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The second Arolla conference on algebraic topology brought together specialists covering a wide range of homotopy theory and $K$-theory. These proceedings reflect both the variety of talks given at the conference and the diversity of promising research directions in homotopy theory. The articles contained in this volume include significant contributions to classical unstable homotopy theory, model category theory, equivariant homotopy theory, and the homotopy theory of fusionsystems, as well as to $K$-theory of both local fields and $C*$-algebras.
The theory of topological modular forms is an intricate blend of classical algebraic modular forms and stable homotopy groups of spheres. The construction of this theory combines an algebro-geometric perspective on elliptic curves over finite fields with techniques from algebraic topology, particularly stable homotopy theory. It has applications to and connections with manifold topology, number theory, and string theory. This book provides a careful, accessible introduction to topological modular forms. After a brief history and an extended overview of the subject, the book proper commences with an exposition of classical aspects of elliptic cohomology, including background material on ellip...
This volume presents the proceedings from the AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Homotopy Methods in Algebraic Topology held at the University of Colorado (Boulder). The conference coincided with the sixtieth birthday of J. Peter May. An article is included reflecting his wide-ranging and influential contributions to the subject area. Other articles in the book discuss the ordinary, elliptic and real-oriented Adams spectral sequences, mapping class groups, configuration spaces, extended powers, operads, the telescope conjecture, $p$-compact groups, algebraic K theory, stable and unstable splittings, the calculus of functors, the $E_{\infty}$ tensor product, and equivariant cohomology theories. The book offers a compendious source on modern aspects of homotopy theoretic methods in many algebraic settings.
This book presents a geometric introduction to the homology of topological spaces and the cohomology of smooth manifolds. The author introduces a new class of stratified spaces, so-called stratifolds. He derives basic concepts from differential topology such as Sard's theorem, partitions of unity and transversality. Based on this, homology groups are constructed in the framework of stratifolds and the homology axioms are proved. This implies that for nice spaces these homology groups agree with ordinary singular homology. Besides the standard computations of homology groups using the axioms, straightforward constructions of important homology classes are given. The author also defines strati...
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications, in honor of Paul Goerss's 60th birthday, held from July 17–21, 2017, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. The articles cover a variety of topics spanning the current research frontier of homotopy theory. This includes articles concerning both computations and the formal theory of chromatic homotopy, different aspects of equivariant homotopy theory and K-theory, as well as articles concerned with structured ring spectra, cyclotomic spectra associated to perfectoid fields, and the theory of higher homotopy operations.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, which took place in Arolla, Switzerland, from August 20-25, 2012. The papers in this volume cover topics such as category theory and homological algebra, functor homology, algebraic -theory, cobordism categories, group theory, generalized cohomology theories and multiplicative structures, the theory of iterated loop spaces, Smith-Toda complexes, and topological modular forms.
This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS Special Session on Higher Structures in Topology, Geometry, and Physics, held virtually on March 26–27, 2022. The articles give a snapshot survey of the current topics surrounding the mathematical formulation of field theories. There is an intricate interplay between geometry, topology, and algebra which captures these theories. The hallmark are higher structures, which one can consider as the secondary algebraic or geometric background on which the theories are formulated. The higher structures considered in the volume are generalizations of operads, models for conformal field theories, string topology, open/closed field theories, BF/BV formalism, actions on Hochschild complexes and related complexes, and their geometric and topological aspects.
The authors apply a theorem of J. Lurie to produce cohomology theories associated to certain Shimura varieties of type $U(1,n-1)$. These cohomology theories of topological automorphic forms ($\mathit{TAF}$) are related to Shimura varieties in the same way that $\mathit{TMF}$ is related to the moduli space of elliptic curves.
The Handbook of Homotopy Theory provides a panoramic view of an active area in mathematics that is currently seeing dramatic solutions to long-standing open problems, and is proving itself of increasing importance across many other mathematical disciplines. The origins of the subject date back to work of Henri Poincaré and Heinz Hopf in the early 20th century, but it has seen enormous progress in the 21st century. A highlight of this volume is an introduction to and diverse applications of the newly established foundational theory of ¥ -categories. The coverage is vast, ranging from axiomatic to applied, from foundational to computational, and includes surveys of applications both geometric and algebraic. The contributors are among the most active and creative researchers in the field. The 22 chapters by 31 contributors are designed to address novices, as well as established mathematicians, interested in learning the state of the art in this field, whose methods are of increasing importance in many other areas.