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The fictional Don Quixote was constantly defeated in his knightly adventures. In writing Quixote's story, however, Miguel Cervantes succeeded in a different kind of quest — the creation of a modern novel that ‘conquers’ and assimilates countless literary genres. /spanDon Quixote among the Saracens considers how Cervantes's work reflects the clash of civilizations and anxieties towards cultural pluralism that permeated Golden Age Spain. Frederick A. de Armas unravels an essential mystery of one of world literature's best known figures: why Quixote sets out to revive knight errantry, and why he comes to feel at home only among the Moorish ‘Saracens,’ a people whom Quixote feared at the beginning of the novel. De Armas also reveals Quixote's inner conflicts as both a Christian who vows to battle the infidel, but also a secret Saracen sympathizer. While delving into genre theory, Don Quixote among the Saracens adds a new dimension to our understandings of Spain's multicultural history.
Este libro recoge las Actas de las XXV Jornadas de Teatro Clásico de Almagro, celebradas los días 9, 10 y 11 de julio de 2002. Diversos autores exponen sus estudios sobre Lope de Vega, como son: Emilio Hernández, Eduardo Vasco y Yolanda Mancebo: El amor en Lope: visiones escénicas. Aurelio González, Azucena Peñas y Francisco Javier Díez: El gesto, la palabra, la expresión lírica. Melchora Romanos, María Teresa Cattaneo, Teresa Ferrer, Enrique García Santo-Tomás, Jesús Cañas, José Cano, Fréderic Serralta y Javier Rubiera.: Perspectivas del erotismo en la obra dramática de Lope. Gemma Gómez Rubio: Crónicas de los coloquios.
Magicians, necromancers and astrologers are assiduous characters in the European golden age theatre. This book deals with dramatic characters who act as physiognomists or palm readers in the fictional world and analyses the fictionalisation of physiognomic lore as a practice of divination in early modern Romance theatre from Pietro Aretino and Giordano Bruno to Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Thomas Corneille.
In Moors Dressed as Moors, Javier Irigoyen-Garcia draws on a wide range of sources to reveal the currency of Moorish clothing in early modern Iberian society.
La colección Corral de comedias, nacida de la colaboración de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha con el Festival de Almagro y las entidades que constituyen su patronato, se propone ofrecer al público estudios y bibliografias sobre el teatro español del Siglo de Oro. Uno de sus objetivos prioritarios es recoger las actas del las Jornadas de Tatro Clásico
Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the history of humanity. While historians have already given due consideration to the profession’s social and cultural meanings across time periods, little has been written about literary representations of prostitution. Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Literature analyses the work of writers from an array of social positions, including courtly poets and even religious writers, dealing with the topic during the medieval and early modern periods. Its study shows that prostitutes and brothel owners were present on the literary stage far more often than we might have assumed. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach and incorporating relevant sources from across the entire European continent dating from the early Middle Ages to the sixteenth century, it examines the phenomenon of prostitution in a variety of contexts and highlights the extent to which the institution mattered for both the higher and the lower classes.
In A Companion to Celestina, Enrique Fernandez brings together twenty-three hitherto unpublished contributions on the Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, popularly known as Celestina (c. 1499) written by leading experts who summarize, evaluate and expand on previous studies. The resulting chapters offer the non-specialist an overview of Celestina studies. Those who already know the field will find state of the art studies filled with new insights that elaborate on or depart from the well-established currents of criticism. Celestina's creation and sources, the parody of religious and erudite traditions, the treatment of magic, prostitution, the celestinesca and picaresque genre, the translatio...
. Guerra sucia y conciencia desgraciada: Calderón y los moriscos de las Alpujarras. Escaramuzas y hostilidades en el teatro de Mira de Amescua.. Una guerra sobre las tablas: Los amotinados de Flandes.. Fuentes y representacion de La restauración de Buda comedia bélica de Bances Candamo. Guerra y paz en la comedia burlesca. Conflagraciones tetrales. Fichas para una poética de la guerra en la Comedia Nueva. Desenlaces bélicos, victorias reconfortantes. La guerra en Fajardo Acevedo. Guerra y paz en el teatro breve cortesano: batallas amorosas y sus formas de escenificación a traves de la música.- Guerra de asedio, artillería y la muerte del héroe.- Vencedores y vencidos en el teatro de Calderón. Paz y guerra en Moreto- La iglesia sitiada de Calderón, un tema de guerra en tiempos de guerra.. La batalla de Alcazarquivir en la escena durea.. Guerra y orden colonial en los dramas sobre la conquista del Perú de Calderón de la Barca y Francisco del Castillo.
Early modern Spain was a global empire in which a startling variety of medical cultures came into contact, and occasionally conflict, with one another. Spanish soldiers, ambassadors, missionaries, sailors, and emigrants of all sorts carried with them to the farthest reaches of the monarchy their own ideas about sickness and health. These ideas were, in turn, influenced by local cultures. This volume tells the story of encounters among medical cultures in the early modern Spanish empire. The twelve chapters draw upon a wide variety of sources, ranging from drama, poetry, and sermons to broadsheets, travel accounts, chronicles, and Inquisitorial documents; and it surveys a tremendous regional ...
ÍNDICE: Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez: Tirso y el teatro. Programa. Estudios y análisis: ROSA NAVARRO DURAN: «Don Gil de las calzas verdes» a la luz de Cervantes; SOFíA EIROA: Los enredos de la dama en las comedias de Tirso; IGNACIO ARELLANO: La fuerza del ingenio en las comedias de capa y espada de Tirso de Molina; CÉSAR OLIVA: De Don Juan a Don Gil; MARC VITSE: De «La jalouse d’elle même» de Boisrobert a «La celosa de sí misma» de Tirso de Molina; LAURA DOLFI: La descripción de la mujer: lenguaje culto y erotismo en el teatro de Tirso de Molina; EVANGELINA RODRÍGUEZ CUADROS: «En virtud de los que recitaron». Los actores (de entonces y después) en la comedia de Tirso. Crónicas de los coloquios: JOSÉ CANO NAVARRO: Sobre la puesta en escena de Tirso de Molina; GEMMA GÓMEZ RUBIO: Sobre la representación de «La celosa de sí misma», Sobre la representación de «El burlador de Sevilla»; JOSÉ CANO NAVARRO: Sobre la representación de «La bella Aurora»