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This book is a proceeding from a number of papers presented in The International Symposium on Austronesian Diaspora on 18th to 23rd July 2016 at Nusa Dua, Bali, which was held by The National Research Centre of Archaeology in cooperation with The Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums. The symposium is the second event with regard to the Austronesian studies since the first symposium held eleven years ago by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences in cooperation with the International Centre for Prehistoric and Austronesia Study (ICPAS) in Solo on 28th June to 1st July 2005 with a theme of “the Dispersal of the Austronesian and the Ethno-geneses of People in the Indonesia Archipelago’...
Rock art is one of the most visible and geographically widespread of cultural expressions, and it spans much of the period of our species' existence. Rock art also provides rare and often unique insights into the minds and visually creative capacities of our ancestors and how selected rock outcrops with distinctive images were used to construct symbolic landscapes and shape worldviews. Equally important, rock art is often central to the expression of and engagement with spiritual entities and forces, and in all these dimensions it signals the diversity of cultural practices, across place and through time. Over the past 150 years, archaeologists have studied ancient arts on rock surfaces, bot...
These vibrant Mélanges celebrate the life and work of an exceptional scientist, Jean-Loïc Le Quellec. The book bears witness to the transdisciplinarity, rigour and benevolence that characterise this great scholar, and through diverse contributions explore themes dear to him: mythologies, folklore, cave arts, cultural heritage, and more.
Focusing on the eastern part of the region, this is the first in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying an unprecedented view of the long-term development of culture and religion on a large swathe of the Tibetan Plateau.
Focusing on the Eastern half of Stod, this is the third in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying an unprecedented view of the long-term development of culture and religion on a large swathe of the Tibetan Plateau.
This is the fifth volume in the series Rock Art Studies: News of the World. Like the previous editions, it covers rock art research and management across the globe over a five-year period, in this case the years 2010 to 2014 inclusive.
Like previous series entries, this volume covers rock art research and management all over the world over a 5-year period, in this case 2015-19. Contributions once again show the wide variety of approaches that have been taken in different parts of the world and reflect the expansion and diversification of perspectives and research questions.
In the last few decades, a surprisingly large variety of subjects and styles of rock art have been brought to light in northern Chad by scholars and passionate travellers. In the Ennedi region, relatively recent painted scenes of daily life occur, but also earlier human figures and rare events such as a leopard hunt. However, what is really characteristic of this region are the galloping mounted horses and camels, painted in original styles. Interestingly, the DStretch® plugin to ImageJ© has recently made it possible to see that in some cases the visible paintings are superimposed on older, faint images, very different in style and barely discernible to the naked eye. In some cases, painti...
Parmi les nombreuses hypothèses proposées pour expliquer l'" art des cavernes ", beaucoup ont été définitivement réfutées ; d'autres ne sont pas totalement à rejeter, même si elles ne sauraient tenir lieu d'élucidation globale. Face à ces impasses, d'aucuns considèrent qu'il est plus sage de cesser de chercher. Le pari de ce livre est plutôt de chercher ailleurs et autrement. À partir de la plus riche base de données élaborée à ce jour, recensant 452 cavités dont l'ornementation est attribuable au Paléolithique, et à l'issue d'un examen serré des analyses qui se sont succédé depuis plus d'un siècle, Jean-Loïc Le Quellec développe ici une approche entièrement nouve...
Au cours des dernières décennies, dans le nord du Tchad, des savants et des voyageurs passionnés ont mis en lumière une quantité de sujets et de styles d’art rupestre, étonnamment variés. Dans la région de l’Ennedi, se trouvent des scènes peintes relativement récentes, qui montrent la vie quotidienne, mais il y a aussi des figures humaines plus anciennes et des événements rares, tels qu’une chasse au léopard. Pourtant, ce sont des chevaux et chameaux montés, au galop, peints dans des styles originaux, qui forment vraiment la caractéristique de cette zone. Fait intéressant, le greffon DStretch® pour le logiciel de traitement d’images ImageJ© a récemment permis de vo...