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Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 391

Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-12-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book is a systematic consideration of the link between the extreme right and the discourse about developments in regard to gender issues within different national states. The contributors analyze right-wing extremist tendencies in Europe under the specific perspective on gender. The volume brings together the few existing findings concerning the quantitative dimension of activities carried out by men and women in different countries, and illuminates and juxtaposes gender ratios along with the role of women in right-wing extremism. Along with the gender-specific access to right-wing groups, the chapters look at networks, organizational forms, specific strategies of female right-wing extremists, their ideologies (especially regarding femininity and masculinity), hetero normativity, discourses on sexuality, and preventive and counter-strategies. The book will be of use to students and scholars interested in gender and politics, European politics, and political extremism.

“Intention is not method, belief is not evidence”
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 191

“Intention is not method, belief is not evidence”

For over 20 years, school interventions involving former right-wing extremists have been popular in Germany. In practice, they are advertised and conducted as both civic education and extremism prevention. This book uses an evidence-based and interdisciplinary approach to examine the potentials and challenges of this format. It provides a thematic embedding of German application, a comprehensive review of attributed impact assumptions and the state of related research. Furthermore, this research offers highly valuable, unique and comprehensive insights based on empirical evidence. It thus contributes to a better understanding of the format and its complexity. Overall, the findings give no clear indication that the involvement of former right-wing extremists in schools initiate civic education processes or prevent political extremism. Rather, the investigation found fundamental needs for additional research, modification, and sensitization. In this vein, this book makes a pioneer contribution to quality assurance and evaluation research in civic education and extremism prevention.

European Muslim Antisemitism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 360

European Muslim Antisemitism

Antisemitism from Muslims has become a serious issue in Western Europe, although not often acknowledged as such. Looking for insights into the views and rationales of young Muslims toward Jews, Günther Jikeli and his colleagues interviewed 117 ordinary Muslim men in London (chiefly of South Asian background), Paris (chiefly North African), and Berlin (chiefly Turkish). The researchers sought information about stereotypes of Jews, arguments used to support hostility toward Jews, the role played by the Middle East conflict and Islamist ideology in perceptions of Jews, the possible sources of antisemitic views, and, by contrast, what would motivate Muslims to actively oppose antisemitism. They also learned how the men perceive discrimination and exclusion as well as their own national identification. This study is rich in qualitative data that will mark a significant step along the path toward a better understanding of contemporary antisemitism in Europe.

Subcontractors of Guilt
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

Subcontractors of Guilt

At the turn of the millennium, Middle Eastern and Muslim Germans had rather unexpectedly become central to the country's Holocaust memory culture—not as welcome participants, but as targets for re-education and reform. Since then, Turkish- and Arab-Germans have been considered as the prime obstacles to German national reconciliation with its Nazi past, a status shared to a lesser degree by Germans from the formerly socialist East Germany. It is for this reason that the German government, German NGOs, and Muslim minority groups have begun to design Holocaust education and anti-Semitism prevention programs specifically tailored for Muslim immigrants and refugees, so that they, too, can learn...

The Dark Social Capital of Religious Radicals
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 543

The Dark Social Capital of Religious Radicals

With the departure of European Muslims to the “Islamic State” and a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe in recent years, the questions of why and how individuals radicalize to Jihadi extremism attracted keen interest. This thesis examines how individuals radicalize by applying a theoretical framework that primarily refers to social capital theory, the economics of religion, and social movement theory. The analysis of the biographical backgrounds, pathways of radicalization, and network connections of more than 1,300 Jihadi extremists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland shows that radicalization primarily need to be considered as a social process of isolation from former social contact...

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 346

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12

The German Prevention Congress [Deutscher Präventionstag – DPT] (former German Congress on Crime Prevention – GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the German Prevention Congress has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum (AIF) was established in 2007. For international guests this event offers lectures in English language as well as other activities within the German Prevention Congress that are translated simultaneously. This book reflects the outcomes of the 13th AIF (20 and 21 May 2019 in Berlin) and of the 14th AIF (10 and 11 May 2021 in Cologne). The articles show worldwide views on crime prevention and criminal policy as well as the current status, discussion, research and projects in crime prevention from different countries.

Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 1224

Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen

Auf ihrem 35. Kongress feierte die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) ihr hundertjähriges Bestehen. Es galt, einen kritischen Rückblick auf die wechselvolle und auch problematische Geschichte der DGS zu verbinden mit aktuellen soziologischen Forschungen, neuen Fragestellungen und Theorien. Fraglos fordern „transnationale Vergesellschaftungen“ von einer nationalen Fachgesellschaft eine neue Ausrichtung und damit mehr als die bloße Übertragung überkommener Begrifflichkeiten, Forschungs- und Theorieansätze auf neue, globale Phänomene. Vielmehr geht es um eine bewusste Überprüfung, Weiterentwicklung und Erneuerung soziologischer Analyse. Der vorliegende Band enthält die Beiträge zu der Eröffnungs- und Abschlussveranstaltung sowie die Vorträge zu den Plenen, Vorlesungen, Foren, Festveranstaltungen, Author meets Critics- und Abendveranstaltungen. Die beigelegte CD-ROM enthält die Referate der Sektionssitzungen und Ad-hoc-Gruppen sowie die Beiträge zur Postersession.

Germans and Jews Since The Holocaust
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 352

Germans and Jews Since The Holocaust

From the very moment of the liberation of camps at Auschwitz, Belsen and Buchenwald, Germans have been held accountable for the crimes committed in the Holocaust. The Nazi regime unleashed the most systematic attempt in history to wipe out an entire people, murdering men, women and children for the simple 'crime' of being Jewish. After the war ended in 1945, the Jewish State of Israel was created and Jewish communities were re-established in a now divided Germany. Germans have engaged actively with their Nazi legacy and the Jewish communities have remained and grown stronger, but neo-Nazism has also persisted. Young Germans have learned the horrific deeds of the past at school, and throughout the world, people of all nations have tried to learn the lesson 'never again', while Germany has become 'Israel's best friend in Europe'. Pól Ó Dochartaigh analyses the ways in which Germans and Jews alike have attempted to come to terms with the Holocaust and its terrible legacy. He also looks at efforts to remember – and to forget – the Holocaust, movement towards recompense and reparation, and the survival of anti-Semitism.

Migrationsbezogene Disparitäten an der ersten Schwelle.
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 258

Migrationsbezogene Disparitäten an der ersten Schwelle.

Aus einer sozialökologischen Perspektive nähert sich diese Studie der Frage, mit welchen Ausgrenzungsrisiken junge Aussiedler und Aussiedlerinnen beim Übergang von der allgemeinbildenden Schule in die berufliche Ausbildung/Lehre konfrontiert sind und mit welchen Bearbeitungsmodi sie hierauf reagieren. Die Analyse, die sowohl Sequenzmusteranalysen nach der Optimal Matching-Methode, Regressionsanalysen im Mehrebenendesign und rekonstruktive Analysen anhand der Dokumentarischen Methode verwendetet, führte zu dem Schluss, dass herkömmliche Erklärungsmodelle zu kurz greifen. Vielmehr zeigte sich, das für künftige Forschung im Bereich migrationsbezogene Disparitäten in den Übergängen, figurationssoziologische Analysen notwendig sind. ​