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This volume provides a broad analysis of feminist movements--both historical and present-day--in Europe. It will fill the gap in the literature on feminist mobilizations through a systematic analysis of European third wave feminism from a cross-national perspective (covering Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey) and a cross-time perspective (covering the time frame 2010-2021). In doing this, the authors also single out the different constellations of feminist movements as related to specific national political opportunities and networks of alliance and opposition. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in gender studies, feminist theory, and soc...
Drawing on a participatory action research conducted in Italy and Spain among feminist spaces, this book examines the production of safer spaces and the underlying infrastructure of affect and emotions that shape, enable, and support collective action. Amidst the prevailing backlash observed in various European countries, a new wave of feminist movements has emerged since 2015, emphasizing the significance of establishing secure physical spaces within urban settings to counteract the rising levels of inequality, gender-based violence, and economic crises. By challenging a binary understanding of safe spaces, this book presents a dynamic conceptualization of safety within feminist movements, ...
Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with mass media and social media playing a key role, anti-vax protests have received sustained attention. The first comments often pointed at the heterogeneity of the events, whose participants seemed to belong to different milieus, from the far right to exoteric groups that opposed mainstream medicine, suggesting alternative ones. In reality, in their forms and claims, these protests developed as a regressive response to the health crisis. Conspiracist beliefs--from the politicized QAnon and Great Replacement conspiracies widespread on the far right to the Chemic Trails and 5G ones present in an exoteric milieu that promoted alternative hea...
This edited collection investigates gender-sensitive spaces, design practices, and provocations that challenge the complex social and material structures that shape inequities of access and inclusion in the urban environment. Designing Gender Sensitive Spaces for Consenting Cities: Practices and Provocations centres intersectional, gender-sensitive approaches to design in the urban environment as an integral strategy in combating spatial inequities. Through an investigation of design-led methods, project case studies, activist interventions, and processes of resistance and agency, this volume offers new thinking and practical approaches to demonstrate how design might shift towards safer and more inclusive cities for women, gender-diverse people, and LGBTIQ+ communities. This book will appeal to practitioners, scholars, and students of urbanism, design, planning, architecture, and geography, as well as government and non-profit organisations that are interested in gender and equality and can influence the future narratives of cities.
Jane Addams, premio Nobel per la pace nel 1931, fu filosofa, sociologa e attivista, ma soprattutto fu una pioniera. Alla fine del Diciannovesimo secolo, il suo pensiero innovativo e le coraggiose iniziative intraprese mutarono per sempre la percezione della vita sociale, degli spazi urbani e della democrazia. Cofondò la Hull House di Chicago, uno spazio concepito per fare comunità e dedicato all’impegno sociale in cui saperi, invenzioni e pratiche politiche ridisegnarono i contorni di un vicinato marginalizzato e oppresso. Come spazio di libertà e di cura, la Hull House produsse pratiche di cittadinanza e partecipazione, che ancora oggi interloquiscono con i movimenti femministi urbani contemporanei. Lo spazio urbano rivela così la sua natura profondamente politica, come campo di conflitti, di invenzioni e alleanze per una democrazia radicata, in continuo mutamento.
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY NC ND 4.0 International license. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.Feminism is in trouble. For more than two decades, Islamic veils, niqabs, and burkinis, forced and arranged marriages, polygamy and Sharia rules concerning women have been the object of intense public scrutiny and legal regulations in many Western countries, especially in Europe, and feminists have been actively engaged on both sides of the debates. In Feminist Trouble, Éléonore Lépinard draws on extended fieldwork with numerous women's organizations in France and Qu...
Cosa vuol dire Paese? Si mettano da parte i confini amministrativi, i riti delle istituzioni, il racconto giornalistico e la propaganda politica. Un Paese è an¬zitutto una visione, un luogo da immaginare e rifondare e in cui essere co¬munità. In un’Italia travolta dal nazionalismo di destra, questo libro affronta una questione più attuale che mai e lo fa muovendosi agilmente fra teoria e Storia, passando dalla Rivoluzione Francese a Marx, da Garibaldi ai partigiani italiani, dal movimento no global a Podemos. Tassello dopo tassello, l’autore prova a risolvere un complicato puzzle e ci invita a riflettere sui valori di comunità e appar¬tenenza e su una nuova visione che impedisca alla destra di dettare il significato di nazione. Verso un’idea di Paese progressista e nazional-popolare, perché senza una società inclusiva e solidale non esiste patria.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Jair Bolsonaro, l’uno ex sindacalista e riformista dalla parte del popolo, l’altro populista di estrema destra ideologicamente vicino a Donald Trump. Con i loro progetti di Paese completamente opposti si sono affrontati nelle elezioni presidenziali brasiliane del 2022, che si sono concluse con la vittoria, anche se di misura, di Lula. Ripercorrendo le principali vicende storiche del Brasile a partire dal ritorno alla democrazia del 1985, dopo la dittatura militare durata oltre vent’anni, gli autori ricostruiscono le tappe fondamentali del processo che ha condotto a questa disputa presidenziale senza precedenti, analizzando le basi sociali, ideologiche e organizzative del lulismo e del bolsonarismo, con uno sguardo alla prospettiva di genere e uno allo scenario geopolitico internazionale.
In the context of both the financial crisis and the crisis of European migration politics, the notion of solidarity has gained renewed prominence and - as this book argues - its practice has become increasingly contentious. Intersecting crises have sharpened social and political polarization and have contracted simultaneously the space for migrant and minority rights as well as the rights around political dissent. Building upon social movement and migration studies, this book maps the two sides of 'contentious solidarity' a shrinking civic space and its contestation by civil society. The book thereby unfolds the variety of repressive means (physical, legal, administrative and discursive) emp...