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Workbook Responsibility (EV)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 74

Workbook Responsibility (EV)

R, the second letter in the D.R.E.A.M. Formula®, stands for a leader ́s responsibility. A responsibility that applies to a myriad of areas. First and foremost, a leader has a responsibility to himself. He should have respect for his physical and psychological resources, applying them consciously. He must then ensure that his employees do the same. In times of increasing burnout afflictions, this is a vital issue and entails creating a positive environment in which employees enjoy their work. A leader carries exceptional responsibility during transitional processes. He must masterfully guide his staff to their destination. For this purpose, we developed story changing® - an outstanding, award-winning tool for understanding, accepting and actively shaping change. You can learn about this and much more in Workbook: Responsibility, with numerous worksheets for profound, enduring insight. Want more? Then redouble your knowledge with our book D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS®. Leadership is not an Illusion, along with the four other workbooks from the series.

Workbook Dedication (EV)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 79

Workbook Dedication (EV)

Dedication, the first letter in the D.R.E.A.M. Formula®, stands for a leader ́s devotion to his position - whole-heartedly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Leaders must forge ahead with commitment and enthusiasm for the task at hand. Only then, will they find equally committed employees, willing to become authentic ambassadors for your company ́s name. In Workbook: Dedication you will learn everything on the subject - the parallel between employee engagement and marriage; the importance of differentiating between leaders and managers, as well as a leader ́s obligation to keep an unobstructed vision of the future in mind. In addition, we introduce our D.R.E.A.M.-Score® - a tool we developed to measure the leadership quality of your company ́s managers. Complete with practical exercises, Workbook: Dedication is an absolute must for leaders - and those who aspire to be! Want more? Then intensify your knowledge with our book D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS®. Leadership is not an Illusion, along with the four other workbooks from the series.

Workbook Motivation (EV)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 86

Workbook Motivation (EV)

The M in D.R.E.A.M. Formula® stands for Motivation - which is first and foremost a leader ́s willingness to perform. This is the bedrock of his position, regardless of personal sensitivities. A leader is a role model. A leader must also ensure that employees discover their own drive for their deeds. All the better when combined with cheerfulness, humor and an inviting work environment. This has nothing to do with making a spectacle of yourself. Cheerleading, juggling colorful balls and walking on hot coals is TV or theater entertainment, not leadership. As a leader, the best way to motivate your employees is to let them take part in decision-making processes, let them be party to your vision. Praise, recognition and regular, two-way communication are integral factors, as well. Want more? Then deepen your knowledge with our book D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS®. Leadership is not an illusion as well as the four other workbooks in the series.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 200


In unserem durchgetakteten und von Routinen geprägten Alltag wächst die Sehnsucht nach mehr Leichtigkeit, Motivation, Energie und Lebensfreude von Tag zu Tag. Auf seinen Reisen durch die Welt hat Steve Kroeger viele Facetten von Leichtigkeit erfahren. In 44 Impulsen lässt er den Leser eintauchen in die unterschiedlichsten Orte der Welt und erzählt Geschichten, die dazu inspirieren, das Leben leichter zu nehmen. Nicht im Sinne von „das Leben auf die leichte Schulter nehmen“ oder leichtfertig hohe Risiken eingehen. Sondern im Sinne eines selbstbestimmten und glücklichen Lebens, dessen eigene Gestalter wir sind. Der Autor nimmt uns mit auf die höchsten Berge der sieben Kontinente und ...

  • Language: it
  • Pages: 1008


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1961
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Changemanagement in der Produktion
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 185

Changemanagement in der Produktion

Change-Management in der Produktion: Wie Unternehmen eine Traumfigur machen. Viele Ansätze gibt es derzeit, Produktionsprozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Doch was fürs Abspecken gilt, gilt eben auch für die Betriebsverschlankung: Erfolg hat nur, wer Fehler im System begreift und dauerhaft umdenkt. Und so liefert das Autoren-Duo eine auf die Psyche der Mitarbeiter maßgeschneiderte Produktionsdiät, die dazu auffordert, selbst zu handeln. Das stärkt Teamgeist, Unternehmenskultur und Effizienz. Mit Mitarbeiterbefähigung und -beteiligung zum PMI, dem "Production-Mass-Index".

Organisations- und Personalentwicklung nach Maß
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 205

Organisations- und Personalentwicklung nach Maß

Außergewöhnliche Begabung und hohe Intelligenz, beeindruckende Ideen, Informationen und Kenntnisse garantieren noch keinen Erfolg. Ohne Realisierung sind sie nicht mehr als ein Versprechen und ein Potenzial. Erst Mut und Entschlossenheit bringen sie zur Wirkung

Torneranno le lucciole
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 297

Torneranno le lucciole

In una notte come tante, il sonno di Maria è particolarmente tormentato. Al suo risveglio cerca il conforto della mano del marito, cui non è sfuggito il turbamento di colei che da sempre gli sta accanto. Sono abituati a condividere tutto, il caffè del mattino e il pane condito con del semplice pomodoro a cena, ma soprattutto le gioie e i dolori, i sogni e le sconfitte, la soddisfazione e le preoccupazioni per l’unico figlio che vive a Milano, dove lavora come medico. Anche stavolta il sogno diventa occasione di reciproco ascolto; quello che inizia è un racconto dettagliato e avventuroso le cui protagoniste sono due donne, simili nell’ambizione ma sideralmente lontane, appartenenti a ...

Nati alla luna nuova
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 402

Nati alla luna nuova

Chi giudicherebbe la nostra storia senza la patina d’eroismo che onora le più sofferte vicende umane? Se invece ci soffermassimo alle scaramucce tra due gruppi di ragazzi di una cittadina di provincia che si affrontano prima a colpi di fionda poi a pistolettate ben più pericolose, che insegnamenti ne trarremmo? Che, evidentemente, il senso del mondo e della giustizia nell’adolescenza rende ogni singolo ragazzo libero di interpretare a proprio piacere un futuro promettente, solo perché ancora acerbo. Nella Poggio Marzio degli ultimi anni, due fazioni rivali insanguinano le cronache locali attraverso uno scontro di ideologie e passioni tragicamente sfociato in un’inarrestabile sete di prestigio e vendetta personale. Nelle mani dei due capigruppo si incroceranno i destini di decine di adolescenti alcuni dei quali, alla fine, pagheranno cara la propria incondizionata fedeltà alla causa. Il romanzo per giovani adulti Nati alla luna nuova è il canto in prosa di un mondo adolescenziale che per molti dei lettori più cresciuti richiamerà alla memoria le emozioni e i drammi dell'età più eroica della nostra vita. E l’amara disillusione che è prezzo di qualunque maturità.

Lamberto, Lamberto, Lamberto
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 126

Lamberto, Lamberto, Lamberto

A fable for children and adults: a story of life, death, and terrorism—in the grand tradition of Exupéry’s The Little Prince When we first meet 93-year-old millionaire Baron Lamberto, he has been diagnosed with 24 life-threatening ailments—one for each of the 24 banks he owns. But when he takes the advice of an Egyptian mystic and hires servants to chant his name over and over again, he seems to not only get better, but younger. Except then a terrorist group lays siege to his island villa, his team of bank managers has to be bussed in to help with the ransom negotiations, and a media spectacle breaks out . . . A hilarious and strangely moving tale that seems ripped from the headlines—although actually written during the time the Red Brigades were terrorizing Italy—Gianni Rodari’s Lamberto, Lamberto, Lamberto has become one of Italy’s most beloved fables. Never before translated into English, the novel is a reminder, as Rodari writes, that “there are things that only happen in fairytales.”