about development and growth had rarely given any consideration to the needs of future generations, or the sustainability of natural resource use. Defining sustainability broadly as intergenerational fairness in the long-term decision making of a whole society, and using established economic concepts, this selection of refereed journal articles brings a famously ill-defined concept into sharp focus, providing academics at all levels with a formidable research tool. Spanning thirty years of the most important philosophical, theoretical and empirical contributions from both critics and defenders of neo-classical assumptions and methods of economic analysis, this focused collection of papers constitutes a unique, balanced resource on the full range of intellectual debates surrounding the economics of sustainability.
A transnational history of the performance, reception, translation, adaptation and appropriation of Bizet's Carmen from 1875 to 1945. This volume explores how Bizet's opera swiftly travelled the globe, and how the story, the music, the staging and the singers appealed to audiences in diverse contexts.
Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel presents a framework of comparative literature based on a systemic and empirical approach to the study of the novel and applies that framework to the analysis of key nineteenth-century Brazilian novels. The works under examination were published during the period in which the forms and procedures of the novel were acclimatized as the genre established and consolidated itself in Brazil.
This book explores, from a transnational viewpoint, the historical relationship between war veterans and fascism in interwar Europe. Until now, historians have been roughly divided between those who assume that 'brutalization' (George L. Mosse) led veterans to join fascist movements and those who stress that most ex-soldiers of the Great War became committed pacifists and internationalists. Transcending the debates of the brutalization thesis and drawing upon a wide range of archival and published sources, this work focuses on the interrelated processes of transnationalization and the fascist permeation of veterans' politics in interwar Europe to offer a wider perspective on the history of both fascism and veterans' movements. A combination of mythical constructs, transfers, political communication, encounters and networks within a transnational space explain the relationship between veterans and fascism. Thus, this book offers new insights into the essential ties between fascism and war, and contributes to the theorization of transnational fascism.
The first English translation of a comprehensive legal history of Europe from the early middle ages to the twentieth century, encompassing both the common aspects and the original developments of different countries. As well as legal scholars and professionals, it will appeal to those interested in the general history of European civilisation.
This reference guide on Roberto Rossellini includes: a biographical sketch; critical overview; chronological listing of films; annotated bibliography of criticism; chronological listing of his writings and other non-directional work; annotated listing of archival sources; and a listing of films.
Though best known for sweeping historical epics such as Scaramouche and the Captain Blood series, Rafael Sabatini also dabbled in nonfiction from time to time, usually with wonderful results. This biography of Italian aristocrat and clergyman Cesare Borgia is packed with the kind of vivid descriptive detail that you don't usually find in musty history books.
The first comprehensive history of the oldest major opera house in the Americas.
In che modo la classe dirigente dello Stato italiano si pose in rapporto al problema dello State-building e, più in particolare, al rapporto centro-periferia? Qual era la composizione sociale e professionale di questa classe dirigente? Attraverso quali strumenti si stabilirono le reti di relazione che intersecarono l’attività svolta dal parlamentare in funzione delle richieste giunte dalla società civile che lo aveva eletto? Qual era il ruolo, in questo contesto, del notabile? Come veniva organizzata la lotta politica in età liberale? Sono queste le domande alla base della presente ricerca che si pone di analizzarle in uno spazio geografico ben preciso, quello della Campania. Emerge dalle seguenti pagine una biografia collettiva di una classe dirigente composta per lo più di notabili decisi a rivendicare, in virtù della propria funzione mediatrice fra lo Stato e la società civile, un ruolo politico in ambito locale o un riconoscimento di prestigio come sigillo ultimo di una intera carriera politica.