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Drawing from longitudinal research, this book shows how the perspectives of people who have been in care can help us redefine the concept of family. Through a narrative analysis of the complexity of family lives, the author challenges the idea that some families are 'ordinary', while others are troubled, problematic and 'other'.
The First British Crime Survey: An Ethnography of Criminology within Government explores the early history of the British Crime Survey and how government officials, academics, and criminologists address the challenges brought by large-scale data projects.
Dark Emotions is a book about a range of emotional experiences that are often regarded or characterized as ‘negative’, ‘disturbing’ or ‘dark’ as contrasted with emotions that are ‘positive’, ‘pleasant’ or ‘light’. Each chapter in the book is devoted to introducing different ‘dark emotions’ such as disappointment, betrayal, worry, regret, resentment and alienation and seeks to show – through conceptual, theoretical and empirical examples – how these emotions influence peoples’ lives and their relations to self, others and society. The book thus provides an overview of some dark emotions that are recognizable in our everyday lives and culture. It contains accessible introductions and relevant theoretical and empirical research on 12 different kinds of ‘dark emotions’. The chapters are highly useful for teaching sessions and research contexts. Additionally, they provide extensive lists of references for further reading. The book will be particularly useful for students or scholars with an interest in emotion research or related areas, and the book may inspire further investigation of the often- overlooked emotions presented in this volume.
'A book to savour, to practise, and take to heart' Professor Mark Williams 'As clear and inspired as it gets' Ruby Wax Four steps to counterbalance your brain's negativity bias and learn to hardwire happiness in only a few minutes each day. Recent scientific breakthroughs have revealed that what we think and feel changes the brain. Dr Rick Hanson’s Hardwiring Happiness is the first book to show how to transform the simple positive experiences of daily life into neural structures that promote lasting health, contentment, love and inner peace. To keep our ancestors alive, our brain evolved a ‘negativity bias’, which lets positive experiences flow through it like water through a sieve. Yet positive experiences are the building blocks needed for health, happiness and fulfilling relationships. Drawing on neuroscience and the contemplative traditions, Hardwiring Happiness shows how to overcome that negativity bias and get those good experiences into the brain where it can use them, providing the tools we need to heal old wounds, develop our inner resources and, ultimately, transform our lives.
수십 년 경력의 리더십 전문가가 알려주는 성공의 비밀 행동을 바꾸고, 소프트 스킬을 익히며, 일과 삶에서 성장하게 하는 간단한 비법 일상 속 작은 실험 ‘유연함의 기술’을 시도하라! ■ 조직 내 인사이동 때문에 준비도 없이 갑자기 리더가 된다. ■ 회의 중 인간미가 없어 보였다고 상사에게 지적받는다. ■ 프로젝트에 성공하려면 지역 사회로부터 지지를 끌어내야 한다. ■ 자녀 양육 시 예상치 못한 어려움에 봉착해 몹시 난감하다. 예상치 못한 장애물을 만났거나 성장을 위해 대인 기술을 개발하고 싶다면 더 이상 고...
Tu cerebro es, con mucho, el órgano más importante del cuerpo, y lo que sucede en él determina lo que piensas y sientes, dices y haces. Este libro trata de algo muy sencillo, y es el poder oculto que tienen las experiencias positivas cotidianas de cambiar tu cerebro -y por tanto tu vida- para mejor. En él te enseñaré a convertir los momentos buenos en algo que pondrá a tu cerebro rebosante de felicidad, fuerza, tranquilidad, paciencia y confianza. No me refiero a los momentos inusitados y excepcionales; estoy hablando de transformar las experiencias fugaces en mejoras duraderas de tu patrimonio neuronal. Vas a aprender a incorporar la felicidad a tu cerebro, a tu mente y a tu vida. Vas a aprender a cultivar la felicidad.
Pourquoi avons-nous plus facilement tendance à ruminer une expérience désagréable qu'à profiter d'un moment de bonheur ? Parce que depuis l'âge de pierre, notre cerveau est câblé pour accorder plus d'importance au négatif qu'au positif. Pour survivre et transmettre leurs gènes, nos ancêtres des cavernes devaient être particulièrement attentifs aux dangers. Au fil des millions d'années, le cerveau a développé ce penchant négatif. Ce mode de fonctionnement cérébral explique notre difficulté à être heureux, aggravée par un mode de vie contemporain anxiogène et stressant.
„Cultivarea fericirii este una dintre cele mai importante abilități pe care ni le putem dezvolta de-a lungul vieții. Această carte ne pune la dispoziție pași simpli și accesibili pentru a atinge pacea și bucuria.“ Thich Nhat Hanh „Unul dintre cei mai mari specialiști în antrenarea minții ne arată cum să cultivăm părțile bune și utile din interiorul nostru. Un dar inspirat și înțelept, alături de exerciții optimiste, care îi vor ajuta realmente pe cititori. O carte despre speranță și bucurie!“ Dr. Paul Gilbert Creierul nostru învață în permanență, așa că este proiectat să fie schimbat de experiențele pe care le trăim. Rick Hanson, renumit psiholog ...