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The brainstem is one of the least understood parts of the human brain despite its prime importance for the maintenance of basic vital functions. Owing to its role as a relay station between spinal cord, cerebellum and neocortex, the brainstem contains vital nodes of all functional systems in the central nervous system, including the visual, auditory, gustatory, vestibular, somatic and visceral senses, and the somatomotor as well as autonomic nervous systems. While the brainstem has been extensively studied in animals using invasive methods, human studies remain scarce. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a non-invasive and widely available method is one possibility to access the brainstem in...
Written by over 60 scientists and clincicians from the United States, mainland China, Germany, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Portugal and Hong Kong, Current Research in Acupuncture discusses recent advances in acupuncture research in a modern scientific language. The first 5 chapters investigate the basic mechanisms of acupuncture. Later chapters explore topics including acupuncture treatment and potential mechanisms for epilepsy, Parkinson’s diseases, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular cognitive impairment, aging, anxiety, polycystic ovary syndrome, pain, nerve root cervical spondylosis, stroke, imflamation, myocardial ischemia and other cardiovascular disease...
This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Previous studies showed that both healthy and pathological aging are associated with changes in brain structure and function of the mature human brain. The most prominent anatomical alteration are changes in prefrontal cortex morphology, volume loss and reduced white-matter integrity and hippocampal atrophy. Cognitive decline affects mainly the performance of episodic memory, speed of sensory information processing, working memory, inhibitory function and long-term memory. It has been also proposed that due to the aforementioned changes the aging brain engages in compensatory brain mechanism such as a broader activation of cortical regions (mainly frontal) rather than specialized activation....
Etwa jede 10. Frau im fruchtbaren Alter leidet an Endometriose. Trotz ihrer hohen klinischen Relevanz ist diese Erkrankung weitgehend unbekannt. Da die etablierte Schulmedizin keine dauerhafte Heilung anbieten kann, zeigt die Endometriose typischerweise einen chronisch-rezidivierenden Verlauf, weswegen die betroffenen Frauen oft nach alternativen Therapieoptionen suchen. Der Ratgeber beschreibt die Erkrankung und ihre schulmedizinischen Therapieformen sowie darüber hinausgehende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten wie Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin, Homöopathie, Phytotherapie und Ernährungsmedizin. Er geht auf psychosomatische sowie sozialmedizinische Aspekte ein und entwirft einen integrativen Behandlungsansatz.
For twenty-four years, Llewellyn's Herbal Almanac has provided enthusiasts of all skill levels with a wealth of practical ideas on growing, using, and benefiting from nature's most dynamic plants. This impressive guide is packed with valuable information, including gardening resources, hands-on project ideas, and dozens of helpful tips and techniques. Discover a wealth of innovative herbal ideas that span gardening, cooking, crafts, health, beauty, history, and lore. This year's edition also includes profiles for mustard, elderberry, bay, and summer savory. Whether you are interested in herbs for stir-fries, no-cook sauces and marinades, foot baths, natural-made dolls, or Victorian houseplants, this wonderful almanac has something to delight your herbal practice.
The acclaimed author of Pandora’s Lunchbox and former New York Times reporter delivers an “entertaining and highly useful book that gives you the tools to understand how alternative medicine works, so you can confidently make up your own mind” (The Washington Post). We all know someone who has had a seemingly miraculous cure from an alternative form of medicine: a friend whose chronic back pain vanished after sessions with an acupuncturist or chiropractor; a relative with digestive issues who recovered with herbal remedies; a colleague whose autoimmune disorder went into sudden inexplicable remission thanks to an energy healer or healing retreat. The tales are far too common to be comp...
Lassen Sie mich ein kleines Geständnis ablegen: Beim Schreiben dieses Editorials habe ich mich mehrmals dabei erwischt, dass ich mit meinen Gedanken von der Aufgabe wegdriftete. Ich musste mich selbst mit einem strengen »Jetzt konzentrier dich!« aus der geistigen Abwesenheit holen, um den Fokus zurück auf den Text vor mir zu richten. Mit solchen Erfahrungen bin ich sicher nicht allein; laut Studien verbringen Menschen im Schnitt rund die Hälfte ihrer Wachzeit mit Tagträumen. Der Zustand hat nachweislich mehrere Vorteile. So beflügelt der »Blick nach innen« die Kreativität und fördert das laterale Denken. Der Psychologe Jonathan Smallwood, der seit zwei Jahrzehnten abschweifende Ge...