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In the first decades of the 1800s, after almost three centuries of Iberian rule, former Spanish territories fragmented into more than a dozen new polities. Edge of Empire analyzes the emergence of Montevideo as a hot spot of Atlantic trade and regional center of power, often opposing Buenos Aires. By focusing on commercial and social networks in the Rio de la Plata region, the book examines how Montevideo merchant elites used transimperial connections to expand their influence and how their trade offered crucial support to MontevideoÕs autonomist projects. These transimperial networks offered different political, social, and economic options to local societies and shaped the politics that emerged in the region, including the formation of Uruguay. Connecting South America to the broader Atlantic World, this book provides an excellent case study for examining the significance of cross-border interactions in shaping independence processes and political identities.
"Humans are more altruistic than one might think. Many of us want to have a positive impact on the world. We donate to charity, volunteer for a good cause, or choose a career to make a difference. Annual US donations sum to $500 billion-about 2% of GDP-and no less than 25% of Americans volunteer for a good cause. People make real altruistic sacrifices on a scale that's often underappreciated."--
The contributors use fresh archival research from Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, and the Philippines to examine the lives of slaves and farmworkers as well as self-serving magistrates, bishops, and traders in contraband.
Tense and aspect are crucial devices of sentence meaning. They interact with Aktionsart, but also with verb types and adverbs when indicating temporal relations and building temporal discourse structure. On the discourse level, they are co-determined by narrative functions, enhancing the complexity of their description. The volume depicts this vast field. It unites twelve contributions which elaborate on three thematic cores: 1) the context-sensitivity of tense and aspect and their relationships with neighbouring categories, 2) their interaction with adverbs, 3) their functioning in discourse. The volume advances our knowledge of the matters at hand in different respects. It discusses the on...
This edited volume brings together essays that examine recent scholarship on the history of the Rio de la Plata region (present-day Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil) from the colonial period to the nineteenth century. It illustrates new themes and historical methods that have transformed the historiography of Rio de la Plata, including the use of new sources, digital methodologies and techniques, and innovative approaches to the already well-studied themes of gender, race, commerce, the slave trade, indigenous history, and economic, political, and military history. Contributions privilege trans-national and Atlantic approaches to the Rio de la Plata, emphasizing the inter-con...
This volume launches the book series of “Inquire – International Centre for Research on Inquisitions” of the University of Bologna, a research network that engages with the history of religious justice from the 13th to the 20th century. This first publication offers twenty chapters that take stock of the current historiography on medieval and early modern Inquisitions (the Spanish, Portuguese and Roman Inquisitions) and their modern continuations. Through the analysis of specific questions related to religious repression in Europe and the Iberian colonial territories extending from the Middle Ages to today, the contributions here examine the history of the perception of tribunals and the most recent historiographical trends. New research perspectives thus emerge on a subject that continues to intrigue those interested in the practices of justice and censorship, the history of religious dissent and the genesis of intolerance in the Western world and beyond.
Die Konstruktionsgrammatik gehört als theoretisches Paradigma mittlerweile auch in der Romanistik zum "state of the art". Doch stellt die Beschreibung vieler sprachlicher Phänomene auch die Konstruktionsgrammatik in der Praxis immer wieder vor Probleme. Vor allem die Umfelder des Sprechens geraten dabei in den Fokus. Dies gilt einerseits für die Berücksichtigung des Kontextes sprachlicher Ausdrücke in Theorie und Praxis. Andererseits stellt die Beschreibung kommunikativer Gattungen (oder "speech genres") im Sinne von Konstruktionen die Theorie vor neue Herausforderungen. Die Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes widmen sich diesen Themen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und bieten Fallstudien...
Aus einer soziokulturell-konstruktionsgrammatischen Perspektive rekonstruiert die Studie den literaten Sprachausbau des Mittelniederdeutschen, einen an das schriftliche Medium gekoppelten Sprachwandelprozess. Am Beispiel historischer Rechtstexte, bei denen es sich im Wesentlichen um spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Stadtrechtskodifikationen handelt, werden das Entstehen und der Wandel von Funktionswort-Konstruktionen beschrieben und erklärt. Diese sprachlichen Form-Funktions-Paare werden mit Blick auf das in der Arbeit entworfene historisch-grammatische Programm (Sociocultural Construction Grammar) als schriftsprachliche Entitäten gefasst, die sowohl kognitive Gestalten als auch...
Au sens large, le concept de modalité désigne l’éventail des attitudes qu’un locuteur peut adopter envers le contenu propositionnel d’un énoncé. Après avoir introduit les différentes orientations théoriques de la recherche à ce sujet – approches fonctionnelles, sémantique formelle, grammaire générative, linguistique cognitive et constructionnelle –, le présent manuel détaille les moyens d’expression de la modalité dans les différentes langues romanes : le système des modes, en premier lieu, mais aussi les verbes modaux, adverbes, adjectifs et périphrases de modalité, ou encore l’intonation. Certaines questions diachroniques, comme celle du développement des modes et de leur représentation au plan grammaticographique, sont aussi traitées. Enfin, la modalité est abordée du point de vue de ses intersections avec les catégories voisines de temporalité, aspect, évidentialité, polyphonie ou jugement du locuteur. L’ouvrage offre ainsi une description approfondie des modes et modalités en langues romanes, qui rend compte des recherches les plus récentes et des problématiques émergentes en ce domaine.
Presenting a critical history of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century, focusing on the transition from logical positivism in its first half to the "new philosophy of science" in its second, Stefano Gattei examines the influence of several key figures, but the main focus of the book are Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper. Kuhn as the central figure of the new philosophy of science, and Popper as a key philosopher of the time who stands outside both traditions. Gattei makes two important claims about the development of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century; that Kuhn is much closer to positivism than many have supposed, failing to solve the crisis of neopostivism, and that Popper, in responding to the deeper crisis of foundationalism that spans the whole of the Western philosophical tradition, ultimately shows what is untenable in Kuhn's view. Gattei has written a very detailed and fine grained, yet accessible discussion making exceptionally interesting use of archive materials.