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Buku ini beranjak dari kesadaran untuk memosisikan lingkungan sebagai rekan sekerja dan bukan suatu objek untuk diekploitasi. Buku ini menceritakan suatu kesadaran dan spirit yang sama untuk mengampanyekan pertobatan secara ekologis. Pendekatan multidisipliner dipilih oleh buku ini dalam semangat untuk menciptakan keseimbangan antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungan. Para penulis dalam buku ini menawarkan berbagai pendekatan yang sifatnya monodispliner, interdisipliner, maupun multidisipliner. Pertama, ada penulis yang berusaha berdialog dengan beberapa pemikiran teolog dan para ahli dalam bidang lain tentang isu ekologis. Kedua, ada juga penulis yang mencoba untuk memperlihatkan kondisi di sekitar kita dan jalan-jalan yang dapat ditempuh untuk mengembangkan spiritualitas ekologis, baik dari segi etnografi, ecofeminism, dan sebagainya. Ketiga, penulis lain menelusuri film dan pasar saham sebagai space yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangun kesadaran ekologis.
On religious practices of Toraja Christians from doctrinal and cultural perspectives; collection of articles.
Sebagai negara yang majemuk, bangsa Indonesia berisikoterjerat ke dalam persoalan radikalisme yang menghasilkan beragam konflik di tengah masyarakat.Konflik antarpemeluk agama yang sama maupun berbeda dapat memicu pula beragam konflik di ranah kehidupan lainnya. Hal ini berdampak pada rusaknya kehidupan yang harmonis dan toleransi bersama.Program Moderasi Beragama yang digalakkan oleh pemerintah hadir untuk meredam, menyelesaikan, memberikan solusi tentang bagaimana memaknai dan menerapkan cara beragama yang tepat dan benar.Hal inidilakukantanpa mengingkari iman masing-masing, demi terciptanya perdamaian di antara sesama pemeluk agama. Buku ini menegaskan pentingnya penerapan moderasi beraga...
Steven M. Studebaker proposes a Pentecostal approach to a major Christian doctrine, the atonement. The book moves Pentecostal theology of the atonement from a primarily Christocentric and crucicentric register to one that articulates the pneumatological and holistic nature of Pentecostal praxis. Studebaker examines the irony of Classical Pentecostalism relying on the Christocentrism of Protestantism evangelical atonement theology to articulate its experience of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Pneumatological nature of Pentecostal praxis. He then develops a Pentecostal theology of atonement based on the biblical narrative of the Spirit of Pentecost and returns to re-imagine an expanded vision...
Originally published in 1949 and then revised in 1979, this comprehensive introduction to systematic theology has well served countless students and pastors for more than half a century. In this paperback edition it will continue to instruct serious students of the Bible and theology. Following two introductory chapters delineating the nature, necessity, possibility, and divisions of theology, Henry Clarence Thiessen systematically address a wide range of subjects in eight major sections -- Theism, Bibliology, Theology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology. Also included are two specialized indexes for further study -- an Index of Subjects and an Index of Scriptural References that includes over 4,000 entries.
We live in a deeply broken world . . . but there is hope. Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human—part of God's beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. Sexual brokenness surrounds us and, in one way or another, affects us all. This sexual brokenness reveals our deep need for redemption— something quick fixes, mere behavior modification, or a set of rules can't provide. Honest and direct yet kind and caring, this book points us to the only place we can find help for sexual brokenness—the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Only this grace offers hope for a life of freedom, purity, and joy as God intended.
Throughout Africa, growing numbers of women are coming together and making their voices heard, mobilising around causes ranging from democracy and land rights to campaigns against domestic violence. In Tanzania and Tunisia, women have made major gains in their struggle for equal political rights, and in Sierra Leone and Liberia women have been at the forefront of efforts to promote peace and reconciliation. While some of these movements have been influenced by international feminism and external donors, increasingly it is African women who are shaping the global struggle for women’s rights. Bringing together African authors who themselves are part of the activist groups, this collection represents the only comprehensive and up-to-date overview of women’s movements in contemporary Africa. Drawing on case studies and fresh empirical material from across the continent, the authors challenge the prevailing assumption that notions of women’s rights have trickled down from the global north to the south, showing instead that these movements have been shaped by above all the unique experiences and concerns of the local women involved.