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Proceedings of the 19th Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery National Congress (PERHATIKL 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Proceedings of the 19th Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery National Congress (PERHATIKL 2022)

This is an open access book. The ORL-HNS National Congress is a national deliberation event, especially for Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Society members. On this occasion, Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery West Java District were given the trust as the organizer of the 19th National Congress, located at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, West Java which will take place on October 27 - 29, 2022 hybrids. The 19th Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery National Congress consist of executive sessions and scientific, social, artistic, and sports activities. This congress event is held every three years and coincides with the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery anniversa...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1111


We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of The International Conference on Environment and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19 – 2020 (ICETLAWBE 2020). This conference is organized by Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung, Coorporation With Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, STEBI Lampung Indonesia, Asia e University Malaysia, Rostov State University Russia, University of Diponegoro Indonesia, IAIN Palu Indonesia, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia, STEBIS IGM Palembang Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Indonesia, Universitas ...

Amanah Cinta
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 253

Amanah Cinta

Dua hati, bertemu dalam satu titik, memautkan rasa dalam satu kehidupan, mengucap janji dalam satu ikatan, mengatasnamakan sebuah rasa yang teramat dinanti, dan diimpikan, CINTA. Ini kisah sepasang insan, yang telah menemukan makna lima huruf, membuatnya lebih berarti dalam ikatan syah yang dibenarkan Sang Maha Pemberi Cinta. Ini kisah sepasang insan yang mencoba menemukan cinta, dan saat cinta itu ada bersama mereka, mereka mencoba menjalankan dan menjaga amanah dalam cinta itu. Bilang ini pada hati kita ..... Katakan jika kaumulai mengerti akan hadir diriku. Buat ini sebagai kisah. Pendam ini dalam hatimu. Buai aku dengan kasih sayangmu, hingga mata terlelap. Rintangan akan menguatkan cint...

ICOPE 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 601

ICOPE 2020

We are delighted to introduce the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE) 2020 hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, in the heart of the city Bandar Lampung on 16 and 17 October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a model of an online organised event via Zoom. The theme of the 2nd ICOPE 2020 was “Exploring the New Era of Education”, with various related topics including Science Education, Technology and Learning Innovation, Social and Humanities Education, Education Management, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum and Instructions, A...

Wasiat2 Akhir Hayat dari Rasulullah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 220

Wasiat2 Akhir Hayat dari Rasulullah

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Gema Insani

Kematian pasti akan datang menjemput setiap mahkluk yang bernyawa kemudian membawa kita menuju kehidupan yang abadi, namun sayang momen ini masih kurang di persiapkan oleh manusia bahkan mereka lebih yakin dengan kehidupan duniawi yang Terlihat dengan mata sehingga banyak yang menyesal setelah kematian menjemputnya. Melalui wasiat-wasiat yang di tinggalkan oleh Rasullulah dan para sahabat terdahulu semoga dapat menyadarkan kita semua untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar yang di ridhoi oleh Allah SWT.

B-ICSC 2022
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 139

B-ICSC 2022

The 2nd Biennial International Conference on Safe Community (B-ICSC) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference was organized by Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang, Indonesia. It took place at Emersia Hotel & Resort, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia, on 20-21 September 2022. The B-ICSC 2022 theme is Impact of Climate Change on Human Health and Its Implications for Safe Communities. This proceeding consists of 14 papers that have been accepted and presented at the conference. The hope is that scientific attitudes and skills through research will encourage the development of knowledge produced through research from various scholars in various regions. Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of the steering committee colleagues for their cooperation in organizing the conference. Hopefully, these seminars and conferences can be continued in the coming years with more insightful articles from inspiring research. We would also like to thank the invited speakers for their invaluable contributions and for sharing their visions in their talks.

Gelang Hitam
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 377

Gelang Hitam

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-04-01
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  • Publisher: Nawalapatra

Namaku Hanifah. Aku adalah nafsu gentayangan yang terjebak dalam seuntai gelang hitam yang melingkari pergelangan tangan Saras. Ada seutas tali tak kasatmata yang membuatku bisa mengikutinya ke mana pun serta turut merasakan suka dukanya. Menjadi seorang relawan bencana yang meminjamkan telinga untuk cerita-cerita pedih para korban tsunami membuat jiwanya ikut terguncang. Renjanalah yang membuatnya bertahan. Namun, saat kisah cintanya juga terhempas ombak, hidup Saras berderak pecah. Trauma bencana dan cinta berkelindan membuatnya sulit beranjak untuk mencari cinta baru. Ini adalah kisah tentang ia yang merawat luka. Dalam lembaran-lembaran ini, kau akan berkelana dan menginsafi, bahwa kau lebih kuat karena luka batinmu. Buku Persembahan Penerbit Nawalapatra

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 916


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Strategic Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth and Social Change
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 434

Strategic Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth and Social Change

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-01-31
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Obtaining the ultimate objective of economic growth depends largely on the availability of infrastructure in the economy. New developments in finance also play an important role in enhancing economic prosperity in a country. Strategic Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth and Social Change explores different avenues of research in the areas of corporate governance, socioeconomic conditions, modern business infrastructure, business automation, strategic financial management, and financial aspects of modern businesses. This reference work discusses practical applications, skills, practices, and strategies involved in economic and business growth, and overall economic development. Academicians, practitioners, professionals, and researchers will benefit from the topics discussed in this book.