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Regional policy is an essential in any government’s toolkit for promoting socioeconomic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target the development of weak and stronger regions. This textbook provides comprehensive and systematic coverage of regional policy, dealing with core theories and looking at contemporary challenges in practice, addressing regional policy across the world. Structured in four parts, the book opens with an exploration of regional policy’s characterisation, aims and rationale. The second part is devoted to issues of implementation and the instruments available to policymakers for intervention. The third part addresses regional policy evaluation, as w...
Olivia Andrews is locally famous for her blog and podcast, “Forget Me Not: A Crime Victim’s Storyboard,” which is dedicated to telling the stories of victims of crime. Now, she has a stunning story to tell about a decades-old murder mystery involving a prominent citizen of Pecan Springs—someone who isn’t the man everybody thinks he is. But she is killed by a hit-and-run driver while she’s out jogging early one morning. Was it an accident—or something else? Her sister wants to know. And Olivia’s friend China Bayles also wants to know, urgently. Who is the prominent citizen Olivia was about to expose? How did he manage to get away with murder twenty years ago? Did he kill Olivi...
In the late nineteenth century, dreams became the subject of scientific study for the first time, after thousands of years of being considered a primarily spiritual phenomenon. Before Freud and the rise of psychoanalytic interpretation as the dominant mode of studying dreams, an international group of physicians, physiologists, and psychiatrists pioneered scientific models of dreaming. Collecting data from interviews, structured observation, surveys, and their own dream diaries, these scholars produced a large body of early research on the sleeping brain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This book uncovers an array of case studies from this overlooked period of dream scholarship. With contributors working across the disciplines of psychology, history, literature, and cultural studies, it highlights continuities and ruptures in the history of scientific inquiry into dreams.
A modern exploration of ancient wisdom relating to psychoactive plants. The ancient ritual drink used in religious ceremonies and known as soma in India and as haoma in the Zoroastrian tradition is praised in the highest terms - as a kind of deity - in both Zoroastrian and Vedic texts, which date from around 1,700 - 1,500 BCE. It is said to provide health, power, wisdom and even immortality. Many theories have been published about the possible botanical identity of this 'nectar of immortality', a plant which appears to have psychedelic/entheogenic properties. Matthew Clark spent several years researching and travelling widely in his quest of soma and in his fascinating, original and highly readable book, Clark reviews scholarly research, explores mythology and ritual and shares his extensive knowledge of psychoactive plants and fungi. The author suggests that the visionary soma drink was based on analogues of ayahuasca, using a variety of plants, some of which can now be identified.
Lucys beleuchtet die interdisziplinäre Thematik rund um sämtliche psychoaktiven Drogen aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln in Form von Reportagen, Interviews, Berichten, Features und Bildern. Neue Entwicklungen, Kunst, Musik und Literatur gehören ebenso zum Spektrum, wie Drogenpolitik und Konsumgewohnheiten von damals bis heute. Lucys Rausch bringt Hintergrundwissen zu Ethnobotanik, Wissenschaft und Kultur rund um psychoaktive Substanzen, die in sämtlichen gesellschaftlichen Schichten und allen Altersklassen Thema sind. Lucys Rausch informiert über Herkunft, Anwendung und Geschichte einzelner Substanzen von der sakralen Ritualpflanze bis hin zum alltäglichen Gebrauch geistbewegender Molek...
In this fascinating new collection, an all-star team of researchers explores lucid dreaming not only as consciousness during sleep but also as a powerful ability cultivated by artists, scientists, and shamans alike to achieve a variety of purposes and outcomes in the dream. The first set of its kind, Lucid Dreaming: New Perspectives on Consciousness in Sleep provides a comprehensive showcase of the theories, research, and direct experience that serve to illuminate how certain people can maintain conscious awareness while dreaming. The text is organized into two sections, covering science, psychology, and education; and religious traditions, creativity, and culture. Contributors to this two-v...
Durante tutto il Novecento la scienza e l’industria chimica, correlate al mondo economico, sono state protagoniste dei progressi che hanno contribuito a migliorare la qualità della nostra vita e di tutta la società. Anche in Italia l’azione di consulenza del professionista chimico è stata determinante: nella ricerca, nell’industria e nel sapersi rapportare con gli organismi della società. Questo volume mette a disposizione del lettore un quadro completo delle attività degli Ordini dei Chimici, dal loro apparire e per quasi un secolo di vita italiana, in una complessità di rapporti con le vicende istituzionali, politiche ed economiche del Paese. Presenta una puntuale rassegna cronologica di fatti, una galleria di figure protagoniste, una diligente trascrizione di documenti, tutto raccolto e ordinato con la competenza di chi ha vissuto la propria vita militando nella professione del chimico.
Una invitación a un viaje maravilloso. Una bitácora que revelará la vida de los hongos, su clasificación, evolución, su aporte a la salud y a la solución de desafíos ambientales. Una aventura que nos mostrará cómo, además, pueden aliviar enfermedades y sanar nuestra mente. El mundo de los hongos es tan amplio que va desde la simple levadura hasta variedades psicodélicas. Estos organismos, a veces fuera de nuestra vista, constituyen un reino diverso que sostiene a la mayoría de los sistemas vivos, generando lo que algunos científicos denominan "la red de la vida". Son, por ejemplo, la base de todos los antibióticos modernos, como el caso de la penicilina, descubierta por Alexand...