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Cet ouvrage, destiné aux élèves de terminale ayant choisi la spécialité Humanités, littérature et philosophie, permet de réviser l’essentiel du programme grâce à des fiches claires et synthétiques, abordant deux thèmes : la recherche de soi (De la fin du XVIIIème au début du XXème siècle) puis l'Humanité en question (Du XXème siècle à aujourd'hui). Pour chaque fiche vous trouverez : • Les grands axes de la fiche répondant à une problématique liée aux thèmes et sous-thèmes du programme • Les principales notions à maîtriser • Un cours synthétique, associant les approches littéraire et philosophique • Des focus pour approfondir certains points, découvrir des extraits d' oeuvres clé, des citations à retenir • L’essentiel à mémoriser sous forme de carte mentale •Une rubrique « résonances actuelles » proposant des pistes de réflexion pour le Grand oral. • Un QCM pour tester vos connaissances. Enfin, pour chacun des deux thèmes du programme, sont proposés deux sujets type bac, accompagnés de leur corrigé et de conseils méthodologiques.
Classes préparatoires scientifiques. Concours 2024-2025. L’indispensable pour : Clarifier le thèmeComprendre les œuvresAborder les sujetsCerner les enjeuxTrouver des exemples
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, émile ou De l'éducation (Livres I et II) Hans Christian Andersen, Contes Wole Soyinka, Aké, les années d'enfance Destiné aux élèves de classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles scientifiques, ce volume de la collection « Dissertations & méthodes » se révélera un outil particulièrement pertinent pour une préparation optimale à l’épreuve de français et philosophie des concours : Méthode et techniques de la dissertation, toutes les étapes expliquées : –– les erreurs à ne pas faire –– les réponses à vos questions –– des exemples et schémas pour vous aider à adopter les bons réflexes Des dissertations entièrement rédigées pour comprendre les œuvres au programme et aborder les problématiques essentielles du thème.
This book is the first of its kind entirely dedicated to carbohydrate vaccines written by renowned scientists with expertise in carbohydrate chemistry and immunochemistry. It covers the synthesis of carbohydrate antigens related to bacteria and parasites such as: Heamophilus influenza, Streptococcus pnemoniae, Shigella flexneri, Candida albicans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Chlamydia. The first three chapters are of wide interest as they cover fundamental concerns in new vaccine developments. The first one presents the immune system and how carbohydrate antigens are processed before protective antibodies are produced. It also illustrates antigen presentation in the context of major histo...
'Total Synthesis of Natural Products' is written and edited by some of today's leaders in organic chemistry. Eleven chapters cover a range of natural products, from steroids to alkaloids. Each chapter contains an introduction to the natural product in question, descriptions of its biological and pharmacological properties and outlines of total synthesis procedures already carried out. Particular emphasis is placed on novel methodologies developed by the respective authors and their research groups. This text is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as well as organic chemists in academia and industry.
In this exciting 2 volume set, the approach and methodology of bio-inspired synthesis of complex natural products is laid out, backed by abundant practical examples from the authors' own work as well as from the published literature. Volume 1 describes the biomimetic synthesis of alkaloids. Volume 2 covers terpenes, polyketides, and polyphenols. A discussion of the current challenges and frontiers in biomimetic synthesis concludes this comprehensive handbook. Key features: Biomimetic Strategies have become an every-day tool not only for chemists but also for biologists. The synthetic applications are overwhelming, making this comprehensive 2 volume work a must-have for everyone working in the field. Unifying both synthetic and biosynthetic aspects, this book covers everything from organocatalysis and natural product synthesis to synthetic biology and even green chemistry.
Demonstrates the advantages of catalytic cascade reactions for synthesizing natural products and pharmaceuticals Riding the wave of green chemistry, catalytic cascade reactions have become one of the most active research areas in organic synthesis. During a cascade reaction, just one reaction solvent, one workup procedure, and one purification step are needed, thus significantly increasing synthetic efficiency. Featuring contributions from an international team of pioneers in the field, Catalytic Cascade Reactions demonstrates the versatility and application of these reactions for synthesizing valuable compounds. The book examines both organocatalysis and transition-metal catalysis reactions...
This volume details the experimental approaches suitable for isolating and characterizing bacteriophages to formulating bacteriophage medicinal products and clinical application. Chapters guide readers through regulatory compliance and safety aspects of bacteriophage therapy. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Bacteriophage Therapy: From Lab to Clinical Practice aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.
This thesis addresses fundamental scientific questions such as: How are complex natural products synthesized in vivo? Can we replicate these conditions in a laboratory environment? What is the biological function of such secondary metabolites? What are the biological origins of chirality? These issues are explored in an accessible manner using a multidisciplinary approach spanning chemistry, biology and physics to investigate an interesting family of complex natural products isolated from marine molluscs – the tridachiahydropyrones. The work has achieved: Elegant biomimetic syntheses of a number of the tridachiahydropyrone compounds in vitro using organic synthesis techniques The characterization of the interactions between these compounds and a range of model membrane systems using a series of fluorescence spectroscopic studies The investigation of the antioxidant and photoprotective properties of the compounds by means of biophysical assay techniques The synthesis of tridachiahydropyrone utilizing the model membrane systems as biomimetic reaction media.