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The revelation of timeless spiritual message of Lord Krishna is dramatically set in a battlefield, though it happened to be the only place where such a message had its poignance. Through its brilliant casting and superb plots the subtle difference between the ego and the spirit, between myth and reality becomes apparent. Thus the Geeta is a prenote to faciliate the seeker to recognize truth from untruth. It directs the Spirit`s ascent through winding mind alleys of conditioning, concepts and projections into the threshold of Absolute Truth. Rejecting the path of self-torture or escapism it suggests the Divine union in the market place--even in the mundane task of household chores. In the new light thrown by Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi on the subject, Yogi Mahajan gathers the dried-up leaves of the text so far burried under the weight of priesthood and brings them back to life for the seeker of Truth.
Buku "Keterampilan Antenatal" adalah panduan komprehensif yang memuat informasi penting bagi ibu hamil dalam menjalani masa kehamilan dengan baik. Dari Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Antenatal hingga Penghitungan DJJ, buku ini menyoroti aspek-aspek kunci dalam perawatan prenatal. Teknik Manuver Leopold digambarkan dengan detail untuk membantu ibu hamil memahami posisi dan presentasi janin, sementara pengukuran TFU menjadi alat penting dalam memantau pertumbuhan fisik janin. Selain itu, buku ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang senam hamil yang penting untuk menjaga kesehatan ibu dan bayi, serta perawatan payudara yang diperlukan selama masa kehamilan. Edukasi nutrisi ibu hamil ditekankan sebagai bagian penting dari perawatan prenatal, sementara pentingnya imunisasi TT juga dipahami sebagai perlindungan terhadap risiko infeksi. Dengan informasi yang jelas dan terperinci, "Keterampilan Antenatal" menjadi panduan yang sangat berharga bagi ibu hamil, membantu mereka mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk perjalanan kehamilan dan persalinan yang sehat.
Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”
Spanning a range of locales, time periods, themes, and styles, no two stories here are alike. Told subtly and with empathy, the stories are multifaceted and multilayered and explore a wide range of subjects, such as the following: - The complex emotions of a growing-up boy as he observes a young woman's bright life being blighted by her jealous sister. - Innocent children watch uncomprehendingly the misfortunes of a woman whom they love. She is an unintended victim of her feudal master's machinations. - The unconventional but abiding love of two girls for each other, with the witness to their lives having issues of her own. - Age, greed, and time ruining a once-beautiful house and its proud ...
The Indian Listener (fortnightly programme journal of AIR in English) published by The Indian State Broadcasting Service,Bombay ,started on 22 December, 1935 and was the successor to the Indian Radio Times in english, which was published beginning in July 16 of 1927. From 22 August ,1937 onwards, it was published by All India Radio,New Delhi.From July 3 ,1949,it was turned into a weekly journal. Later,The Indian listener became "Akashvani" in January 5, 1958. It was made a fortnightly again on July 1,1983. It used to serve the listener as a bradshaw of broadcasting ,and give listener the useful information in an interesting manner about programmes,who writes them,take part in them and produc...
Buku Ajar Asuhan Kebidanan ini disusun sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang menjelajahi kompleksitas dan mendalamnya tentang asuhan kebidanan. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di bidang ilmu asuhan kebidanan dan diberbagai bidang Ilmu terkait lainnya. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dan referensi mengajar mata kuliah asuhan kebidanan dan menyesuaikan dengan rencana pembelajaran semester tingkat perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Secara garis besar, buku ajar ini pembahasannya mulai dari prinsip asuhan kebidanan, asuhan kebidanan yang holistik dan pendekatan dalam asuhan, langkah-langkah manajemen asuhan kebidanan. Selain itu, materi mengenai dokumentasi asuhan kebidanan juga dibahas secara mendalam. Buku ajar ini disusun secara sistematis, ditulis dengan bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, dan dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Katha Prize Stories: 13 Is A Collection Of Six Short Stories And Two Novellas. All Of These Are Katha Award Winning Best Short Fictions First Published In Six Regional Languages Over The Past Two Years.
Der Schlüssel, um häufige Leiden unserer Zeit zu verhindern oder zu heilen, liegt laut Dr. Casey Means in unserem Stoffwechsel. Die Expertin erklärt in ihrem bahnbrechenden Buch, dass unsere Gesundheit davon abhängt, wie gut die Körperzellen Energie erzeugen und nutzen. Dafür müssen sie optimal versorgt werden, um "gute Energie" zu erzeugen – den essenziellen Treibstoff, der jeden Aspekt unseres körperlichen und geistigen Wohlbefindens beeinflusst. Good Energy verknüpft modernste Forschungsergebnisse mit persönlichen Erfahrungen und bietet einen Vier-Wochen-Plan, den man für eine optimale Gesundheit benötigt. Mit diesem Grundlagenwerk erhält man ein neues, modernes Verständnis und optimiert die Gesundheit, um in jedem Alter gut zu leben und gesund zu bleiben.
Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.