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This up-to-date textbook of global vegetation ecology, which comprises the current state of knowledge, is long overdue and much-needed. It is a translation of the textbook “Vegetation der Erde” (Springer-Spektrum, Heidelberg). A short introductory chapter deals with the fundamentals of vegetation ecology that are of importance for the delimitation and characterization of the global vegetation presented in this book (chorology, evolution of plants, physiognomic and structural characteristics, phytodiversity and the human impact on it as well as general terminology concerning both plant growth forms and on vegetation structure types). In the following chapters the zonal and azonal vegetation from the tropics to the polar regions including high mountains is described and discussed. The main focus is on the characterization of interactions between the spatial location of plants and plant communities on the one hand and site conditions, historic and genetic processes, spatial and temporal patterns, ecophysiology and anthropogenic influences on the other hand. Additional information on specific topics is provided in 51 boxes.
Zeitgeschichte hält Erinnerungen an Menschen wach, deren Wirken Spuren hinterlassen hat. Ab 1970 haben drei befreundete Persönlichkeiten – Erich Kessler, Frank Klötzli und Bernhard Nievergelt – einzeln und zusammen den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz in der Schweiz wesentlich mitgeprägt. Ihr vielfältiges Zusammenwirken wird in dieser Gedenkschrift nachgezeichnet. Es steht für eine Beziehung, bei der sich Naturschutzforschung und -umsetzung gegenseitig befruchteten und unterstützten. Alle drei ergriffen die Gunst der Stunde und schufen ein solides Fundament, auf dem Fachleute in Wissenschaft und Umsetzung sowie Engagierte in der Zivilgesellschaft aufbauen konnten. Mit ihrem Ableben si...
Recent climatic shifts, based on mild winters and more hot summers have released vegetation shifts all over the world. The book presents numerous case studies from Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Caucasus, Italy, Ireland, China, Japan, United Staes, Brazil and Chile. The authors analyse the resulting changes in compositions and structures of the forest vegetations, especially the process of Laurophyllisation.
Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies, and Research Methodologies presents information on applications of ‘green therapies’ in restoration towards global sustainability. These practices connect the world of medicinal plants with ecologic farming practice, creating a compassionate socio-political worldview and heartfelt scientific research towards food sovereignty and a healthier future on planet Earth. The book communicates benefits of using plant-based solutions to manage the challenges of unsustainable practices in human healthcare, veterinary medicine, agriculture, forestry, and water management. The contributions introduce advances around plants and their active components to ...
The history of the Swiss National Park, from its creation in the years before the Great War to the present, is told for the first time in this book. Unlike Yellowstone Park, which embodied close cooperation between state-supported conservation and public recreation, the Swiss park put in place an extraordinarily strong conservation program derived from a close alliance between the state and scientific research. This deliberate reinterpretation of the American idea of the national park was innovative and radical, but its consequences were not limited to Switzerland. The Swiss park became the prime example of a “scientific national park,” thereby influencing the course of national parks worldwide.
Climate-friendly construction is essential if we are to ensure that future generations can enjoy comfortable living spaces. Design and the choice of materials help to considerably reduce the climate impact of buildings. The techniques featured in this book come from all five climatic zones and many are drawn from non-European and bygone societies. The low-tech approaches, illustrated in schematic drawings and explained in texts, are a source of inspiration for the design of sustainable and energy-autonomous building structures. Architecture Follows Climate provides the first in-depth and comprehensive overview of passive building techniques that have been tried and tested for centuries.
An ever increasing number of local and regional ecological catastrophes plague humanity. They are symptoms of an environmental crisis which is in the process of transforming at an accelerated pace into a global environmental catastrophe. As their chief causes are to be found in the capitalist profit system, the environmental question today calls for a society-changing struggle. This is why we need a new environmental movement which draws a clear dividing line to imperialist environmentalism and organizes its ranks. Militantly, purposefully and on a global scale it must confront the willful destruction of the natural foundations of life by those in power. The book's polemics are intentional. Taking an unequivocal position it intervenes in the debate over the strategy how to resolve the environmental issue.
This volume includes sections on: Evolution of ideas on channel flow and ductile extrusion in the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau system; Modeling channel flow and ductile extrusion processes; Geological constraints on channel flow and ductile extrusion as an important orogenic process in the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau, the Hellenides and Appalachians, and the Canadian Cordillera.
Gegenstand des vorliegenden Buchs ist die Pflanzendecke der Erde, wobei neben einer knapp gehaltenen Beschreibung der Vegetationstypen vor allem die kausalen Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Wuchsort charakteristischer (repräsentativer) Pflanzenarten und Pflanzengemeinschaften einerseits und entwicklungsgeschichtlich-historischen, zeitlichen bzw. räumlichen, ökophysiologischen sowie anthropogenen Bedingungen andererseits vermittelt werden. Zwar liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der vom Menschen nicht oder wenig beeinflussten „naturbetonten“ Pflanzendecke; berücksichtigt wird aber auch die „kulturbetonte“ Vegetation, die in klimatisch bzw. edaphisch begünstigten Regionen heute den größeren ...
Riesige Wald- und Buschbrände, gigantische Sturzregen, absterbende Wälder, Überflutungen, Dürrekatastrophen und Tornados – nahezu täglich Katastrophenmeldungen in Zeitungen und News-Tickern. Eine Reihe von irreversiblen Zerstörungs- und Selbstzerstörungsprozessen in der Natur entfalten sich und stellen das Überleben in immer mehr Regionen in Frage. Diese Prozesse machen deutlich, die globale Umweltkatastrophe hat begonnen! Die Hauptverantwortlichen für diese Entwicklung sind die internationalen Übermonopole, die in der Jagd nach Maximalprofit gnadenlos und wider besseres Wissen über den dringend nötigen Umweltschutz und akut gebotene Sofortmaßnahmen hinweggehen. Alle, die nich...