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This book describes the global legal framework for safeguarding the “Intangible Cultural Heritage” – as defined by the UNESCO Convention in 2003 – and analyses its use in selected countries in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe. Each of the contributions has been prepared by high profile experts and strategically addresses countries that are representative for their corresponding area. Our understanding of the term “Cultural Heritage” has changed considerably over the past few decades, and it is becoming increasingly clear that the concept also includes traditions and living expressions that we inherit from our ancestors and pass on to our descendants. UNESCO has recognised an...
In Culture Wars in Brazil Daryle Williams analyzes the contentious politicking over the administration, meaning, and look of Brazilian culture that marked the first regime of president-dictator Getúlio Vargas (1883–1954). Examining a series of interconnected battles waged among bureaucrats, artists, intellectuals, critics, and everyday citizens over the state’s power to regulate and consecrate the field of cultural production, Williams argues that the high-stakes struggles over cultural management fought between the Revolution of 1930 and the fall of the Estado Novo dictatorship centered on the bragging rights to brasilidade—an intangible yet highly coveted sense of Brazilianness. Wil...
Taking into account politics, history and aesthetics, this edited volume explores the main expressions of primitivism in Iberian and Transatlantic modernisms. Ten case studies are thoroughly analyzed concerning both the circulations and exchanges connecting the Iberian and Latin American artistic and literary milieus with each other and with the Parisian circles. Chapters also examine the patterns and paradoxes associated with the manifestations of primitivism, including their local implications and cosmopolitan drive. This book opens up and deepens the discussion of the ties that Spain and Portugal maintained with their imperial pasts, which extended into European twentieth-century colonial...
This guide to modern Brazilian architecture takes us on a tour of over 125 projects designed between 1928-1960. There are works by 33 architects, and each entry gives a brief description, photographs, drawings, and information on visitor access.
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research under way in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Lawrence Boudon became the editor in 2000. The subject categories for Volume 58 are as follows: Electronic Resources for the Humanities Art History (including ethnohistory) Literature (including translations from the Spanish and Portuguese) Philosophy: Latin American Thought Music
Global Perspectives for the Conservation and Management of Open-Air Rock Art Sites responds to the growth in known rock art sites across the globe and addresses the need to investigate natural and human-originated threats to them as well as propose solutions to mitigate resulting deterioration. Bringing together perspectives of international research teams from across five continents, the chapters in this book are divided into four discrete parts that best reflect the worldwide scenarios where conservation and management of open-air rock art sites unfolds: 1) ethics, community and collaborative approaches; 2) methodological tools to support assessment and monitoring; 3) scientific examinatio...
El Comité Organizador del 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) publica las actas del encuentro celebrado en la Universidad de Salamanca el 15 al 20 de julio de 2018. Bajo el lema «Universalidad y particularismo en las Américas», reflexionó sobre la dialéctica entre la universalidad y los particularismos en la producción de conocimiento, un diálogo en el que la necesidad de conocer los particularismos de los fenómenos sociales, políticos, artísticos y culturales obliga a formular nuevas hipótesis que enriquecen y replantean las grandes teorías generales de las ciencias y las humanidades. El carácter interdisciplinario e inclusivo que ha caracterizado al ICA desde s...
Este livro trata-se de uma pesquisa acadêmica que busca entender os estabelecimentos de ensino público tombados como patrimônio cultural na cidade de Campinas-SP, sob a legislação e também sob a perspectiva de seus usuários da rede pública de ensino. Claudiney Albino Xavier é Delegado de Polícia há 30 anos, atualmente ocupa a assistência na Delegacia Seccional de Polícia de Americana, região metropolitana de Campinas – SP. É próprio dessa função cultivar a atenção, o gosto pelos detalhes e reviver memórias. Essas qualidades profissionais deram o embasamento para o resgate de memórias que auxiliaram na análise e descrição dos colégios protegidos pelos órgãos de d...
Direito Empresarial na ótica de uma Fundação apresenta resultado de pesquisa aprofundada e bem estruturada. Os temas abrangem desde aspectos bastante específicos, como a gestão fundacional, até tópicos multidisciplinares, que alcançam a relação das fundações com o Direito do Trabalho, o Direito Tributário, o Direito Civil, dentre outros ramos dessa ciência, demonstrando a versatilidade de seus autores e o domínio que detêm sobre a matéria. Neste livro, o Direito Empresarial é abordado a partir da atuação de uma Fundação, dos seus desafios cotidianos, da sua especificidade, numa leitura transversal dos grandes temas do Direito de Empresa. Ousaríamos dizer que esta é uma experiência única no universo editorial jurídico brasileiro. Com certeza, estudiosos e operadores fundacionais encontrarão aqui reflexões enriquecedoras.
Roberto Burle Marx (Sao Paulo, 1909-Rio de Janeiro, 1994) is known as a landscape architect, but also as a painter, botanist, gardener, chef and jewellery designer. He considered the garden to be one of the fine arts, as the adaptation of the biome to civilisation's natural requirements." This book introduces the realm of the full sensory experience. Burle Marx's work with plants becomes highly pictorial-everything is drawn, coloured and constructed. In this symbiosis between aesthetics and botany, Burle Marx is the master of both species and spaces. His work is the embodiment of the "nature-city," a concept developed from the garden cities of the late 19th century, which has become compromi...