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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 150


Buku Sendi Kata berisi sajak yang dipersembahkan oleh Rofik Hariyadi sebagai suatu pengantar karya selanjutnya. Dilengkapi nuansa cerpen dari Fitroh Nuraini yang menjadi pengembang dalam terciptanya buku ini. Sendi Kata merupakan gabungan dari beberapa kata yang dikemas dalam bentuk cerita pendek berlandaskan pengalaman terdahulu. Dibumbuhi sajak-sajak terpisah untuk mengawali cerita yang ada. Jika suatu karya disusun dalam keindahan dan kerapian tulisannya. Berbeda dengan Sendi Kata yang tujuannya sebagai penghubung kritikus sastra dalam menjamah karya ini. Penulis merupakan pakar dalam bidangnya, namun sengaja menampilkan karya terdahulunya yang dipadukan oleh karya pemula dari cerpen Fitroh Nuraini.

Liburan Sahabat Fitrah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 75

Liburan Sahabat Fitrah

Catatan liburan dengan segala rasanya. Apa saja sih catatan liburan SFiers yang ada di buku ini? Ada banyak dong! Ada cerita menarik dari Alzena saat di Solo, Zena mengunjungi Omah Lowo atau biasa disebut Rumah Batik oleh warga sekitar. Disana Zena foto-foto di taman nya karena taman di Omah Lowo itu bagus buat foto-foto. Berikutnya ada cerita menarik dari Radith. Pada saat liburan, tetangga Radith secara tiba-tiba menanyakan ukuran sepatu nya Radith. Dan ternyata, tetangga Radith itu ngasih sepatu yang mereknya itu merek sepatu impian Radith. Selanjutnya ada cerita menarik dari Rafa. Liburan kemarin, Rafa sempat bertemu dengan teman online dari game War of Tank Blitz. Lalu ada cerita menari...

Ramadhannya Sahabat Fitrah 1445 edition
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 105
Orangtuanya Manusia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 240

Orangtuanya Manusia

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2012-01-01
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  • Publisher: Kaifa

Lewat buku ringan dan praktis ini, Munif Chatib ingin membantu para orangtua menyukseskan pendidikan anak-anaknya. Berdasarkan pengalamannya sebagai praktisi pendidikan, baik mengajar langsung maupun menjadi konsultan, penulis bestseller Sekolahnya Manusia dan Gurunya Manusia ini memberikan wawasan baru yang mengubah paradigma orangtua bahwa setiap anak itu cerdas, setiap anak berpotensi, setiap anak adalah bintang, dan tak ada ?produk? yang gagal. [Mizan, Kaifa, Motivasi, Indonesia]

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 685

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)

This is an open access book. The rapid advancement of technology has created new civilization in this digital era which affects almost all aspects of life including language, literature, culture, and education. The digital era brings opportunities as well as challenges that people have to deal with. Thus, some adjustments need to be done in order to keep up with those changes. Studies on language, literature, culture, and education need to be continuously conducted and developed to revitalize those aspects in facing the dynamic changes of the digital era. In relation to this, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPBS UPI) hosts this year’s Interna...

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023)

This is an open access book. This Flourishing Humanity conference is hosted annually in September, and provides a number of research results in relation to the leading scholarly topics on social science and humanities. The conference seeks leading themes of a variety of interdisciplinary specialties, which bridges scholars’ discussions to present their papers and converse on the theme of flourishing humanity. This event of flourishing humanity is designed in the focus on life satisfaction, prosperity, wholeness, adaptiveness, authenticity, life measurement, and autonomy. The conference was held in 21 June 2023 in Malang, Indonesia in the form of hybrid, which presents keynote speakers, plenary sessions and invited lecturers in parallel sessions. All participants will have a virtual access to join the conference and all authors will have opportunities to present their work either the virtual or on-site mode.

Risk Culture - Bilingual Version
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Risk Culture - Bilingual Version

Nurturing a risk culture requires collaboration between Leadership, Integrated Risk Management & Smart Change Management. The author has shown the best, applicable, and comprehensive way to realize the process of nurturing a risk culture effectively in order to deal with various VUCA situations (Volatile, Uncertainty, Complex, & Ambiguous) and the demands of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In this book, we will learn several things related to risk culture which are explained in two languages (English and Bahasa Indonesia), such as: · Collaboration of Leadership, Integrated Risk Management, and Smart Change Management · New Risk Management Framework based on ISO31000: 2008 · The challenges and best practices in nurturing a risk culture · The implementation of Smart Change Management in Nurturing Risk Culture · Leadership as the Key of Risk Culture Implementation · Digitalization of Risk Management · The example of Risk Culture Roadmap and the best way to run the Control - Monitoring system · Paper entitled Risk Culture As a Solution to Face Covid-19 Pandemic, which has been presented at an international conference and published in the International Journal of Management

Tuntunan Praktis
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 114

Tuntunan Praktis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

TUNTUNAN PRAKTIS Penulis : MAMAN Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm No. QRCBN :62-39-1593-945 Terbit : Agustus 2022 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis : Cara berdzikir yang diajarkan Rosulullah saw kepada Sayidina Ali : Wahai Ali, pejamkan matamu dan rapatkan bibirmu, lipat lidahmu ke langit-langit mulutmu dan berdzikirlah Allah.. Allah.. Allah.. dalam hatimu ( HR. THABRANI/BAIHAQI ) Sesuai ajaran Al Qur’an sebelum berdzikir sebaiknya kita sholat dan berdo’a terlebih dahulu. Dimulai dengan sholat wajib, sholat sunah taubat, sholat sunat hajat dan istiharoh, kemudian berdo,a dan selanjutnya diakhiri dengan berdzikir… Sholat dan do’a sebelum dzikir-meditasi merupakan sarana agar suasana hening, suasana sakral...

Distance Learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning in Mathematics Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 219

Distance Learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning in Mathematics Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-07-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book builds on current and emerging research in distance learning, e-learning and blended learning. Specifically, it tests the boundaries of what is known by examining and discussing recent research and development in teaching and learning based on these modalities, with a focus on lifelong mathematics learning and teaching. The book is organized in four sections: The first section focuses on the incorporation of new technologies into mathematics classrooms through the construction or use of digital teaching and learning platforms. The second section presents a wide range of perspectives on the study and implementation of different tutoring systems and/or computer assisted math instruction. The third section presents four new innovations in mathematics learning and/or mathematics teacher education that involve the development of novel interfaces’ for communicating mathematical ideas and analyzing student thinking and student work. Finally, the fourth section presents the latest work on the construction and implementation of new MOOCs and rich media platforms developed to carry out specialized mathematics teacher education.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 2035


  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2020-04-08
  • -
  • Publisher: LTMPT.AC.ID

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