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Across the Middle East, population growth and the rising consumption of water represent two key variables that are closely intertwined. When added to the projected impact of climate change on the region, they threaten to undermine established methods that attempt to ensure a manageable level of domestic and regional water security. Developing nations lacking water security are forced to contend with the looming complications this shortage could yield, which consequently obstruct attempts to achieve long-term, sustainable development. It is therefore imperative that policy and decision-makers be mindful of ongoing environmental, societal and technological developments that hold the potential ...
Nanomaterials from Renewable Resources for Emerging Applications details developments in nanomaterials produced from renewable materials and their usage in food and packaging, energy conservation, and environmental applications. • Introduces fundamentals of nanomaterials from renewable resources, including processing and characterization. • Covers nanomaterials for applications in food and packaging, including nanocellulose, lignin- and chitosan-based nanomaterials, and nanostarch. • Discusses applications in energy conservation, such as supercapacitors, electrolyte membranes, energy storage devices, and insulation. • Describes environmental uses such as water remediation and purification and oil spill clean-ups. • Highlights advantages and challenges in commercialization of green nanoparticle-based materials. Equally beneficial to researchers and professionals, this book is aimed at readers across materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, and related fields interested in sustainable engineering.
The first book dedicated to the potential applications and unique properties of bacterial cellulose (BC), this seminal work covers the basic science, technology, and economic impact of this bulk chemical as well as the companies and patents that are driving the field. It reviews the biosynthesis and properties of BC, including genetics and characterization; discusses the advancing technology as it relates to product development, bioreactors, and production; and analyzes the economic impact of BC on a diverse range of industry applications, including materials and biomaterials, biological and polymer sciences, and electromechanical engineering.
This study is about the real Austrian Trapp family until 1939. Using scores of contemporaneous sources, this fully referenced book for the first time presents Maria Trapp's own family: the Kutscheras, the Reiners, and her foster family, the Kramers. Moreover, the first chapter critically analyzes Maria's tales about her childhood and youth up to her wedding with Georg (von) Trapp. The second chapter covers Georg, his family, his activities in war and business, as well as the family choir started in 1934. Several misconceptions, from Georg having been a baron to his alleged anti-fascism, get corrected here, too. The third chapter overturns the central myth of the Trapp family story: there is ...
Nanophytomedicine is a branch of medicine that involves the application of nanomedicine-based systems to phytotherapy and phytopharmacology and the use of phytonanoparticles for biomedical applications. Nanophytomedicine covers recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies on various properties of nanoparticles derived from plant sources. This book assesses the recent advancements and applications of plant-based nanoparticles and also highlights emerging concepts of biomimetics. The book contains 24 chapters encompassing various therapeutic applications of phytochemicals derived from plants, ferns, seaweeds, and so on, mediated through nanotechnology and its allied approaches. A fervent attempt has been made to compile every significant advancement in the field of phytonanomedicine so as to accelerate its momentum in the pharmaceutical sector.
Green materials and green nanotechnology have gained widespread interest over the last 15 years; first in academia, then in related industries in the last few years.The Handbook of Green Materials serves as reference literature for undergraduates and graduates studying materials science and engineering, composite materials, chemical engineering, bioengineering and materials physics; and for researchers, professional engineers and consultants from polymer or forest industries who encounter biobased nanomaterials, bionanocomposites, self- and direct-assembled nanostructures and green composite materials in their lines of work.This four-volume set contains material ranging from basic, backgroun...
This book covers sustainable approaches for industrial transformation pertaining to valorization of agro-industrial byproducts. Divided into four sections, it starts with information about the agro/food industry and its byproducts, including their characterization, followed by different green technologies (principle, process strategies and extraction of bioactive compounds) applied for the management of agro industry byproducts. It further explains biotechnological interventions involved in the value addition of these byproducts. Various regulatory and environmental concerns related to by-product management along with biorefinery concept and future strategies are provided as well. Features: ...
The Hofle family story begins 1540 in Sersheim, Germany and continues through 14 generations and 5 separate immigrations from Schwieberdingen to America. The first and second groups of immigrants became the Hafle family in Ohio and the Hoefle family in New York respectively. These 2 families were reconnected after 150 years by this research. The 140 Figures include photos of the Hofle family house, their church in Schwieberdingen, family photos, genealogical charts and biographical letters describing family life. The genealogy of the Hafle branch of the family is covered extensively and includes family photos and data about the pioneer families of Rinkenberger, Miley and Fausz. River-man William Hofle (William Hafle), his wife Margaret Fausz and their 15 children are central figures in the Hafle story.
Die Experience der Kunden gilt heute als Goldstandard, wenn es um die Bewertung von strategischen Maßnahmen geht. Sucht man nach einem Bereich, bei dem Experience und Genießen absolut im Vordergrund stehen, wird man schnell fündig: Denn in Sterne-Restaurants geht es kaum um Sattwerden oder um Sehen und Gesehenwerden. Und nirgendwo sonst sind die Anforderungen an die Gestaltung des Kundenerlebnisses derart umfassend und komplex wie in der Spitzengastronomie mit ihrem anspruchsvollen Publikum. Gleichzeitig wächst in Unternehmen vieler Branchen die Einsicht, dass in ihrem eigenen Geschäft Aspekte von Hospitality, Experience und Ästhetik kontinuierlich zunehmen und wichtiger werden. Das Bu...
Im sechsten gemeinsamen Jahresbericht berichten die Universitätsbiblio-theken der Technischen Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) und Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK Berlin) von einem in jeder Hinsicht außergewöhnlichen Jahr. Die Corona-Pandemie wirbelte jegliche Pläne durcheinander und stellte alle Mitarbeiter*innen vor ungeahnte Herausforderungen und Schwierigkeiten, brachte aber auch viel Neues hervor. Die Mitarbeiter*innen berichten über Entwicklungen in der Benutzung, in der Medienbearbeitung, bei den IT-Services, beim digitalen Unterrichten, in der Wissenschaftskommunikation oder in der Ausbildung. Ein illustrierter Kalender listet wichtige Ereignisse des Jahres 2020 auf. Übersi...