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Il volume raccoglie una serie di quattordici saggi da parte di studiosi italiani e stranieri – colleghe e colleghi, allieve di un tempo, amici – che hanno inteso così onorare la figura personale e professionale di Stefania Nuccorini, Professore Onorario dell’Università di Roma Tre, e autorevole studiosa di lingua e linguistica inglese. I saggi esplorano ambiti di ricerca in cui si è distinta l’operosità scientifica di Stefania Nuccorini, definita “Master of Words” dalle colleghe e amiche di Roma Tre. In primis, passato, presente e futuro della lessicografia, con saggi sui glossari anglosassoni (Faraci), note d’uso nella storia della lessicografia inglese (Bejoint), learners...
This book offer an intercultural benchmark on local leadership practices in no less than twenty-one countries. Our world is internationalising at a fast pace, and more and more of us choose to find work elsewhere. This title gifs insights around cultural aspects of leadership through country-specific literature research. This quantitative research was strengthened by a global online survey about leadership (CCBS Survey, 2018). In total over 2,700 qualified respondents participated. Text copyright: Adi Hendriks; Agnes So; Aikò Dreesen; Alessandra Neerincx; Alessandro Asproso; Alexandra Rossman; Amy Bosschieter; Anna van den End; Arash Seyfollahi; Arwin Naziri; Ashley Scheenloop; Bastian Lame...
Beauty is a central concept in the Italian cultural imagination throughout its history and in virtually all its manifestations. It particularly permeates the domains that have governed the construction of Italian identity: literature and language. The Idea of Beauty in Italian Literature and Language assesses this long tradition in a series of essays covering a wide chronological and thematic range, while crossing from historical linguistics to literary and cultural studies. It offers elements for reflection on cross-disciplinary approaches in the humanities, and demonstrates the power of beauty as a fundamental category beyond aesthetics.
A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy offers readers unfamiliar with Southern Italy an introduction to different aspects of the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century history and culture of this vast and significant area of Europe, situated at the center of the Mediterranean. Commonly regarded as a backward, rural region untouched by the Italian Renaissance, the essays in this volume paint a rather different picture. The expert-written contributions present a general survey of the most recent research on the centers of southern Italy, as well as insight into the ground-breaking debates on wider themes, such as the definition of the city, continuity and discontinuity at the turn of the s...
This collection of essays investigates the multifarious meanings of the Great War considered from a multifaceted perspective as the event that opens up the cultural history of the 20th century. After an introduction delineating ‘unrepresentability’, the core methodological issue of the book, the volume brings together many different strands of analysis and is divided into two main sections: the first provides a cultural and philosophical framework while the second explores specific linguistic and literary issues. Given the variety of perspectives and methodological approaches adopted by the contributors, the volume offers original and useful insights into WWI. The underlying rationale of the book, remaining faithful to the catastrophe of the war, without transforming it into a mere object of scientific investigation or ideological interpretation, helps to shed light on contemporary scenarios.
Neologia e forestierismi superflui: ecco un tema che appassiona e coinvolge anche i non addetti ai lavori, pronti a dividersi di fronte a una parola da accettare o respingere. Si può meditare sull'argomento in maniera scientifica, senza eccessivi cedimenti all'esteromania oggi di moda? Tenta di farlo questo libro, frutto di un convegno svoltosi presso la prestigiosa Accademia della Crusca di Firenze con la collaborazione di Coscienza Svizzera e della Società Dante Alighieri. Il volume si caratterizza soprattutto per la prospettiva internazionale: propone un serrato confronto con la situazione di altre lingue romanze, in modo da verificare e giudicare in un quadro europeo la dimensione dell’incontro con l’inglese. Oltre a specialisti italiani di chiara fama, intervengono studiosi spagnoli, portoghesi, francesi, svizzeri. Il libro è in tre lingue: italiano, francese, spagnolo. Con contributi di: Gloria Clavería Nadal, Michele A. Cortelazzo, Valeria Della Valle, Jean-Luc Egger, Claudio Giovanardi, John Humbley, Teresa Lino, Claudio Marazzini, Alessio Petralli, Remigio Ratti, Luca Serianni, Anna Maria Testa.
In questo anno, il 2023, il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale ha scelto di dedicare la XXIII Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo all’italiano e la sostenibilità. È una scelta importante, che sottolinea come il tema della sostenibilità, nelle sue varie curvature, vada affrontato anche con il contributo della lingua; e, va sottolineato, anche con il contributo – essenziale – della lingua italiana. Il movimento di sostegno, promozione e azione a favore di uno sviluppo sostenibile è globale e pertanto internazionale, e quindi linguisticamente dominato dall’inglese. Ma perché una politica di sostenibilità sia realmente realizzabile è necessario...
Language standardization is an ongoing process based on the notions of linguistic correctness and models. This manual contains thirty-six chapters that deal with the theories of linguistic norms and give a comprehensive up-to-date description and analysis of the standardization processes in the Romance languages. The first section presents the essential approaches to the concept of linguistic norm ranging from antiquity to the present, and includes individual chapters on the notion of linguistic norms and correctness in classical grammar and rhetoric, in the Prague School, in the linguistic theory of Eugenio Coseriu, in sociolinguistics as well as in pragmatics, cognitive and discourse lingu...
Das Internet in seiner Allgegenwart hat unsere Art und Weise, wie wir interagieren, verändert. So laden Computer, Tablet und Smartphone kreativ dazu ein, Texte mit Bildern, Videos und Memes zu ergänzen. Hybride Kommunikationsstrategien sind an der Tagesordnung: Um unmittelbar, authentisch und eindeutig zu kommunizieren, bereichern die Nutzer der digitalen Welt geschriebene und gesprochene Texte um weitere Elemente zu multimodalen und multimedialen Formen. Die so erschaffenen neuen Ebenen von Referenzialität, Intertextualität und Transmedialität verlangen nach adäquaten Kriterien für die Analyse der Beziehung von Text und Bild. Silvia Verdiani liefert genau das. An repräsentativen Beispielen aus dem politischen Online-Diskurs von NGOs untersucht sie die syntaktisch-funktionalen Implikationen der Verwendung hybrider Kommunikation. Sie zeigt zudem, wie genau die semantische Kombination von verbaler und ikonischer Sprache wirkt, um den gewünschten Effekt zu erzielen.
The essays collected here join in, and contribute to, the current reflection on Dante’s vitality today in a critical, multidisciplinary vein. Their intervention comes at a particularly sensitive juncture in the history of Dante’s global reception and cultural reuse. Dante today is as alive as ever. A cultural icon no less than a cultural product, Dante’s imaginative universe enjoys a pervasive presence in popular culture. The multiformity of approaches represented in the collection matches the variety of the material that is analyzed. The volume documents Dante’s presence in genres as different as graphic novels and theater productions, children’s literature, advertisements and sci-fi narratives, rock and rap music, video- and boardgames, satirical vignettes and political speeches, school curricula and prison-teaching initiatives. Each chapter combines a focused attention to the specificity of the body of evidence it treats with best analytical practices. The volume invites collective reflection on the many different rules of engagement with Dante’s text.