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In Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance, Florentine Koppenborg argues that the regulatory reforms taken up in the wake of the Fukushima disaster on March 11, 2011, directly and indirectly raised the costs of nuclear power in Japan. The Nuclear Regulation Authority resisted capture by the nuclear industry and fundamentally altered the environment for nuclear policy implementation. Independent safety regulation changed state-business relations in the nuclear power domain from regulatory capture to top-down safety regulation, which raised technical safety costs for electric utilities. Furthermore, the safety agency's extended emergency preparedness regulations expanded...
No detailed description available for "Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance".
This book identifies second stage challenges and opportunities for expanding renewable energy into a mainstay of electricity generation that can replace fossil fuels and nuclear power, comparing Japan with several countries in East Asia and Northern Europe. Environmentally sustainable renewable energy technologies have now overtaken fossil fuel and nuclear technologies in terms of total global investment, and the costs of these technologies and related ones (e.g. storage batteries) are rapidly falling. Yet renewable energy use varies greatly from country to country. Major second stage obstacles to replacing fossil and nuclear-fueled electricity generation include the lack of electricity grid...
Through a discourse analysis of Japanese parliamentary debates, this book explores how different understandings of Japan’s history have led to sharply divergent security policies in the postwar period, whilst providing an explanation for the much-debated security policy changes under Abe Shinzō. Analyzing the ways identities can be constructed through ‘temporal othering,’ as well as ‘spatial othering,’ this book examines the rise of a new form of identity in Japan since the end of the Cold War, one that is differentiated not from prewar and wartime Japan, but from postwar Japan. The champions of this identity, it argues, see the postwar past as a shameful period, characterized by ...
The year 1973 is usually considered the great equaliser among major oil producers. But the 'Visions' strategies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, a so-called middle power and small state in the Middle East regional system, point to broadening economic relations as a great enhancer of economic power. This book explores the impact of regime type and leadership style on the two countries' foreign policies. It reveals how autonomy and influence, threat perception and alliance patterns are folded into the complex and personal riyal politik and economic statecraft that sit at the core of their international relations.
CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY SUNDAY TIMES AND HISTORY TODAY 'Absolutely stunning. . . a formidable achievement. A six-part historical thriller that is essential reading for both our politicians and the ordinary citizen' Kai Bird Best-selling historian Serhii Plokhy returns with an illuminating exploration of the atomic age through the history of six nuclear disasters In 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the following days, explosions would rip buildings apart, three reactors would go into nuclear meltdown, and the surrounding area would be swamped in radioactive water. It is now considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters ever. B...
L'11 marzo 2011, l'onda di uno tsunami alta oltre tredici metri si abbatté sulla centrale nucleare di Fukushima, in Giappone. Nei giorni successivi, una serie di esplosioni portò alla parziale fusione di tre reattori e a un riversamento incontrollato di acqua radioattiva nell'area circostante. Si trattò di uno dei più gravi disastri nucleari di sempre. Ma non fu il più tragico. Nell'aprile del 1986, a Cernobyl', nell'ex Unione Sovietica, l'esplosione e l'incendio del reattore liberarono nell'atmosfera una quantità tale di radiazioni da provocare un numero impressionante, ancorché imprecisato, di vittime. Prima ancora era stata la volta di Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, di Windscal...
Die 46ste Ausgabe des VSJF Japan Jahrbuchs beginnt mit zwei Sonderbeiträgen zu Japans außenpolitischem Wirken in den gegenwärtigen Zeiten zunehmender geopolitischer Spannungen und versammelt zudem vier Übersichtsbeiträge und vier Forschungsartikel – die ein Double-Blind-Begutachtungsverfahren erfolgreich durchlaufen haben – in den Sektionen Außen- und Innenpolitik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Japans.
Die 47ste Ausgabe des Japan Jahrbuchs versammelt insgesamt drei Übersichtsbeiträge und neun Forschungsartikel – die ein Double-Blind-Begutachtungsverfahren erfolgreich durchlaufen haben – in den Sektionen Innen- und Außenpolitik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Japans. Die Analysen geben Einblicke in Japans aktuelle Entwicklungen in einer Zeit zunehmender geopolitischer Spannungen, in der Japan sich in einem sich wandelnden globalen Umfeld neu positionieren muss.
Wie kaum ein japanischer Premierminister vor ihm scheint der seit 2012 wieder amtierende Shinzō Abe die Politik seines Landes grundlegend zu verändern. Als Spross einer Politikerdynastie eigentlich ein typischer Vertreter des politischen Establishments, verspricht er in allen zentralen Politikfeldern – von der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, über die Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik, bis hin zur Energiepolitik –, alte Gewissheiten und Strukturen in Frage zu stellen. Dazu kommt, dass es Abe gelungen ist, im notorisch instabilen Regierungssystem Japans eine ungewöhnlich populäre und scheinbar fest im Sattel sitzende Regierung zu formen. Doch gleichzeitig regt sich Widerstand vor allem bei der japanischen Jugend, die mit Großdemonstrationen und neuen Formen des Protests auf sich aufmerksam macht. Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge beleuchten diese und weitere Trends der Ära Abe.