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This book, Applied Social Sciences: Communication Studies, is a collection of essays specific to the field of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication. It contains essays on the role of communication in the academic library (interculturality), IT (collaborative web, digitalisation), literary fiction (folktale, Romanian drama), management (conflict management, election campaign discourse, public relations, terrorism risk), marketing (advertising, brand, cultural events), mass-media (censorship, glossies, image fabrication, journalistic approach, manipulation, media events, metaphorisation of discourse, news, public opinion, public space, television), organisations (cyberspace), and sports (volleyb...
Bridging the gap between research and practice communities is more pertinent than ever because of the need for evidence in developing and evaluating library services and programs. The gap between research and library practice has been discussed in the library and information science (LIS) field for almost two decades. The issues range from limited transfer of ideas from research into practice to a lack of education in research methods for library practitioners. This book introduces new voices from international research and practice communities into the discussion and contributes to the debate about the research-practice divide. Education and continuing training in research methods from inte...
This book focuses on seven entries in Carl R. Burgchardt’s Readings in Rhetorical Criticism, to which it adds a complementary effort. While maintaining a strategy of ongoing dialogue with both the prospective reader and the texts under scrutiny, the book acknowledges the author’s privileged moment of essential identification and represents a step out of the limiting frame of the inherently political character of inquiry. This allows the book to present personal narrative about guidance by specific critics such as Edwin Black, Forbes Hill, Karlyn Khors Campbell, Kenneth Burke, William Lewis, and Raymie McKerrow through the labyrinth of “that Leviathan, the public mind” (H. Wichelns). The volume mediates a cross-cultural re-conceptualization of academic writing, more adequately inscribed within the symbolic border between the consolidated American and other fragile profiles of the discipline of Communication Studies.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, TECH-EDU 2022, was held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August/September 2022. The 21 full papers and 18 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Emergent technologies in education; Online learning and blended learning; Computer science education and STEM; Digital tools and STEM learning; ICT and critical thinking in higher education; Digital transformation in higher education; Artificial Intelligence in Education.
The multiple facets of this volume belong to five large themes. The first theme, that of persuasion and manipulation, is studied here through electoral campaigns (i.e., mental filters used in voting manipulation, the mechanisms of vote mobilisation, manipulation and storytelling models). The institutionalization of education represents the second theme, approached here through specific interdisciplinary instruments: the intersection of higher education with public learning, the answers of the knowledge society to the issues of contemporary work problems, the institutional relationships used to solve educational problems specific to childhood and adolescence, as well as the role of media comp...
The volume configures a multidisciplinary perspective on the concept of intellectual elites and describes their action in Eastern European cultures, bringing together studies signed by a number of eminent Romanian scholars from various fields of the Humanities.
Odată creat şi mai apoi transmis, orice produs sau bun cultural tinde să devină, treptat şi urmând un proces aproape natural, un bun cu valoare identitară, fie particulară fie universală, adică, de fapt, o formă de patrimoniu. Ce este patrimoniul cultural şi cum se constituie el? Care este natura reprezentărilor și proceselor formative ale patrimoniului? Cum influențează noile mijloace de comunicare și socializare, noul mediu socio-economic, reprezentările ce îl alcătuiesc? Care este natura relației dintre patrimoniul cultural și mecanismele identitare? Cum pot fi caracterizate diferitele tipuri de identități în cadrul unei astfel de relaţii şi care-i sunt mijloacele de reprezentare specifice? Iată tot atâtea întrebări care au stat la baza unei cercetări aprofundate cu privire la definirea şi implicaţiile patrimoniului cultural în vieţile noastre, ale cărei răspunsuri îmbracă forma contribuţiilor ce alcătuiesc prezentul volum.
This book examines the connection between religion and violence in the Western traditions of the three Abrahamic faiths, from ancient to modern times. It addresses a gap in the scholarly debate on the nature of religious violence by bringing scholars that specialize in pre-modern religions and scriptural traditions into the same sphere of discussion as those specializing in contemporary manifestations of religious violence. Moving beyond the question of the “authenticity” of religious violence, this book brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines. Contributors explore the central role that religious texts have played in encouraging, as well as confronting, violence. The inter...
Lucrarea prezintă o sursă bogată de material lexical nou atestat, din diverse stiluri și registre, interesant atât pentru cei care studiază morfologia derivațională și vocabularul, cât și pentru alți lingviști interesați de dinamica și evoluția limbii române.
Pandemia de Covid-19 care a afectat întreaga lume, deci și România, începând cu primăvara anului 2020, a impus o nouă paradigmă educațională – educația on line. Astfel, s-au schimbat amfiteatrele și sălile de seminar cu biroul sau camera de cămin. Educația și instruirea studenților se poate face de peste tot, acolo unde, priceperea și pasiunea profesorilor se întâlnesc cu setea de cunoaștere și elanul studenților. S-au schimbat strategiile și metodele de instruire, adaptarea fiind realizată din partea tuturor participanților la activitatea didactică. În acest context, a avut loc Conferința Națională de Filosofia Educației – Filosofie, Educație, Distanță...