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How hundreds of lawyers mobilized to challenge the illegal treatment of prisoners captured in the war on terror and helped force an end to the US government's most odious policies. In The War in Court, sociologist Lisa Hajjar traces the fight against the US torture policy by lawyers who brought the "war on terror" into the courts. Their victories, though few and far between, forced the government to change the way prisoners were treated and focused attention on state crimes perpetrated in the shadows. If not for these lawyers and their allies, US torture would have gone unchallenged because elected officials and the American public, with a few exceptions, did nothing to oppose it. This war i...
This illuminating book offers a timely assessment of the development and proliferation of precursor crimes of terrorism, exploring the functions and implications of these expanding offences in different jurisdictions. In response to new modes and sources of terrorism, attempts to pre-empt potential attacks through precursor offences have emerged. This book examines not only the meanings and effectiveness of this approach, but also the challenges posed to human rights and social and economic development.
"This book is a case study of my nine-year practice as the first Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). It presents the functioning of the autonomous criminal justice system created by the Rome Statute. The book depicts the Rome Statute operations, its interaction with the War on Terror, and their relationship with national legal systems and the UN Security Council. It comments on regional organizations, including the mechanisms to protect human rights established during the fifties in Europe, after in the Americas, and more recently in Africa"--
For centuries, the Spanish state has proved to be an expert system for repressing political dissent and any threat that could jeopardize the maintenance of the status quo. It has done so using all the institutions and all the areas of power that were necessary, for the end has always justified the means. Carles Mundo, Catalan Minister of Justice, 2016-2017. There is no book in Spain that talks about lawfare. Nor is there a book that deals with the system of judicial repression of political dissidence deployed by the Franco regime. Nor is there a book that denounces the judicial system inherited from the dictatorial regime and that was later embodied in the 1978 Constitution. Lawfare (the com...
The 'Goldstone Report' of September 2009 started a critical debate at the international level. The Report raised serious allegations of grave violations of international law with regard to the Israeli attack on Gaza of 27 December 2008 - 18 January 2009, amounting to possible war crimes and crimes against humanity. The UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, amidst high political pressure, endorsed the Report’s recommendations, calling for prompt and proper investigations to ensure accountability and justice for the victims. Given the lack of proper investigations at the national level, international justice mechanisms are now needed. Indeed, the ICC opened a preliminary examinat...
Una radiografia de la situació actual de la justícia política a Espanya amb l'ajut de diversos experts, jutges, juristes, advocats, periodistes, polítics i afectats. Amb ells repassarem com una part de la justícia -sobretot la cúpula-, una part dels cossos de seguretat i diversos mitjans de comunicació han organitzat un Estat paral·lel que actua, o bé retorçant la llei o directament al marge d'ella, per «castigar» tot tipus de dissidència, intentar resoldre a la seva manera conflictes que són polítics i retallar els drets civils i constitucionals del conjunt de la societat. Serà una anàlisi de la realitat partint del cas Boye o com a l'advocat de Carles Puigdemont li cau un ...
En lördag i maj 2018 blandas ekot av pistolskott med ljudet av kyrkklockor i det vackra San Pedro de Alcántara på Costa del Sol. Knarkhandlaren Maradona dör för en lejd mördares kulor. Med mordet inleds en intensiv jakt på Los Suecos – svenskarna – en grupp unga män som tagit sig från Malmös gator till Spanien med kontraktsmord som affärsidé. Kriminalreportern Joakim Palmkvist följer jakten och avtäcker en länge okänd konflikt med rötter i den svenska gängkriminaliteten. Mordet på Maradona är bara ett av många våldsdåd kopplade till Los Suecos, som av media kom att kallas ”den blodigaste grupp yrkesmördare som någonsin drabbat solkusten”. Steget före är en resa in i mörkrets värld, en värld som få har insyn i, där varje människoliv har ett pris.
Several articles explore the multiple issues surrounding the powers of the presidency, its impact on the law, societal costs, and its ethics.
Conflicts are inherent to human society, but most of them do not concern us directly as participants or eyewitnesses. How we see social conflicts depends on how they are presented to us. This volume gathers together writings by contemporary specialists in different fields, from different backgrounds, cultures and locations, but united by a common thread: the conviction that history and current affairs are constructed and presented, not according to the facts themselves, but according to media, culture, politics, gender, religion and other factors.
Wenn die türkische Gewalt bis nach Granada reicht. 19. August 2017: Spanische Polizisten verhaften Doğan Akhanlı, einen deutschen Staatsbürger, in Granada. Die Türkei hatte ihn über Interpol zur Festnahme ausgeschrieben. Die Tür seiner Zelle schließt sich hinter ihm – wieder einmal: Wie in einer Zeitkrümmung durchlebt er erneut die Monate und Jahre, die er in der Türkei als politischer Häftling verbracht hat – 1975, 1985–1987 und ab August 2010. »Verhaftung in Granada« ist, bei aller Grausamkeit und allem Unrecht, von denen die Rede ist, eine abenteuerliche, poetische und oft auch humorvolle Reise durch die letzten 40 Jahre, die uns hilft zu verstehen, warum in der Türkei noch immer und wieder Willkür und Gewalt herrschen. »Hier spricht ein Geflüchteter, ja ein mitunter Gejagter zu uns. Auf seiner Odyssee zwischen Gefängnissen und Freiheit hat er zu sich selbst und zu wachsender Klarheit über diese so bedrohlichen Zeiten gefunden.« Aus dem Vorwort von Günter Wallraff