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Entering the post-industrial age, knowledge has become an important asset for sustained competitive advantage. In recent years, a new type of patent acquirers has emerged. These companies do not produce goods and therefore, do not need patents in their historical meaning, they acquire patents and aggregate patent portfolios and little is known about them. This book defines patent aggregating companies and explores their strategies, activities, and their evolution over time, as well as how producing companies can utilize them to leverage their patent portfolios.
There are two traditional views of the role of intellectual property (IP) within the field of innovation management: in innovation management research, as an indicator or proxy for innovation inputs or outputs, e.g. patents or licensing income; or in innovation management practice, as a means of protecting knowledge. Exploiting Intellectual Property to Promote Innovation and Create Value argues that whilst both of these perspectives are useful, neither capture the full potential contribution of intellectual property in innovation management research and practice.The management of IP has become a central challenge in current strategies of Open Innovation and Business Model Innovation, but the...
Dennis Herhausen examines how managers can successfully probe latent needs and uncover future needs of customers, labeled as proactive customer orientation. Overall, a systematic change process is developed to guide managers that aim to increase their company's proactive customer orientation.
Today, most firms employ online and offline distribution channels. Customers combine both channels for information search and purchase. However, researchers and practitioners are still lacking insight concerning the creation of additional customer value, in terms of a seamless purchase experience, by combining the online and offline channels. Also, it is unclear if these channel integration activities can actually help multichannel firms obtain a strategic advantage over their online pureplay competitors. Jochen Binder investigates how, why, and to what extent an integrated online channel increases customer value and leads to higher willingness to pay, customer loyalty and purchase intention in a firm's online and offline stores.
本文所分析者,是在所選擇的個別專利訴訟案件中,身為訴訟當事人之宏達電,就該個案中特定爭點所提出之訴訟主張,並透過整理該特定爭點之法律解釋適用原則,來分析說明宏達電之訴訟主張與策略選擇在該個案中的意義與價值。本文擇取4個以宏達電為訴訟當事人(在3起案件中為被告、1起則為原告)之個案來進行分析,其分別為2起美國聯邦法院專利訴訟案件、以及2起美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)之337條款調查案。在就Intellect Wireless, Inc. v. HTC Corp.案之討論中,本文說明在2011年Therasense聯席判決提高專利取得不正當行為(in...
Die Autoren richten sich mit ihrem Fachbuch an Führungskräfte in den Bereichen Innovation, F&E und Patentmanagement. Mit ihrer 3., vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage bieten sie aber auch Wissenschaftlern und Studenten anwendungsorientierte Impulse zu Einfluss und Auswirkung des Patentmanagements. Insbesondere betrachten síe innovative Unternehmen, die in einem schnellen und wettbewerbsorientierten Umfeld arbeiten. Ziel der Autoren ist es, einen Überblick über gängige Konzepte und Bausteine des Patentmanagements zu geben. Diese vertiefen sie anhand zahlreicher Fallstudien erfolgreicher Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen. Das Buch basiert auf einer Analyse von ca. 300 technologieintensiven Unternehmen aus West- und Osteuropa, USA sowie Indien, Japan, China, Taiwan und Südkorea in den Jahren 2003 bis 2010.
"Patenttrolle" sind wesentlicher Bestandteil der patentrechtlichen Diskussion der letzten Dekade. Angeregt durch die US-amerikanische Entwicklung sieht die wohl herrschende Lehre in Deutschland den Zugang von nicht-praktizierenden Patentinhabern zum Unterlassungsrecht kritisch, wahrend die deutsche Rechtsprechung dessen ungeachtet Unterlassungsanspruche auch "non-practicing entities" zubilligt. Martin Stierle nimmt einen Perspektivenwechsel vor. Er lost sich vom Blick auf den Patentinhaber und betrachtet das Problem schutzrechtsbezogen. Im Mittelpunkt steht das nicht-praktizierte Patent in all seinen Facetten (Sperr-, Lizenzierungspatente, schlafende Patente etc.). Anhand der Patentfunktionslehre entwirft er eine Praktizierungsobliegenheit fur das geltende Recht, die unabhangig von der Art des Patentinhabers Geltung beansprucht. Sein Konzept unterfuttert er mit rechtshistorischen, rechtsvergleichenden und rechtsokonomischen Uberlegungen.
Unravelling the thought of Alexander Kluge and Oskar Negt Collaborators for more than four decades, lawyer, author, filmmaker, and multimedia artist Alexander Kluge and social philosopher Oskar Negt are an exceptional duo in the history of Critical Theory precisely because their respective disciplines think so differently. Dark Matter argues that what makes their contributions to the Frankfurt School so remarkable is how they think together in spite of these differences. Kluge and Negt's "gravitational thinking" balances not only the abstractions of theory with the concreteness of the aesthetic, but also their allegiances to Frankfurt School mentors with their fascination for other German, F...
For many years, scholars struggled to write the history of the constitution and political structure of the Holy Roman Empire. This book argues that this was because the political and social order could not be understood without considering the rituals and symbols that held the Empire together. What determined the rules (and whether they were followed) depended on complex symbolic-ritual actions. By examining key moments in the political history of the Empire, the author shows that it was a vocabulary of symbols, not the actual written laws, that formed a political language indispensable in maintaining the common order.