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This second volume of Collected Essays, Systematic Mariology, contains Peter Damian Fehlner’s essays on several central Marian topics and disputes. Written over the span of more than twenty years, these essays represent Fehlner’s most complete studies on the question of Mary’s participation with Christ in the redemption, her role with the Holy Spirit in the mediation of grace, and her place in the sacramental economy, flowing from the Eucharist. Fehlner provides theological resolutions to these inquiries by establishing Mary’s predestination as the Immaculate Mother of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit in the eternal plan of the Father. This flowers into a theological vision of the divine missions that is Trinitarian, christological, and pneumatological. This triple viewpoint opens upon a theological account of divine action and perfect creaturely re-action because it is framed within an ecclesiology that decodes Mary’s virginal and divine maternity as the “Great Sign” of the perfection and promise of the church through Christ her spouse in the love of the Holy Spirit.
As a peritus at Vatican II and by the end of his life arguably the world's leading Mariologist, René Laurentin has earned the privilege of republication of a work of considerable value for any theologian who aims for comprehensiveness of Catholic theological perspective, historically and systematically. Laurentin's orthodox, yet highly original treatment displays his command of all of the relevant biblical, patristic, medieval and modern texts up to and including the entire proceedings of the Second Vatican Council, as well as the whole range of related historical and theological scholarship. His proposal to pursue Mariological speculation along two tracks - first, "from above," following t...
The Blessed Virgin Mary is uniquely associated with Catholicism, and the century preceding the Second Vatican Council was arguably the most fertile era for Catholic Marian studies. In 1964, Pope John Paul VI published the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, or Lumen Gentium (LG), the eighth chapter of which presents the most comprehensive magisterial teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary. As part of its Marian Initiative, the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame invited scholars to a conference held at Notre Dame in October 2013 to reflect the rich Marian legacy on the eve of the Second Vatican Council. The essays unanimously stress that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not mer...
Originally presented as Acts of the Marian Symposium in Fatima, Portugal in the year 2009. ... Some of the titles in this volume are as follows: Mary and the Church in the Papal Magisterium Before and After the Second Vatican Council by Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins; Mary and the Church in Newman with an Eye to Coredemption by Fr. Edward Ondrako, OFMConv; “Francis, Go and Repair My Church” by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI.
Examines the history of musical self-quotation, and reveals and explores a previously unidentified case of Schubert quoting one of his own songs in a major instrumental work.
Originally presented as Acts of the Marian Symposium in Fatima, Portugal in the year 2006. The basis of Mary’s unique maternal mediation is her unique participation in the redemption of Christ is the volume’s central theme. Following are some titles in this volume: Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, in the Papal Magisterium of Pope John Paul II by Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins; The Coredemption and Maternal Mediation of the Immaculate according to Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort by Fr. Etienne Richer; The Theological Vision of the Universal Mediation of Mary in G. M. Roschini by Fr. Pietro Parotta, PAM.
The Mariology of the 20th century got a decisive stimulus by the movement for the dogmatic definition of Mary’s social function as “Mediatrix of all Graces.” Gloria Falcão Dodd gives a synthetic, historical overview of the development from 1896 until the proclamation of the Marian chapter of “Lumen gentium” in 1964. She also analyzes the theological arguments for and against the dogmatic definition. Her very useful work is indispensable for anyone who wants to receive the most recent basic information about the most disputed topic of modern Mariology. - Rev. Dr. Manfred Hauke
In Introduction to Mariology, Fr. Manfred Hauke provides a synthesis of Mariology and the biblical fundaments and development of Marian doctrine. While it works as a comprehensive introduction suitable for courses on the subject, it is in reality a panoramic view on the entire Marian doctrine, and as such will be essential for the theological formation of seminarians, priests, theologians, and all kinds of educated Catholics. With an unparalleled bibliographic citation of Marian literature across a dozen languages, it is also a perfect gateway to further research on the subject. It begins with Biblical doctrine, which is important especially for the dialogue with Protestant denominations: Ca...
The Spirit and the Church celebrates the life and legacy of Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conv., who for the past six decades has carried the torch of the Franciscan theological and philosophical vision in the fields of ecclesiology, pneumatology, Mariology, and anthropology. Articles by colleagues, former students, and associates fall into three broad categories, corresponding with several of the main areas in which Fehlner has made a longstanding scholarly contribution: the Church's Magisterium and development of doctrine, anthropology,comma and creation; the relation between Mariology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology; and scholarly seeds planted by Fehlner now being cultivated and harvested by younger scholars. All of the essays in this volume engage with Fehlner, evaluate his contributions, and build upon and expand in new directions the contributions of our honoree. The essays in this volume manifest the contemporary relevance of Fehlner's Franciscan vision in terms of his invitation to renew the theology of the Church in a Marian mode in the light of Vatican II.