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This guide is aimed at procurers in the Nordic healthcare sector who are responsible for purchasing textile products and services and assists them in developing processes for establishing suitable and practicable environmental criteria in tender documents. Procurers can learn which aspects in the production and care of textiles have most environmental significance and how these can be addressed through criteria. They can learn more about about the role of ecolabels in procurement and can find links to ready-to-use criteria, and other useful information from national procurement agencies. The guide has been developed in cooperation with a Nordic Network of Procurers in the Health Sector as part of an initiative under the Nordic Action Plan for Sustainable Fashion and Textiles “Well-dressed in a Clean Environment”: It is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Denna guide riktar sig till upphandlare inom den nordiska hälso-och sjukvårdssektorn som ansvarar för inköp av textilprodukter och –service och hjälper dem att utveckla processer för att fastställa lämpliga och användbara miljökriterier i upphandlingsdokument. Upphandlare kan lära sig vilka aspekter av produktion och textilvård som får störst miljöpåverkan och hur dessa kan bemötas med olika kriterier. De kan lära sig mer om miljömärkningars roll vid upphandling och kan hitta länkar till färdiga kriterier och annan användbar information från nationella upphandlingsmyndigheter. Den här guiden har utvecklats i samarbete med ett nordiskt nätverk av upphandlare i hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn som ett led i ett initiativ inom den nordiska handlingsplanen för hållbart mode och textilier, ”Nord en – välklädd i en ren miljö”. Den finansieras av Nordiska ministerrådet.
Denne guide henvender sig til indkøbere i den nordiske sundhedssektor, som er ansvarlige for indkøb af tekstilprodukter og -services, og bistår dem med at udvikle processer til at indføre passende og praktisk gennemførlige miljøkriterier i udbudsdokumenter. Indkøbere kan lære, hvilke aspekter af produktion og behandling af tekstiler der har den største betydning for miljøet, og hvordan disse kan behandles gennem kriterierne. De kan lære mere om miljømærkernes rolle i indkøbsprocessen og finde links til kriterier, der er klar til brug, og andre nyttige oplysninger fra nationale myndigheder. Guiden er udviklet i samarbejde med et nordisk netværk af indkøbere i sundhedssektoren som en del af et initiativ under den nordiske handlingsplan for bæredygtig mode og tekstil “Velklædt i et rent miljø”. Det er finansieret af No rdisk Ministerråd.
Tämä opas on tarkoitettu pohjoismaisille terveydenhuoltosektorin hankkijoille, jotka ovat vastuussa tekstiilituotteiden ja -palveluiden hankinnasta. Opas auttaa heitä kehittämään prosesseja sopivien ja käytännöllisten ympäristökriteerien laatimiseksi tarjousasiakirjoihin. Hankkijat saavat tietää, millä tekijöillä tuotannossa ja tekstiilien huollossa on eniten merkitystä ympäristölle ja miten niitä voidaan käsitellä kriteerien avulla. He tutustuvat ympäristömerkkien rooliin hankinnoissa ja löytävät linkkejä valmiisiin kriteereihin ja muita hyödyllisiä tietoja kansallisista hankintalaitoksista. Opas on laadittu yhteistyössä Pohjoismaisen terveydenhuoltosektorin hankkijoiden kanssa osana Pohjoismaisen kestävän muodin ja tekstiilien toimintasuunnitelmaa “Well-dressed in Clean Environment”. Se on Pohjoismaisen ministerineuvoston rahoittama.
Public institutions, companies and governments in the EU and around the world are increasingly engaging in sustainable public procurement – a broad concept that must consider the three pillars of economic equality, social welfare and public health and environmental responsibility when designing public tenders and finalizing government contracts. This book contributes to the development of life-cycle criteria tools and methodologies for public procurement in the EU. It collects both sector-crossing contributions analysing the most relevant theoretical and legal aspects, including both EU law and contract theory, and sector-specific contributions relating to some of the most important sustai...
Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology, Three Volume Set presents a wide range of topics, ranging from what happens in the body during aging, the reasons and mechanisms relating to those age-related changes, and their clinical, psychological and social modulators and determinants. The book covers the biological and medical aspects of gerontology within the general framework of the biological basis of assessing age, biological mechanisms of aging, age-related changes in biological systems, human age-related diseases, the biomedical practicality and impracticality of interventions, and finally, the ethics of intervention. Provides a ‘one-stop’ resource to information written by world-leading scholars in the field of biomedical gerontology Fills a critical gap of information in a field that has seen significant progress in the last 10 years
The purpose of this study was to clear out how Green Public Procurement has been realized in state framework contracts in the Nordic countries, to propose country-specific ways to improve the situation, and to draw a general model of efficient ways to realize green state framework contracts. The study was carried through in 2014 and 2015 by Bjørn Bauer and Rikke Fischer-Bogason (PlanMiljø, Denmark), Luitzen de Boer and Sigurd Vildåsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and Timo Kivistö (Kivistö Consulting, Finland). The study was supervised by the Working Group of Nordic Council of Ministers for Sustainable Consumption and Production (i.e. HKP-group). In addition to this Full Report, the project has also resulted in a short Summary Report and a power point presentation (slides), including the key findings and conclusions.
Volumes 1 and 2 in the SKALD series present the large and important body of skaldic poetry preserved in sagas about the kings of Norway and other Scandinavian rulers. Vol. 1 is dedicated mainly to court poetry in praise of rulers from the legendary Yngling kings to Olafr Haraldsson (St. Olav) and Knutr Sveinsson (Cnut the Great). Alongside formal commemoration of raids and battles there are dialogues with valkyries, lively travelogue, accounts of miracles, and freestanding stanzas capturing frustrated love and moments of humour. This volume also contains the General Introduction to the series.
Available online: The Nordic countries have a progressive gender policy, and requirements to ensure gender equality and balance are laid down in laws and national strategies. However, the knowledge on the links between gender and climate change has been lacking documentation and has not been shared with relevant Nordic stakeholders and policy makers. The report seeks to close this knowledge gap. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how climate change policies affect gender and vice versa, and it is clear evidence of the importance of- and need to engage women and minorities in climate policy making. This is an important step towards implementing a climate change policy without negative effects on gender. The study gives an overview of existing and lacking sex-disaggregated data as well as a status regarding gender equality in decision-making related to climate policy in the Nordic countries.