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Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 275

Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis

Since the early 1990s the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of powder diffraction data has undergone something of a revolution in its ability to do just that: yield important structural information beyond the average crystal structure of a material. With the advent of advanced sources, computing and algorithms, it is now useful for studying the structure of nanocrystals, clusters and molecules in solution or otherwise disordered in space, nanoporous materials and things intercalated into them, and to look for local distortions and defects in crystals. It can be used in a time-resolved way to study structural changes taking place during synthesis and in operating devices, and t...

Every Thing in Dickens
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

Every Thing in Dickens

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1874
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  • Publisher: Greenwood

An assemblage of extracts from the complete works of Charles Dickens, including his speeches. The volume reflects the editor's effort to include every notable/quotable passage or short comment by Dickens on a subject which interested the great author. It contains over 860,000 words, and there are over 50 illustrations. Included are 27 extended extracts, largely from the fictional works, which capture the greatest scenes in the oeuvre, including the trial of Bardell v. Pickwick, Ralph Nickleby's frustration and suicide, Jonas Chuzzlewit's murder of Tigg Montague and its aftermath, and Mr. Micawber's demolishment of Uriah Heep. This reference has over 405 topic captions, or subject headings, o...

International Tables for Crystallography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 261

International Tables for Crystallography

This sixth edition of what was previously known as the Brief Teaching Edition of Volume A provides an introduction to the basic crystallographic data for space groups found in Volume A, for symmetry relations between space groups in Volume A1 and for subperiodic groups in Volume E of International Tables for Crystallography, to magnetic space groups and to the symmetry database that forms part of International Tables Online at https://it.iucr.org. It is designed for graduate students and young researchers who are new to the field of crystallographic symmetry, and includes many illustrative examples to help readers to understand and use these different kinds of information. Selected tables of symmetry data from the full volumes in the series are also included, making this a handy aid for classroom teaching. References are also provided to further specialized sources for those who need to go deeper into the subject and to textbooks for those who need more background information.

Diccionari de botànica
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 505

Diccionari de botànica

Els investigadors i els estudiosos de botànica general han de conèixer i aprendre una quantitat aclaparadora de termes científics. Ben sovint, aquests conceptes presenten nombrosos problemes terminològics de difícil solució per a un usuari que no és especialista en matèria lingüística. Aquest diccionari aplega, ordena, formalitza i defineix el cos del vocabulari que resulta imprescindible per a respondre a les necessitats que planteja l'estudi de la botànica, i està especialment adreçat al públic universitari, tot i que no n'exclou un de més ampli i general. A més de les definicions habituals. Cada entrada recull les sigles de substàncies, normes, institucions'; els prefixos i sufixos és comuns que intervenen en la formació de bona part del lexic botànic; les relacions de sinonímia; els equivalents corresponents en espanyol, anglès i francés i tot d'informacions relacionades amb cada terme. Consta de gairebè 6.000 entrades, a més de 170 il·lustracions amb finalitat descriptiva i complementària. El volum es completa amb els índexs alfabètics en aquestes tres llengües i una relació exhaustiva de les fonts i de la bibliografia.

Recull de poemes
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 370

Recull de poemes


The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 822

The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership

The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond provides a comprehensive exploration of women’s participation in musical leadership from the nineteenth century to the present. Global in scope, with contributors from over thirty countries, this book reveals the wide range of ways in which women have taken leadership roles across musical genres and contexts, uncovers new histories, and considers the challenges that women continue to face. The volume addresses timely issues in the era of movements such as #MeToo, digital feminisms, and the resurgent global feminist movements. Its multidisciplinary chapters represent a wide range of methodologies, wit...

Manual pràctic de botànica. Morfologia de les plantes vasculars (2a edició)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 101

Manual pràctic de botànica. Morfologia de les plantes vasculars (2a edició)

El Manual pràctic de botànica és una guia per reconèixer la morfologia de les plantes vasculars, també anomenades cormòfits, i per determinar-ne i interpretar-ne les modificacions i adaptacions. Inclou una part descriptiva que es complementa amb 745 imatges de conjunt o de detall, de gran qualitat fotogràfica, representatives de les diferents estructures tractades i que pertanyen a 360 espècies de plantes. Escrit amb un llenguatge amè, el llibre també recull un glossari de 425 termes botànics per acostar al lector el vocabulari propi d’aquesta ciència i una bibliografia específica.Es tracta, doncs, d’una obra imprescindible per a totes les persones interessades a conèixer aquest tipus de plantes, i de gran utilitat tant per als estudiants universitaris com per als aficionats a la botànica.

Federal Register
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 524

Federal Register

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1996-08
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Mayan Languages
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 790

The Mayan Languages

The Mayan Languages presents a comprehensive survey of the language family associated with the Classic Mayan civilization (AD 200–900), a family whose individual languages are still spoken today by at least six million indigenous Maya in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. This unique resource is an ideal reference for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Mayan languages and linguistics. Written by a team of experts in the field, The Mayan Languages presents in-depth accounts of the linguistic features that characterize the thirty-one languages of the family, their historical evolution, and the social context in which they are spoken. The Mayan Languages: provides detai...

Diccionari de la llengua catalana
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 1056

Diccionari de la llengua catalana

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1840
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  • Publisher: Unknown
