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Buku Reumatologi Klinik ini disusun dengan latar belakang minimnya kepustakaan di bidang reumatologi dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kasus-kasus penyakit reumatik sering dijumpai dalam praktek sehari-hari. Reumatologi juga seringkali dianggap salah satu cabang ilmu kedokteran yang sulit, sehingga tidak banyak yang tertarik untuk mempelajarinya. Buku ini terdiri dari 12 BAB, yaitu: Nyeri Pinggang, Osteoartritis, Artritis Reumatoid, Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik, Spondiloartropati, Sklerosis Sistemik, Vaskulitis, Hiperurisemia dan Gout, Artritis Pseudogout, Penyakit Reumatik Jaringan Lunak, Fibromialgia, dan Osteoporosis.
Sudah sepatutnya kita bangga dan bersyukur terlahir sebagai putra-putri Indonesia. Negara dengan penduduk terbesar keempat di dunia ini memiliki ciri khas dan ragam budaya yang unik. Terdapat berbagai macam suku, bahasa, dan adat istiadat. Tidak ada satu pun negara di dunia ini yang dapat menyamai keunikan dan kekayaan budaya Indonesia. Tidak hanya kekayaan alam saja yang menjadi unggulan bagi Indonesia. Berbagai fakta lain juga menunjukkan keunggulan manusia-manusia Indonesia. Selain kekayaan alam, di dalam buku ini disajikan pula karya hasil anak bangsa, baik di bidang teknologi, olahraga, kesenian, penemuan, militer maupun bangunan monumental. Hal tersebut menjadi bukti bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang besar. -CERDAS INTERAKTIF-
ICHSS is an international seminar that is held every two years organized by the Research and Community Service Institute of the State University of Malang. The meeting aims to discuss the theoretical and practical developments of Social Sciences and Humanities in Indonesia and other countries with a view to build academic networks by gathering academics from various research institutes and universities.Community empowerment serves as a trigger to increase community independence and to cope with the challenges resulting from the rapid development of technology. An important aspect of the community empowerment effort is to link the results of innovation research for the benefit of community. T...
A comprehensive guide for students and researchers to the physical processes inside volcanoes that control eruption frequency, duration, and size.
Occupational Ergonomics: Principles of Work Design focuses on the fundamentals in ergonomics design and evaluation. Divided into two parts, Part I covers the background for the discipline and profession of ergonomics and offers an international perspective on ergonomics. Part II describes the foundations of ergonomics knowledge, including fundament
A complete introduction to shooting, processing and rendering time-lapse movies with a DSLR camera. Written for new and intermediate DSLR users and time-lapse photographers this guide offers a detailed and easy to follow photo rich workflow to capture and produce great time-lapse movies.
What is craft? How is it different from fine art or design? In A Theory of Craft, Howard Risatti examines these issues by comparing handmade ceramics, glass, metalwork, weaving, and furniture to painting, sculpture, photography, and machine-made design from Bauhaus to the Memphis Group. He describes craft's unique qualities as functionality combined with an ability to express human values that transcend temporal, spatial, and social boundaries. Modern design today has taken over from craft the making of functional objects of daily use by employing machines to do work once done by hand. Understanding the aesthetic and social implications of this transformation forces us to see craft as well a...
Since the need to protect ground water from pollution was recognized, researchers have made progress in understanding the vulnerability of ground water to contamination. Yet, there are substantial uncertainties in the vulnerability assessment methods now available. With a wealth of detailed information and practical advice, this volume will help decision-makers derive the most benefit from available assessment techniques. It offers: Three laws of ground water vulnerability. Six case studies of vulnerability assessment. Guidance for selecting vulnerability assessments and using the results. Reviews of the strengths and limitations of assessment methods. Information on available data bases, primarily at the federal level. This book will be indispensable to policymakers and resource managers, environmental professionals, researchers, faculty, and students involved in ground water issues, as well as investigators developing new assessment methods.
Geomorphology has now reached a certain level where the methodology, scientific content and resultsbeing published in the field make it worthy of being considered as a major environmental researcharea.In preparing Environmental Geomorphology, the author has given priority to methodology and illustrative case-histories. Schemes and classifications that would be ill-suited fora naturalistic, empirical and non-systematic discipline like geomorphology have been avoided.The concepts outlined in the text are based on a subdivision of geomorphological resources andhazards (as well as their links with man) together with the consequent risk and impactproblems.Each investigation, study or intervention...