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A correspondencia de Carballo Calero a Paco del Riego son a constatación dunha profunda amizade e tamén a crónica dunha época. Ao longo de cincuenta anos, estas cartas reflicten o proceso de elaboración da obra dun dos grandes intelectuais galegos do século XX. Desde o galeguismo da época de 1930 ata o período na cátedra de galego da Universidade de Santiago, pasando polo silencio da Guerra Civil, o cárcere, a relación coa Editorial Galaxia ou a entrada na Real Academia Galega, a correspondencia reuinida neste libro permite un contacto directo coa personalidade do inesquecible profesor e co seu tempo.
O epistolario, froito dunha vella e duradeira amizade, reflicte a preocupación de Lapa polo achegamento entre Portugal e Galicia e pola recuperación e os logros da literatura galega contemporánea, así como por diversas cuestións culturais de interese compartido nunha e outra banda do Miño.
Velaquí, con ese espírito, o retrato de quen queimou a vida na construción dunha Galicia dona de seu. Malores Villanueva achéganos nesta biografía, froito de horas de conversas, a vida e a obra de Francisco Fernández del Riego, homenaxeado co Día das Letras Galegas de 2023, sesenta anos despois de que el mesmo propuxese á RAG o 17 de maio como data para esta festividade da cultura galega. Nacionalista de corazón e de razón, mantivo unha traxxectoria firme, sen traizoar nunca os seus ideais. Membro do Partido Galeguista e do Seminario de Estudos Galegos, activista universitario, fundador de Editorial Galaxia, codirector da revista Grial, director da Fundación Penzol, presidente da Real Academia Galega, tradutor, editor e articulista incansable, son algunhas das innumerables facetas de quen se definía como “un optimista radical”.
Acclaimed Galician poet gave this talk on poetry and the poem as her inaugural speech on being invested as a member of the Royal Galician Academy in September 2017. It is a seminal text on the nature of poetry and being. The translation is by Erín Moure. This edition contains small corrections.
Galician audio/visual culture has experienced an unprecedented period of growth following the process of political and cultural devolution in post-Franco Spain. This creative explosion has occurred in a productive dialogue with global currents and with considerable projection beyond the geopolitical boundaries of the nation and the state, but these seismic changes are only beginning to be the subject of attention of cultural and media studies. This book examines contemporary audio/visual production in Galicia as privileged channels through which modern Galician cultural identities have been imagined, constructed and consumed, both at home and abroad. The cultural redefinition of Galicia in t...
This book examines contemporary audio/visual production in Galicia as privileged channels through which modern Galician cultural identities have been imagined, constructed and consumed, both at home and abroad.
This is the first feminist and postcolonial analysis of Galician cultural nationalism and its relation to the Spanish state and Spanish centralism.
Friedman and a distinguished group of contributors offer a compelling analysis of globalization and the lethal explosiveness that characterizes the current world order. In particular, they investigate global processes and political forces that determine networks of crime, commerce and terror, and reveal the economic, social and cultural fragmentation of transnational networks. In a critical introduction, Friedman evaluates how transnational capital represents a truly global force, but geographical decentralization of accumulation still leads to declining state hegemony in some areas and increasing hegemony in others. The authors examine the growth and increasing autonomy of indigenous popula...
This collective work aims to compare media (and in particular cultural press) in Francoist Spain and Communist Romania, placing the two opposing paradigms in a common approach with the intention of identifying shared patterns and intricate connections between them, but, at the same time, without ignoring their radical differences. This comparison is performed both explicitly, through several chapters focusing on the general methodological implications of such a comparison between Francoist Spain and Communist Romania in the development of totalitarian / dictatorial propagandistic systems; and implicitly, by offering the academic frame to a series of case studies from both regimes. The contri...