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A lively and accessible introduction to Machado de Assis and his work Machado de Assis (1839-1908) is a world-class writer and arguably the greatest of Brazilian literature. Susan Sontag deemed him "the greatest writer ever produced in Latin America," and Harold Bloom, "the supreme black literary artist to date." John Updike called him a "master," and Carlos Fuentes, a "miracle." This book guides the reader through Machado's biography, times, and critical reception and examines his various personas - the translator, poet, playwright, critic, cronista, short story writer, and novelist - paying particular attention to his fictional prose, which most clearly conveys his acerbic criticism of Brazilian society and his deft view of the human condition. The book closes with an updated list of Machado's works available in English translation and a selection of further critical studies.
Over half of the global population now lives in cities. This ongoing urbanisation is making it increasingly important to adequately manage urban systems and preserve urban environments. This book is the outcome of the 11th Urban Environment Symposium (UES) held on 16-19 September 2012 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The UES aims at providing a forum on the sciences and practices needed to promote a sustainable future in urban environments. Papers by leading experts are presented in sections on Urban Management and Spatial Planning, Green Cities and Urban Ecosystems, Urban Planning and Development, Air Quality and Noise, Urban Climate Change and Adaptation, and Contamination of Urban Waters and its Effects.
"The one source that sets reference collections on Latin American studies apart from all other geographic areas of the world.... The Handbook has provided scholars interested in Latin America with a bibliographical source of a quality unavailable to scholars in most other branches of area studies." —Latin American Research Review Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 140 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year b...
Brazil is a country of sharp disparities. The gap between the richest and the poorest citizens is one of the largest in the world. Inequality in Brazil is well-known, but its low mobility is not. Until now, few studies have sought to investigate how forms of social exclusion constrain socioeconomic mobility. Why do particular groups remain excluded and trapped in poverty for generations? What do Brazilians themselves think about income inequality and social mobility? This study explores these issues, provides a set of options to redress them, and promotes a national dialogue for action. In addi.
Risk Assessment: The Human Dimension begins by looking at quantified risk assessment and considers, by using case studies, how accident causation can be considered from the three main perspectives of hardware failures, human error and failures of systems and cultures. The book then goes on to place risk assessment firmly within the broader context of the current, controversial debate concerning risk issues and the nature of risk. It addresses these issues mainly from the perspective of the chemical and process industries by looking at the process of risk assessment, its strengths and weaknesses and attempts to reconcile the human dimensions of risk assessment with the need for science and objectivity in risk-based decision making. Designed to be accessible to a wide range of disciplines, and enjoyable to the reader, Risk Assessment: The Human Dimension is broadly based and rooted in the author's practical experience of both risk assessment and organizations and how they function. With diagrams, summary and discussion sections in each chapter, this book will prove invaluable for the insights given in this increasingly important area.
A expressão da língua inglesa "What's up?" para os nativos significa "Quais são as novidades?", "O que está acontecendo? "O que me conta de novo?" Nossas vidas cotidianas, não há como negar, foram invadidas por vários aplicativos, dentre eles o "WhatsApp", nome inspirado, obviamente, na expressão inglesa que dá título a esta obra. É a nova realidade. Tecnologia em todas as áreas, incluindo a jurídica. Nesta obra, é exatamente esta a nossa proposta, trazer o que está acontecendo, o que vem sendo discutido no Direito, o que há de novo, o que nos desafia neste mundo inundado pela tecnologia. Em 15 capítulos, 38 autores - em coautorias que permitem a multi e a interdisciplinariedade em colaboração internacional - se propõem, em suas respectivas áreas de conhecimento, a compartilhar com os leitores o que há de novo. Assim, ao contrário da resposta usual à pergunta "What's up?" que costuma ser "Nothing special!" ou seja "O de sempre!", neste livro há o novo, o que precisa ser estudado, aprofundado e encaminhado no Direito. Fica aqui o nosso convite à leitura e à busca por soluções.
Os estudos e análises aqui reunidos são fruto do esforço conjunto de pesquisadores, acadêmicos e profissionais que buscam aprofundar o entendimento das complexas interações entre a sociedade e o meio ambiente. Cada capítulo representa uma peça importante no quebra-cabeça do conhecimento ambiental e contribui para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável e equilibrado. Convidamos você, leitor, a mergulhar nesse universo de conhecimento, na esperança de que as reflexões aqui apresentadas inspirem ações positivas e a adoção de práticas sustentáveis em nosso cotidiano e nas políticas públicas. Juntos, podemos fazer a diferença e construir um futuro mais resiliente e harmonioso com a natureza.
A produção teórica – dogmática, científica ou filosófica, não importa como queira se rotular a reflexão –, no campo do Direito, não se tem ocupado de produzir uma sólida doutrina acerca do Direito à Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho. A saúde do trabalhador vem sendo debatida, principalmente, pelos profissionais da Engenharia de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho numa perspectiva estritamente técnica destes campos do saber, faltando, assim, um aprofundamento científico no enfoque do Direito. Este livro preenche essa lacuna na literatura jurídica, ao demonstrar, de forma clara, que o Direito à Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, assim como todas as outras disciplinas jurídicas, ...