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For centuries, artists and designers have been creating communicative graphics. With the advent of new forms of media, the emergence of paradigms such as ubiquitous computing, and the rapid evolution of interaction devices, there is a continuous cycle of renewal of the technologies and methods to support artists, interaction designers and developers. Developingnewapproachesrequiresanunderstandingofthe fundamentals of perception and cognition as they relate to interaction and communication te- nologies, together with arti?cial intelligence and computer graphics techniques to automate reasoning and enhance cognition. Smart Graphics is in essence an interdisciplinary endeavor and brings togethe...
The monograph deals with the topic of ghosts in universal literature from a polyhedral perspective, making use of different perspectives, all of which highlight the resilience of these figures from the very beginning of literature up to the present day. Therefore, the aim of this volume is to focus on how ghosts have been translated and transformed over the years within literature written in the following languages: Classical Greek and Latin, Spanish, Italian, and English.
This volume is the fruit of a highly productive international research gathering academic and professional (field- and museum) colleagues to discuss new results and approaches, recent finds and alternative theoretical assessments of the period of transition and transformation of classical towns in Late Antiquity. Experts from an array of modern countries attended and presented to help compare and contrast critically archaeologies of diverse regions and to debate the qualities of the archaeology and the current modes of study. While a number of papers inevitably focused on evidence available for both Spain and Portugal, we were delighted to have a spread of contributions that extended the picture to other territories in the Late Roman West and Mediterranean. The emphasis was very much on the images presented by archaeology (rescue and research works, recent and past), but textual data were also brought into play by various contributors.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2012, held in Porto, Portugal, in April 2012. The 15 papers were selected from 145 submissions and are presented together with one invited paper. The papers cover the following topics: cloud computing fundamentals, services science foundation for cloud computing, cloud computing platforms and applications, and cloud computing enabling technology.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013, held in Aachen, Germany, in May 2013. The 8 papers presented were selected from 142 paper submissions. The papers cover the following topics: cloud computing fundamentals; services science foundations for cloud computing; cloud computing platforms and applications; and cloud computing enabling technologies.
Apollonius represents a crucial link in the epic tradition spanning Homer and Vergil, but arrestingly, his epic Argonautica rather begins and ends in the style of a Homeric Hymn. This book contends that Apollonius thus frames his poem as an innovative synthesis of both branches of his Homeric inheritance: an “epic hymn” that simultaneously commemorates its protagonists’ glorious deeds and venerates them in their religious capacity as divinized cult heroes. This study—the first-ever in-depth investigation of Apollonius’ profound engagement with the hymnic Homer—promises to reorient scholarly understandings of the Argonautica’s novel narrative strategies, its inclusive conception of heroism, and indeed, its very generic affiliations.
Como os governos são exercidos por pessoas limitadas, são necessários controles que as incentivem a agir no interesse dos governados, reduzam a assimetria de informação e desencorajem a corrupção. Assim, nas democracias exige-se que os governantes se sujeitem à accountability, tanto perante os cidadãos como ante outras instituições. No Brasil, os presidentes da República, governadores e prefeitos devem prestar contas, que são apreciadas pelos tribunais de contas e julgadas pelo Parlamento. Este livro demonstra como a Constituição de 1988 exige que tais contas sejam prestadas e apreciadas. Mostra que o conjunto normativo não atende aosrequisitos constitucionais, em alguns casos por omissão do legislador, noutros por franco desacordo com a Constituição. Finalmente, indica como aperfeiçoar a legislação e qualificar a apreciação das contas dos chefes de Poder Executivo, para fortalecer a accountability horizontal e vertical no país e aprimorar a democracia representativa brasileira.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2014, held in Barcelona, Spain, in April 2014. The 14 papers presented were selected from 127 paper submissions. The papers focus on the following topics: cloud computing fundamentals; services science foundations for cloud computing; cloud computing platforms and applications; cloud computing enabling technologies; and mobile cloud computing services.
Verbalising the Visual: Translating Art and Design into Words by Michael Clarke introduces readers to a broad range of language and terminology: formal and informal, academic and colloquial, global and local, all of which can be found in current art and design discourse. Exploring the complex relationship between language, objects and meaning, Verbalising the Visual shows students how to select and effectively employ language to present oral and written critical assessments of visual culture. It includes a variety of examples and case studies that explore the many ways in which language is used to discuss, describe, analyze and critically evaluate art and design.
Este vigésimo segundo número da revista Archai é, sem dúvida, um dos mais ricos, tanto em extensão quanto em diversidade, tendo em conta os já quase dez anos que passaram desde a sua fundação. São cerca de 400 páginas de produção científica em quatro línguas diferentes (Italiano, Português, Espanhol e Inglês), sobre os mais variados temas e sob uma admirável diversidade teórico-metodológica, que marcam a traço forte o espírito de pluralidade que nos tem definido desde o início. Ao longo deste primeiro decénio que estamos prestes a cumprir, o esforço de consolidação como publicação de referência nacional e internacional tem-nos obrigado a manter um subtil e saudável equilíbrio entre estabilidade e renovação, que acreditamos ser o elemento nuclear para um projeto editorial dedicado ao reexame necessariamente permanente e nunca esgotado das origens da nossa matriz cultural. Excerto do editorial de Rodolfo Lopes