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'I'm obsessed with this novel.' Jessamine Chan, author of The School for Good Mothers A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR, 2023 AN UNFORGETTABLE NOVEL ABOUT MATERNAL FEAR AND THE MYTH OF IDYLLIC EARLY MOTHERHOOD The baby I hold in my arms is a leech, let’s call her Button. Button is crying. There is a before, and there is an after. In her cramped New York apartment, a mother wilts beneath the intense August heat, struggling to adapt to her role as the silent interpreter of her newborn baby’s needs. She is not the first woman to give birth, to hold and carry and soothe and cradle. But the walls of her home seem to press ever closer as she balances on the fragile tightrope between ma...
Radio 4 Book of the Week 'A beautiful insight into a nation beyond war headlines' Independent 'A captivating family memoir spanning four generations... Belim blends the personal and the historical to tell a moving, century-long tale of fear, hardship and resilience' The i 'Wild swans for Ukraine... an enthralling, multilayered family story, told across four generations. Rich and magnificent. A marvel' Bookseller In 2014, while the Russian state was annexing Crimea, Victoria Belim came across her great-grandfather's diary, one page scored deep with the single line: 'Brother Nikodim, vanished in the 1930s fighting for a free Ukraine.' She had never heard of this uncle and no one - especially her grandmother - seemed willing to tell her about him. Victoria became obsessed with recovering his story. In the end, her winding search took her back to the place she had always known it would - to the Rooster House, an elegant mansion in the Ukrainian city of Poltava with two voluptuous red roosters flanking the door, and dark truths contained in its basement.
Die Piraten zogen schon früh das mediale Interesse auf sich und fallen seit ihrer Gründung immer wieder durch diverse Aktionen auf, über die die Medien gerne berichten. Doch derzeit befinden sich die Piraten in einer medialen Ebbe, da das Interesse um die jungen Wilden des deutschen Parteiensystems stark zurückgegangen ist. In dieser Untersuchung wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich die deutschen Piraten bereits im Prozess des Kenterns befinden. Um diese Frage zu erörtern, werden in verschiedenen Kapiteln unterschiedliche Aspekte, wie die Gründung der Partei, innerparteiliche Demokratie oder Organisation sowie die Wähler- und Sympathisantenstruktur präsentiert, erläutert und dann im Schlusskapitel in den Kontext eingebettet.
LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2024 'A brilliantly surreal story of exile and homecoming' GUARDIAN'S BOOK OF THE DAY 'A slim, stark, and captivatingly enigmatic début' NEW YORKER A man returns home to sub-Saharan Africa after twenty-six years living in exile in America. When he arrives, he finds that he doesn't recognize the country or anyone in it. Thankfully, someone at the airport knows him—a man who calls him brother. As they travel to this man's house, the purpose of his visit comes into focus: he is here to find his real brother, who is dying. Hangman is his tragicomic journey through homecoming and loss. It is a hilarious and twisted odyssey, peopled by phantoms and t...
Entrelaçando fatos do passado para compreender o presente e a si mesma, Victoria Belim faz de Minha Ucrânia um testemunho do poder do amor e da esperança em tempos difíceis. Nascida da união de uma ucraniana com um russo, Victoria Belim cresceu acostumada com a diversidade e se adaptou facilmente quando emigrou para os Estados Unidos, aos 15 anos. Já adulta e morando em Bruxelas, em 2014 Belim acompanhou pelos noticiários a escalada dos conflitos entre Ucrânia e Rússia e percebeu a urgência de saber mais sobre seu país de origem — e, por consequência, sobre si mesma. Uma vez chegando na casa da família, em Bereh, onde a avó, Valentina, ainda morava, as memórias de infância ...
»Der open mike hat das Zeug dazu, bereits heute die großen Literatinnen und Literaten von morgen herauszufiltern.« (Tagesspiegel) »Konvention sprengen ohne Druck« (Deutschlandfunk Kultur)
'Shapton has created a mystical territory - a performance, an exhibition, a guestbook - in which I felt the ghost within myself; the thing that will outlive me. A fearless and exquisite book' Miranda July Guestbook explores the glimmering, unsettling things that haunt us in the midst of life, combining stories, vignettes and an evocative curiosity cabinet of artifacts and images - found photographs, original paintings, Instagram-style portraits - to transform the traditional ghost story into something else entirely. 'Leanne Shapton has a way of making books entirely new, surreal, and uncanny ... Guestbook contains ghost stories for a world of images and captions, in which the ghosts are all of us, and our strange time' Sheila Heti, author of How Should a Person Be?
Während die einen die Erfolge der Piraten als den längst überfälligen Einbruch des digitalen Zeitalters in die parlamentarische Wirklichkeit feiern, spotten andere über politische Dilettanten, braune Irrläufer und Demokratievorstellungen, die genauso flüssig wie inhaltsleer sind. Inmitten dieser oft polemisch geführten Debatte werfen die Autoren einen klaren analytischen Blick auf Ursprünge, Funktionsweise und Ziele dieser Anti-Parteien-Partei. Sie bieten Einblicke in prekäre Finanzen und die Arbeit einer Organisation, in der basispartizipatorische Grundsätze und die Notwendigkeit programmatischer Willensbildung sich nicht immer reibungslos vereinbaren lassen. Dabei fördern sie außerdem Parallelen zur Entwicklung der Grünen zutage. Das Ergebnis: Die Piraten lassen sich nicht auf ihr Interesse an »Netzpolitik« reduzieren. Vielmehr konfrontieren sie das krisengeplagte System der repräsentativen Demokratie mit seinen Schwächen – ohne den Anspruch zu erheben, über die richtigen Antworten zu verfügen.