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Manchmal erkennt man erst am Ende des Wegs, warum man ihn gehen musste. Kann eine Reise ein gebrochenes Herz heilen? Kann sich eine Tragik zum Guten wenden? Mit ihrem letzten Tropfen Mut versucht Agnes genau das herauszufinden. Sie macht sich mit dem Rucksack auf, allein Südamerika zu erkunden. Zwischen Schuldgefühlen, Liebeschaos und auf der Suche nach sich selbst geht sie auf eine bildreiche Reise von Ecuador bis Patagonien. Aber das Leben wäre nicht das Leben, würde ihr nicht ein bisschen Glück in Gestalt eines Fremden im Flugzeug von Zürich nach Quito zufallen, der auf diesem gefährlichen Weg ihr Schutzengel wird. Mit über 100 Originalfotos erzählt Agnes Graf eine mutmachende, wahre Lebensgeschichte.
Es beginnt ganz harmlos: Li Rösti führt die Tochter eines Erlenbacher Kunsttycoons aus, um seiner Stiefmutter einen Gefallen zu tun. Doch plötzlich wird er in eine haarsträubende rasante Mordserie verstrickt. Als diskreter Ermittler im Familyoffice seines Vaters ist Rösti zwar verzwickte Fälle gewohnt, aber hier tappt er im Dunkeln. Und mit jedem weiteren Anschlag wird die Sache noch rätselhafter, denn der Täter schreibt über jede Leiche die Worte «Die erste Blüte». Bald ist klar, dass der junge Ermittler dem Mörder erst dann auf die Spur kommt, wenn er die rätselhafte Bedeutung der Worttrias versteht ...
Beyond Alexandria argues for the existence of a distinctive Seleucid literature, with its own preferred genres and thematic concerns. It proposes new readings of these authors and argues that they can be understood only in the wider political context, especially in relation to the Ptolemies as the Seleucids' main rivals.
Contrary to the prevailing view that βασιλεία is a verbal noun signifying God’s rule, this study demonstrates how the term’s pragmatic range in Matthew’s Gospel covers both five distinct types of use and their integration into a coherent concept. The study, which is the first to examine all occurrences of βασιλεία in the First Gospel from the perspective of semantic monosemy, extends and enhances our appreciation of the Matthean Zentralbegriff, and engenders a more accurate apprehension of the nature and aims of the Matthean narrative and the theological views it conveys.
The scope of this volume is how churches experience themselves and their mission in their context. The discussions in this volume provide ample material to substantiate the claim that the church should not be an ecclesia incurvata in se ipsa, (a church curved into itself) but welcoming and directed not only to personal needs but to social needs as well—but not bound to what people often feel the needs are and delving deeper to the real roots of sin and selfishness, be it personal, social or national. Contextualization in itself is part of the mission of the churches, but it is on the edge: should the church adapt to its context and lose both its identity and witness or should it find a way between the Scylla of easy adaptation to the changing contexts of this world that is passing and the Charybdis of a preservation of forms and identities of bygone times that have lost the freshness of the message of liberation of bondage, conversion and freedom, freedom to be what the church is called to be, a sign of hope, peace, reconciliation, justice and love?
Dürrenmatt's apparently conflicting statements about his central concerns have baffled scholars attempting to interpret his works. In his critical approach to Dürrenmatt, Timo Tiusanen emphasizes the author's relation to the theater, and analyzes the thirteen original stage plays, eight radio plays, and five adaptations, using the special concept of "scenic image" developed in an earlier study of O'Neill. Four books by Dürrenmatt on the theater and politics are related to the dramatist's creative practice, and his six books of prose are also carefully considered. Exploring the writer's career to reconcile conflicting attitudes that have been taken toward his work, Timo Tiusanen sees Dürr...
Leading scholars analyze the importance and functioning of humor in different world religions.
Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins of ideologies and social practices that give historical meaning, cohesion and uniqueness to modern national communities. It focuses on the various routes taken towards the construction of cultural authenticity as an inspirational purpose of nation-building and reveals the diversity of the themes, practices and symbols used to encourage self-identification and communality. Among the techniques explored are the dramatization of suffering and tragedy, the exaltation of heroes and deeds, the evocation of landscape, nature and the arts and the delimitation of collective values to be pursued during reconstruction in post-war periods.
This book presents a selection of the most important scholarship on Augustus and the contribution he made to the development of the Roman state in the early imperial period.