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Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam sejahtera bagi kita, Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, nikmat dan petunjuk-Nya sehingga Buku Paket Soal UKOM 1 ini telah dapat diselesaikan. Penyusunan buku paket soal ini merupakan tanggung jawab kami tim Item Bank Administration (IBA) & Uji Kompetensi (Ukom) Prodi DIII Keperawatan STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta dalam mempersiapkan mahasiswa tingkat akhir untuk mengikuti ujian kompetensi nasional. Terbitnya Buku Paket Soal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas bimbingan kepada mahasiswa sebelum pelaksanaan ujian kompetensi nasional. Mahasiswa juga dapat menggunakan buku ini sebagai me...
Segala puji bagi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dengan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga dapat diselesaikan Buku Modul Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Keterampilan Keperawatan Edisi Ke 2. Modul ini tersusun atas 10 Bagian keilmuan yaitu:Keperawatan dasar, Farmakologi, Manajemen pasient safety, KMB 1, KMB 2, Keperawatan Jiwa, Keperawatan Anak, Keperawatan Maternitas, Keperawatan Gawat Darurat, Keperawatan Gerontik. Dengan muatan seperti di atas, modul ini diharapkan dapat memberikan panduan bagi mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam melaksanakan praktik keterampilan di laboratorium keperawatan STIKES NOTOKUSUMO.
Buku "Keperawatan Holistik : Menerapkan Pendekatan Komprehensif dalam Praktik Keperawatan" menggambarkan perawatan yang melebihi aspek fisik semata, memasukkan dimensi emosional, sosial, dan spiritual. Dalam buku ini, pembaca diarahkan melalui landasan penting keperawatan holistik, termasuk prinsip-prinsip kolaborasi tim medis dan peran aktif pasien. Setiap dimensi dianalisis dengan detail dan kasus nyata, memberikan contoh bagaimana perawat dapat menggabungkan aspek-aspek ini dalam praktek sehari-hari. Buku ini juga menyoroti pentingnya perencanaan dan diagnosis holistik, memberikan panduan untuk merumuskan perawatan yang mencakup semua dimensi pasien. Dari bayi hingga dewasa lanjut, bahkan pada pasien terminal dan perawatan palliatif, buku ini mengilustrasikan pendekatan sensitif dan peduli dalam merawat pasien dengan berbagai keadaan. Dengan fokus pada rasa hormat, empati, dan komitmen terhadap kesejahteraan menyeluruh pasien, buku ini adalah panduan penting bagi para perawat, mahasiswa keperawatan, dan profesional kesehatan yang ingin mengintegrasikan pendekatan holistik dalam praktik medis mereka.
This exploration of what employee turnover is, why it happens, and what it means for companies and employees draws together contemporary and classic theories and research to present a well-rounded perspective on employee retention and turnover. The book uses models such as job embeddedness theory, proximal withdrawal states, and context-emergent turnover theory, as well as highlights cultural differences affecting global differences in turnover. Employee Retention and Turnover contextualises the issue of turnover, its causes and its consequences, before discussing underrepresented antecedents of turnover, key aspects of retention and methods for regulating turnover, and future research directions. Ideal for both academics and advanced students of industrial/organizational psychology, Employee Retention and Turnover is essential for understanding the past, present, and future of turnover and related research.
This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2006 and provides an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples worldwide through: region and country reports covering most of the indigenous world; and updated information on the international and regional processes relating to indigenous peoples. Thanks to the contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, The Indigenous World 2007 gives an overview of crucial developments in 2006 that have impacted on the indigenous peoples of the world. The Indigenous World 2007 is a source of information and an indispensable tool for those who need to be informed about the most recent issues and developments within the indigenous world.
Catherine Cornille, Boston CollegeDavid Tracy, University of Chicago Divinity SchoolWerner Jeanrond, University of GlasgowMarianne Moyaert, University of LeuvenJohn Maraldo, University of North FloridaReza Shah-Kazemi, Institute of Ismaili StudiesMalcolm David Eckel, Boston UniversityJoseph S. O'Leary, Sophia UniversityJohn P. Keenan, Middlebury CollegeHendrik Vroom, VU University AmsterdamLaurie Patton, Emory University
This volume brings together new scholarship by Indonesian and non-Indonesian scholars on Indonesia’s cultural history from 1950-1965. During the new nation’s first decade and a half, Indonesia’s links with the world and its sense of nationhood were vigorously negotiated on the cultural front. Indonesia used cultural networks of the time, including those of the Cold War, to announce itself on the world stage. International links, post-colonial aspirations and nationalistic fervour interacted to produce a thriving cultural and intellectual life at home. Essays discuss the exchange of artists, intellectuals, writing and ideas between Indonesia and various countries; the development of cultural networks; and ways these networks interacted with and influenced cultural expression and discourse in Indonesia. With contributions by Keith Foulcher, Liesbeth Dolk, Hairus Salim HS, Tony Day, Budiawan, Maya H.T. Liem, Jennifer Lindsay, Els Bogaerts, Melani Budianta, Choirotun Chisaan, I Nyoman Darma Putra, Barbara Hatley, Marije Plomp, Irawati Durban Ardjo, Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri and Michael Bodden.
We live in a world populated not just by individuals but by figures, those larger-than-life people who in some way express and challenge our conventional understandings of social types. This innovative and collaborative work takes up the wide range of figures that populate the social and cultural imaginaries of contemporary Southeast Asia—some familiar only in specific places, others recognizable across the region and even globally. It puts forward a series of ethnographic portraits of figures that represent and give voice to something larger than themselves, offering a view into social life that is at once highly particular and general. They include the Muslim Television Preacher in Indon...
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Nov. 10, 2005-Jan. 29, 2006, and at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Feb. 23-May 28, 2006.
Asia and the Pacific have become the growth engine of the world economy with the contribution of two-third of the global growth. The book discusses current issues in economics, business, and accounting in which economic agents, as individuals, entrepreneurs and professionals, as well as countries in the Asia and Pacific regions compete and collaborate with each other and with the rest of the globe. Areas covered in the book include economic development and sustainability, labor market competition, Islamic economic and business, marketing, finance, accounting standard compliances, and taxation. It will help shed light on what business and economic scholars in regions have done in terms of research and knowledge development, as well as the new frontiers of research that have been explored and opening up. This is an Open Access ebook, and can be found on