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Drawing on an eclectic array of research and evaluative studies culled from a mix of sources, this volume analyzes Brazilian hospital performance along several policy dimensions including resource allocation and use within hospitals, hospital payment mechanisms, organizational and governance arrangements, management practices, and regulation and quality. An agenda for hospital reform is proposed which synthesizes priorities that are integral to improving hospital performance-and which should be considered for implementation in the near and medium term.
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to how the legal dimension of prevention against harm and loss allocation is treated in the Brazil. This traditional branch of law not only tackles questions which concern every lawyer, whatever his legal expertise, but also concerns each person’s most fundamental rights on a worldwide scale. Following a general introduction that probes the distinction between tort and crime and the relationship between tort and contract, the monograph describes how the concepts of fault and unlawfulness, and of duty of care and negligence, are dealt with in both the legislature and the courts. The b...
A história secreta de como e por que o Procurador Geral da República Augusto Aras desmontou a Força-Tarefa da Operação Lava Jato, expôs a Ong Transparência Internacional, deixou de denunciar o então presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro durante a trágica gestão de seu governo na pandemia e atuou para desarticular três conluios golpistas que ameaçaram a democracia brasileira entre 2021 e 2022. Mais um livro revelador do autor da trilogia "Trapaça", também publicada pela Geração Editorial. Opinião "Luís Costa Pinto podia ser íntimo dos políticos, mas nunca cúmplice. Na relação, muitas vezes promíscua, entre repórteres e fontes, numa cidade que respira poder, Luís Costa Pinto sempre soube separar as coisas." Ricardo Kotscho Jornalista, foi secretário de imprensa da Presidência da República no governo Lula "Luís Costa Pinto, testemunha da história, foi também um de seus maiores protagonistas." Luiz Fernando Emediato Editor e Publisher – Prêmio Esso de Jornalismo, foi editor do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e Diretor-Executivo de Jornalismo do SBT
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, S+SSPR 2014; comprising the International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, SSPR, and the International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, SPR. The total of 25 full papers and 22 poster papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: graph kernels; clustering; graph edit distance; graph models and embedding; discriminant analysis; combining and selecting; joint session; metrics and dissimilarities; applications; partial supervision; and poster session.
Pattern recognition is a central topic in contemporary computer sciences, with continuously evolving topics, challenges, and methods, including machine learning, content-based image retrieval, and model- and knowledge-based - proaches, just to name a few. The Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recog- tion (CIARP) has become established as a high-quality conference, highlighting the recent evolution of the domain. These proceedings include all papers presented during the 15th edition of this conference, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in November 2010. As was the case for previous conferences, CIARP 2010 attracted parti- pants from around the world with the aim of promoting and disseminating - goin...
Contains records describing books, book chapters, articles, and conference papers published in the field of Latin American studies. Coverage includes relevant books as well as over 800 social science and 550 humanities journals and volumes of conference proceedings. Most records include abstracts with evaluations.
A responsabilidade civil prevista na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD - Lei n. 13.709/2018) é objetiva ou subjetiva? Afinal, qual o nexo de imputação adotado pela LGPD? A resposta a essa pergunta ainda provoca expressiva divergência na doutrina e é essencial para a adequada reparação dos danos decorrentes de tratamento irregular de dados pessoais. Nesse sentido, a presente obra traz subsídios para a interpretação do nexo de imputação adotado pela LGPD. A partir da análise das noções de culpa e risco e das características do tratamento irregular de dados pessoais, o estudo apresenta equilíbrio ideal entre o direito fundamental à proteção de dados pessoais com sua influência europeia e alemã e as nuances da responsabilidade civil no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Trata-se de leitura essencial para análise de casos e estudos de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e de Responsabilidade Civil.