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Une introduction à la psychologie communautaire, s'adressant aux étudiants en psychologie. Porte sur les conditions psychosociales ayant une influence sur le bien-être des personnes et des communautés. [SDM].
Oui, les femmes ne sont pas des hommes comme les autres ! Pourtant, aujourd’hui encore, pour réussir, elles sont contraintes de se comporter selon des modèles masculins. C’est pourquoi tant d’entre elles craquent et souffrent. Se réaliser pour une femme est possible ! Mais ce n’est pas facile... Comment s’épanouir dans sa vie privée, familiale et professionnelle ? Comment tout mener de front, assumer ses choix, ses ambitions, sans souffrance ni culpabilité ? Est-ce aux seules femmes de réagir ? Ou à la société de leur donner toute leur place ?Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve nous propose de nouvelles réponses dans ce livre plein de sensibilité et d’énergie, pour que chaque femme puisse être tout à la fois féminine, active et épanouie. Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve est médecin psychiatre à l’hôpital Sainte-Anne à Paris et consultante en entreprise. Elle est l’auteur de Les Femmes face à l’alcool. Résister et s’en sortir et conseillère municipale à Montrouge, en banlieue parisienne.
This collection of essays takes the reader from the early 19th century struggle between female midwives and male physicians right up to the late 20th century emergence of professionally trained women physicians vying for a place in the medical hierarchy. The bitter conflict for control of birthing and other aspects of domestic health care between female lay healers, particularly midwives, and the emerging male-dominated medical profession is examined from new perspectives. Published in English.
This is the first in-depth guide to global community psychology research and practice, history and development, theories and innovations, presented in one field-defining volume. This book will serve to promote international collaboration, enhance theory utilization and development, identify biases and barriers in the field, accrue critical mass for a discipline that is often marginalized, and to minimize the pervasive US-centric view of the field.
Bringing anthropological perspectives to bear on addiction, the contributors to this important collection highlight the contingency of addiction as a category of human knowledge and experience. Based on ethnographic research conducted in sites from alcohol treatment clinics in Russia to Pentecostal addiction ministries in Puerto Rico, the essays are linked by the contributors' attention to the dynamics—including the cultural, scientific, legal, religious, personal, and social—that shape the meaning of "addiction" in particular settings. They examine how it is understood and experienced among professionals working in the criminal justice system of a rural West Virginia community; Hispano ...
The increasing proportion of women in the medical profession has been followed keenly both by conservative and feminist observers during the past three decades. Statistics both in Europe and in the United States tend to confirm that women work mainly in niches of the health care system or medical specialties characterized by relatively low earnings or prestige. The segregation of medical work has become increasingly recognized as a sign of inequality between female and male members of the medical profession.Medicine as a social organization is not a universal structure: Health care systems vary in the extent to which physicians work in the private or public sector and in the extent to which ...
These proceedings are organized into 3 main sections: defining the problem; roots of dependence and independence; and strategies for change. The appendices contains a list of participants; notes on films and videotapes available for showing at the consultation; and a list of resources compiled by the Health Promotion Directorate.
Les evenements retentissants qui, a la fin du XVIIIe siecle, ebranlent la France, puis toute l'Europe, sont ici les prismes qui permettent de poser un regard nouveau sur la composition des idees et sur les mouvements qui ont transforme les mentalites et les structures politiques au Bas-Canada; ils replacent ainsi en perspective les debats et les courants d'idees qui traversent presentement notre societe: droits collectifs, droits individuels, nations, nationalite et nationalisme, jacobinisme et decentralisation.