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Minimally invasive surgery has evolved as an alternative to the traditional approaches in orthopedic surgery and has gathered a great deal of attention. Many surgeons are now p- forming all types of procedures through smaller surgical felds. Along with changes in the surgical technique, there have been rapid advances in computer navigation and robotics as tools to enhance the surgeon’s vision in the limited operative felds. With these new techniques and technologies, we must ensure that these procedures are performed safely and effectively with predictable clinical outcomes. This book has been expanded from our previous publi- tions to include spine and foot and ankle surgery, along with u...
Dear Colleague and Participant in Bioceramics and Alternative Bearings in Joint th ® Arthroplasty: 11 International BIOLOX Symposium We are once again very proud of the fact that we have been able to provide you with the proceedings of this Symposium as a part of your registration materials. This is a mayor achievement that could only be made possible by the excellent cooperation of all of the speakers, the publishing house and their staff and the Symposium Administrator and her support staff. Our special thanks to all of them for their hard work and dedication to meet the difficult deadlines required to make this a reality. The proceedings for this Symposium continue the on-going tradition...
Filling a gap in the literature, this is the first book to comprehensively discuss 3D printing applied to bone surgery. It provides both the scientific basics and practical applications, with a special focus on 3D-printed, custom-made titanium prostheses (3DPCMP) used for bone reconstruction following tumor resection. Initially applied to pelvic and scapular prostheses – because of their of highly complex anatomy – this technology is increasingly being adopted in other fields of orthopedics, such as limb surgery, traumatology and degenerative diseases. Throughout the book, experts from various fields share their knowledge, describing 3D printing applied to the reconstruction of different bone segments, reviewing each application and comparing it with traditional reconstruction. They also present real-world case studies from their clinical practice. Uniquely responding to the growing interest surrounding 3D printing for bone reconstruction, this book is invaluable for orthopedic, neuro- , head and neck as well as maxillofacial surgeons wishing to gain insights into this new and promising field.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of current arthroscopic techniques for the management of ankle joint disorders. An introductory section clearly and accessibly explains the anatomy in question, the portal placement and other ankle procedures, addressing both the articular and extra-articular compartments. All currently available minimally invasive surgical options and the management of various upper and lower lesions of the ankle are then described step by step, discussing the main issues concerning each of them and sharing useful tips and tricks. A closing chapter is devoted to rehabilitation, which greatly differs in patients treated with arthroscopic procedures and those underg...
Dieses Buch thematisiert die Unterschiede/Hintergründe und die Vor- und Nachteile, die man bei der Indikationsstellung für oder gegen eine Kurzschaftendoprothese am Hüftgelenk abwägen sollte. Grundsätzlich liegt das Bestreben der orthopädischen Chirurgie darin, eine hüftendoprothetische Primärversorgung möglichst knochensparend und weichteilschonend durchzuführen, um so den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Revisionsoperation zu legen. Aufgrund der noch ausstehenden Langzeitresultate von Kurzschaftprothesen werden aber konventionelle Standardschäfte gegenüber knochensparenden Hüftimplantaten nach wie vor bevorzugt. Auf dem neusten Stand der Entwicklung diskutieren die Autoren osteologische Aspekte der Kurzschaftendoprothesen. Sie setzen sich vor dem Hintergrund der rasanten Entwicklung immer weiterer Modelle mit der Nomenklatur und Einteilung der verschiedenen Kurzschaftendoprothesen auseinander und stellen darüber hinaus die gängigsten Modelle ausführlich vor.
Noi siamo quello che altri hanno voluto che diventassimo. Facciamo in modo che diventiamo quello che noi avremmo (rafforzativo di saremmo) voluto diventare. Oggi le persone si stimano e si rispettano in base al loro grado di utilità materiale da rendere agli altri e non, invece, al loro valore intrinseco ed estrinseco intellettuale. Per questo gli inutili sono emarginati o ignorati.
Rappresentare con verità storica, anche scomoda ai potenti di turno, la realtà contemporanea, rapportandola al passato e proiettandola al futuro. Per non reiterare vecchi errori. Perché la massa dimentica o non conosce. Denuncio i difetti e caldeggio i pregi italici. Perché non abbiamo orgoglio e dignità per migliorarci e perché non sappiamo apprezzare, tutelare e promuovere quello che abbiamo ereditato dai nostri avi. Insomma, siamo bravi a farci del male e qualcuno deve pur essere diverso!