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The latest edition of this text provides a comprehensive overview of the “natural flow of knowledge” regarding inflammatory bowel disease, with an emphasis on state-of-the art approaches that should be the basis for diagnosis and treatment of most patients. In addition to updated chapters, this volume includes new chapters on such topics as the impending biosimilar revolution, quality of care, and new challenges to previously held beliefs about IBD diagnosis, treatment, and pathogenesis. The book is also one of the first to have a chapter written specifically by and for physician extenders in the training of colleagues and the treatment of patients, which is of increasing importance moving forward in the medical profession. Written by experts in the field, Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Third Edition is a valuable resource for physicians, nurses, researchers, and other health care providers interested in the latest cutting-edge knowledge for treating patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Physicians treating patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) often face challenges due to the disease itself, associated conditions, and systemic effects. Recently, new medications have been introduced that allow for more aggressive and effective treatment of IBD. With these medications come the risks of adverse side effects, and physicians must vigilantly monitor for any complications. Drs. Miguel D. Regueiro and Jason Swoger have created a unique, user-friendly book that describes how to prevent, recognize, and manage complications encountered in the care of patients with IBD. Clinical Challenges and Complications of IBD aims to provide practical and clinically oriented information t...
This book is a concise yet comprehensive overview of the use of biologics for the treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The volume details how best to utilize these medications in order to optimize their efficacy and safety, as well as how to understand, recognize, and treat complications that may arise from using biologics to treat IBD. The text also focuses on new data, novel biologics, and biosimilars of this rapidly expanding field. Written by experts in the field, Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Biologics is a valuable resource for gastroenterologists, allied health professionals, fellows, and trainees who treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
This book provides a concise, yet comprehensive overview of cancer risks in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as the screening modalities used to reduce these risks. Each chapter presents a major malignancy that patients with IBD are at risk from, stemming from the disease itself or from the medications used to treat the disease. Malignancies covered include colorectal cancer, skin cancer, lymphoma, and other cancers. Cancer risk and screening with current and emerging drug therapies are also discussed. Written by experts in the field, Cancer Screening in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Guide to Risk Management and Techniques is a valuable resource for gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, and primary care physicians who treat and manage patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
This exciting new volume provides an up-to-date overview of the current state of taxation in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, its main reform needs, and possible reform strategies that take into account the likely economic, institutional, and political constraints on the reform process.
This paper sets out some tools for understanding the performance of the value added tax (VAT). Applying a decomposition of VAT revenues (as a share of GDP) to the universe of VATs over the last twenty years, it emerges that developments have been driven much less by changes in standard rates than by changes in ‘C-efficiency’ (an indicator of the departure of the VAT from a perfectly enforced tax levied at a uniform rate on all consumption). Decomposing C-efficiency into a ‘policy gap’ (in turn divided into effects of rate differentiation and exemption) and a ‘compliance’ gap (reflecting imperfect implementation), results pieced together for EU members suggest that the former are in almost all cases far larger than the latter, with rate differentiation and exemptions playing roles that differ quite widely across countries.
Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of cross-border intercompany transactions. Transfer prices influence the tax base of multinational enterprises, and thus also the fiscal revenues of the countries where they are doing business. The importance of transfer pricing has significantly expanded over time and culminated with the work of the OECD on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). With the globalisation of business activities, the need for States to prevent tax avoidance, and the risk of double taxation faced by multinational enterprises, transfer pricing has become a key question for multinational enterprises and tax administrations alike. Introduction to Transfer Pricing intends at p...
Dr. Loftus is a widely recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease. He has created an issue devoted the current state-of-the-art on Crohn's disease; authors have written comprehensive reviews on the latest research to inform clinical diagnosis and treatment. Articles are devoted to the following topics: Genetics; Epidemiology, natural history, and risk stratification of Crohn’s disease; The microbiome in Crohn’s disease: Role in pathogenesis and role of microbiome replacement therapies; Endoscopic and radiographic assessment of Crohn’s disease; Intestinal and non-intestinal cancer risk in Crohn’s disease; Sexuality, fertility, and pregnancy in Crohn’s diseas...
Table 1 Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Americans (see Colorectal cancer kills more Incidence and Mortality of the Five Most Common Gastrointestinal Malignancies Americans than any other malignancy except for lung cancer. The incidences and mortalities of the major gastrointestinal a a Site Incidence Mortality (GI) malignancies are shown in Table 1. Taken as a group, the five most common GI malignancies account for more cancers Colorectum 53.9 21.6 and more cancer deaths than for any other site. Pancreas 11.1 10.6 Stomach 9.1 4.9 Flexible endoscopy has given physicians unprecedented Liver/intrahepatic bile ducts 6.2 4.4 access to the GI tract. The ability to endoscopically visu- Esophagus 4.5 4.3 alize, biopsy, and apply therapy has had implications for the management of all the major GI malignancies. Accepted Data from SEER database 1992–2002 ( applications of endoscopy range from detection of mal- a Per 100,000.