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The Lived Ancient Religion project has radically changed perspectives on ancient religions and their supposedly personal or public character. This volume applies and further develops these methodological tools, new perspectives and new questions. The religious transformations of the Roman Imperial period appear in new light and more nuances by comparative confrontation and the integration of many disciplines. The contributions are written by specialists from a variety of disciplinary contexts (Jewish Studies, Theology, Classics, Early Christian Studies) dealing with the history of religion of the Mediterranean, West-Asian, and European area from the (late) Hellenistic period to the (early) Middle Ages and shaped by their intensive exchange. From the point of view of their respective fields of research, the contributors engage with discourses on agency, embodiment, appropriation and experience. They present innovative research in four fields also of theoretical debate, which are “Experiencing the Religious”, “Switching the Code”, „A Thing Called Body“ and “Commemorating the Moment”.
What is good luck and what did it mean to the Romans? What connections were there between luck and success? This volume aims to address these questions by focusing on the Latin goddess Fortuna, who was connected to the concept of chance and good fortune, and analysing the changing interactions with deity and concept in ancient Italy.
The only volume on the work of Vicente Carducho in English Analysis of the Dialogues on Painting by international experts Contributors are art historians or hispanists, offering a multi-disciplinary approach
The bibliography includes material published from 2013 to 2015. Following on from the first bibliography (Brill, 1988) and its updates (Brill 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014) this volume covers recent literature on: Archaeology, Liturgy, Monasticism, Iberian-Gallic Patristics, Paleography, Linguistics, Germanic and Muslim Invasions, and more. In addition, peoples such as the Vandals, Sueves, Basques, Alans and Byzantines are included. The book contains author and subject indexes and is extensively cross-indexed for easy consultation. A periodicals index of hundreds of journals accompanies the volume.
In Hispanojewish Archaeology, Alexander Bar-Magen Numhauser provides the first book-length archaeological exploration of the Jewish presence in late antique and early medieval Hispania. Using epigraphic, numismatic, architectural, and other archaeological remains, this volume describes the multiple cultural expressions of a vibrant Jewish community that emerged as part of the Mediterranean Diaspora, becoming part of the wider Hispanian society. Part of this review includes a detailed examination of the Ilici (Elche, Spain) basilical building, interpreted by previous scholars as both a church and a synagogue, using published and hitherto unpublished material of its decades-long excavation. From the archaeological remains of this Hispanojewish presence a new picture emerges, challenging the traditional premises of the archaeological research on the late antique western Mediterranean.
El volum 3 és obra de Diana Gorostidi, amb una col·laboració de Piero Berni Millet. Conté una introducció a la documentació epigràfica, el catàleg d’inscripcions i conclusions, més el corpus d’epigrafia sobre amphorae, tegulae, imbrex i dolia a l’àrea occidental del Camp de Tarragona. Completen el volum els índexs epigràfics.
Como gobernantes de todo el Imperio Romano, los triunviros (Augusto, Marco Antonio y Lépido), y luego Augusto fueron asistidos en sus tareas por miembros de la aristocracia, que eran senadores y que continuaron construyendo sus carreras escalando los rangos del cursus honorum. Este libro repasa las distintas etapas, mostrando cómo los triunviros y luego Augusto reconfiguraron el sistema republicano añadiendo sistemáticamente nuevas funciones (vigintivirato, legación, proconsulado, prefecto de la Ciudad) y redefiniendo las antiguas magistraturas (cuestura, edilidad, tribuno de la plebe, pretura, consulado, censura).
This volume results from the conference "Between Appia and Latina, Settlement Dynamics and Territorial Development on the Slopes of the Alban Hills", held at the Royal Dutch Institute at Rome (KNIR) in February, 2017. It contains 23 methodological, thematic and material culture studies on the historical topographical reconstruction of the Alban Hills in Antiquity with a focus on the area of contact with the suburbium of Rome. Papers present both data from new research and results of research done in the past. In the initiative a range of research institutions partook (foreign Institutes at Rome, Universities, Archaeological Services) and independent researchers stimulating the exchange of current knowledge of this small, but important part of the Campagna Romana.
The purpose of this edition is to take up Buecheler’s admirable sylloge of Carmina Latina Epigraphica (1895-1926, 3 volumes). Since 1926 many new Latin metrical inscriptions and graffiti have been discovered, which greatly increased the number of epigraphic poetic texts previously known. These inscriptions have to be collected in order to be easily found, known and noticeable; the present sylloge aims at this outcome. An essential apparatus criticus with textual, historical, metrical, linguistic, and stylistic notes (approximately as in Buecheler’s edition) accompanies the edition of the texts. The texts are collected in three sections; the first and major section includes the carmina epigraphica whose metrical nature is undoubted, the second includes the commatica and the texts of dubious nature, the third one the aliena. In sections one and two the texts are arranged essentially according to the diatopic distribution and, inwards, to the chronological one. A concise preface focuses the most important questions in the field of the Latin metrical epigraphy. Many indexes conclude the work in two volumes, comprising about 1600 texts.
Aquest volum aplega vint-i-cinc textos d’experts en estudis de gènere, filologia, història i antropologia. Es divideix en cinc parts: 1. Un llarg camí (estudis sobre l’obra de Joana Zaragoza), 2. Les filles de Pandora (estudis de dones i gènere), 3. Pels camins d’Asclepi (aportacions en el camp de la medicina grega), 4. Vigències de la cultura clàssica (assajos sobre tradició clàssica i la vigència de l’herència cultural grega) i 5. Mites, memòria, escriptura (estudis de mitologia, cultura i filologia grega).