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This international volume explores the transformations of public space and public transport in response to COVID-19, both those resulting from official governmental regulations and from everyday practices of urban citizens. The contributors discuss how the virus made urban inequalities clearer, and redefined public spaces in the "new normal".
This volume gathers, analyses, discusses and evaluates results of current research on arts and cultural education in Europe, focusing on the challenges of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an increasingly characteristic feature of contemporary societies. Groups with different ethnic, social or cultural backgrounds coexist, interact and merge. The challenges of cultural diversity – its innovative potential as well as tensions and conflicts – are reflected in transnational discourses on education, culture, democracy, and citizenship. Transcultural approaches, multicultural education, and intercultural learning are key concepts. The same challenges are reflected in arts and cultural education within and outside schools, in teachers’ and artists’ training, cultural and educational policies, and research. The thirteen chapters in this book report on nine countries represented in the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO). They showcase good practices in research and teaching, foster the exchange of experiences, stimulate researchers and stakeholders and give insights into their professional practices.
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practices from the angle of anticolonial, postcolonial, and decolonial struggles. These struggles inspired a vast yet underexplored set of ideas about art and cultural practices and did so decades before the acceptance of radical artistic practices by mainstream art institutions. Carlos Garrido Castellano argues that art activism has been confined to a limited spatial and temporal framework—that of Western culture and the modernist avant-garde. Assumptions about the individual creator and the belated...
Esta obra resulta da cooperação entre duas equipes de pesquisadores brasileiros e portugueses que atuam, sobretudo, nas áreas da antropologia e da sociologia urbanas. Trata-se de um livro que busca uma compreensão em profundidade da diversidade e complexidade socioculturais do Rio de Janeiro e de Lisboa. Essas cidades apresentam-se aqui com os seus contextos originais para a reflexão sobre as dinâmicas urbanas, os seus protagonistas sociais, as suas práticas culturais e os processos de reprodução social e de resiliência que constroem a contemporaneidade. Este livro suscitará o interesse de estudantes e pesquisadores das ciências sociais e humanas, assim como do público em geral, de todos aqueles que buscam estimular a sua reflexão sobre contextos e dinâmicas urbanos.
The texts of the book focus on the problems and challenges of urban change, especially in Europe, in the contemporary context of intense mobility. The main topics are mobility, urban social structure, migrations, urban inequalities, urban activism, community, neighbourhood life, uses of public spaces and methodological approaches to urban life such as ethnography.
Cultivating Creativity for Kingdom Flourishing Creating Local Arts Together is a manual that offers a transformative approach to integrating local arts with kingdom work. The practical text reduces experience-based scholarly insights into a flexible seven-step process. The purpose of this manual is to guide your involvement in working toward a new reality, one in which all communities are using all their gifts to worship, obey, and enjoy God. In this revised edition, Brian Schrag has incorporated user feedback, lessons learned, and additional real-life stories of these principles over the last decade. This book includes an added index; periodic reflection questions; case studies from people applying CLAT in various contexts; updated references; and more content devoted to multicultural contexts. Drawing on historically robust discoveries and methods of academic disciplines—ethnomusicology, folklore, performance studies, anthropology, biblical studies, missiology, and ethnodoxology—Creating Local Arts Together teaches about artistic communication within communities, whether cultures close to home or far afield.
A pesquisa realizada no âmbito do projeto “O trabalho da arte e a arte do trabalho: circuitos criativos de formação e integração laboral e imigrantes em Portugal” revela a importância das expressões artísticas para a integração laboral dos imigrantes provenientes de países terceiros à União Europeia em Portugal, tal como a centralidade da arte nas relações económicas e simbólicas entre imigrantes de diversas origens. Nesta investigação identificaram-se e analisaram-se os processos de construção de afinidade e de solidariedade, as redes de sociabilidade, de oportunidades de trabalho e os projetos de vida em torno das práticas artísticas em enfoque analítico. O campo artístico permite vias de inserção no mercado de trabalho e de participação cívica, mas também fomenta a troca de experiências e conhecimentos interculturais. Um dado importante diz respeito às vivências plurais na cidade despoletadas e potenciadas pelas práticas artísticas destes atores.
As expressões artísticas em meio urbano são rico objeto de estudo na atual produção das Ciências Sociais. Este livro enfoca e debate estratégias e experiências de pesquisa, problematizando as práticas artísticas enquanto expressões de identidades múltiplas em contextos urbanos diversos. Os textos refletem sobre a linguagem artística nas suas variadas perspectivas, cujas marcas e inscrições não se esgotam dentro e fora de instituições culturais, galerias de arte, festas, ruas, muros, becos, etc. O ineditismo e originalidade do fio condutor desta coletânea é dialogar sobre expressões artísticas tais como dança (funk, hip hop, samba), manifestações festivas, música, fotografia, enfocando especificamente a perspectiva etnográfica no estudo antropológico dessas expressões em contextos urbanos. Esta obra certamente suscitará o interesse não só de estudantes e pesquisadores de várias áreas, como também do público em geral, interessado na temática das práticas e expressões artísticas em contexto urbano.
In seven chapters, designed to be read in sequence or independently, this book offers a comprehensive approach to theater education, blending the craft of acting with contemporary philosophy, cognition studies and educational concepts. It explores the political and pedagogical aspects of theater teaching, enriched with practical examples. The core objective is to propose guidelines and principles that extend theater education beyond the stage, transforming it into a vital resource for living, regarding ethical aesthetic values and the pressing challenges of an uncertain world. Embracing theatricality as an intrinsic part of human life, these classes assist students in turning their everyday experiences into acts of inventive agency, making their lives a great theater play.