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Dieses Buch ist ein Richtweiser zu den Botschaften deiner Seele, die dir helfen können ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Wie entwickelt sich unser Leben? Warum wiederholen sich schwierige Situationen? Das sind Fragen, die sich viele von uns stellen. Manche dieser Themen und emotionalen Verletzungen haben wir aus vergangenen Leben mitgebracht. Diese Themen und Aufgaben offenbart die Akasha-Lesung. Andere Herausforderungen entstanden durch Konditionierungen in der Kindheit. Hinweise darauf liefert das Kartenlegen. Doch das sind nur Informationen. Um etwas zu verändern, braucht es die Gefühlstransformation. Mit ihr löst du die blockierten Gefühle. Doch um sie zu finden, bedarf es der beiden anderen Techniken. Dieses Dreiergespann bringt dich auf den Weg, der zu Glück und Zufriedenheit führt.
Beim jahrelangen Lesen in der Akasha-Chronik haben sich für Gitta Jahn archetypische Leben herauskristallisiert. Diese Leben zeigen, dass wir als inkarnierte Seelen alle die gleichen Lernerfahrungen machen. Dabei geht es um die Themen, die wir in dieses Leben mitgebracht haben und um bewegende Gefühle, mit denen wir lernen müssen umzugehen. Das Lesen in der Akasha-Chronik ermöglicht zu erkennen, welche blockierenden Gefühle uns daran hindern glücklich zu sein und welche Fähigkeiten noch in uns schlummern. Wenn wir uns selber besser erkennen, können wir alte Reaktionsmuster durchbrechen und unser Leben neu gestalten und dabei in die eigene Schöpferkraft kommen. Wir können unser Potenzial erkennen und es ausleben. Dazu empfiehlt Gitta Jahn: Bitte deine Seele um eine Botschaft. Schlage das Buch intuitiv auf und lass dich überraschen. Was will dir deine Seele sagen? Die beispielhaften Lebensgeschichten bieten zahlreiche Möglichkeiten.
A long look at how contemporary Germany is remembering the Holocaust
The goal of this book is to explore disaster risk reduction (DRR), migration, climate change adaptation (CCA) and sustainable development linkages from a number of different geographical, social and natural science angles. Well-known scientists and practitioners present different perspectives regarding these inter-linkages from around the world, with theoretical discussions as well as field observations. This publication contributes in particular to the discussion on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030 and the debate about how to improve DRR, including CCA, policies and practices, taking into account migration processes from a large perspective where both natur...
During the last five decades we have witnessed an increase in activity among artists identifying themselves as Sami, the only recognised indigenous people of Scandinavia. At the same time, art and duodji (traditional Sami art and craft) have been organized and institutionalized, not least by the Sami artists themselves. Sami Art and Aesthetics discusses and highlights these developments and places them in historical and contemporary contexts for an international audience. At stake are complex, changing terms regarding the creative and the political agencies. The question is not how indigeneity, identity, people, art, duodji, and aesthetics correspond to conventional Western ideas, rather it is how they interact with the Sami and their neighbouring cultures and societies. The volume is written by some of the foremost art historians and literary scholars in Sami art, craft, architecture, culture, and indigenous studies. Artists presented include Johan Turi, Ivar Jaks, Outi Pieski, Folke Fjellstrom, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Geir Tore Holm, and Silje Figenschou Thoresen.
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
This book describes how man-made litter, primarily plastic, has spread into the remotest parts of the oceans and covers all aspects of this pollution problem from the impacts on wildlife and human health to socio-economic and political issues. Marine litter is a prime threat to marine wildlife, habitats and food webs worldwide. The book illustrates how advanced technologies from deep-sea research, microbiology and mathematic modelling as well as classic beach litter counts by volunteers contributed to the broad awareness of marine litter as a problem of global significance. The authors summarise more than five decades of marine litter research, which receives growing attention after the rece...
Where did your surname come from? Do you know how many people in the United States share it? What does it tell you about your lineage? From the editor of the highly acclaimed Dictionary of Surnames comes the most extensive compilation of surnames in America. The result of 10 years of research and 30 consulting editors, this massive undertaking documents 70,000 surnames of Americans across the country. A reference source like no other, it surveys each surname giving its meaning, nationality, alternate spellings, common forenames associated with it, and the frequency of each surname and forename. The Dictionary of American Family Names is a fascinating journey throughout the multicultural United States, offering a detailed look at the meaning and frequency of surnames throughout the country. For students studying family genealogy, others interested in finding out more about their own lineage, or lexicographers, the Dictionary is an ideal place to begin research.