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This reference encompasses the fields of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism in a single volume. Both sciences have applications in navigation, in the search for minerals and hydrocarbons, in dating rock sequences, and in unraveling past geologic movements such as plate motions they have contributed to a better understanding of the Earth. The book describes in fine detail the current state of knowledge and provides an up-to-date synthesis of the most basic concepts. It is an indispensable working tool not only for geophysicists and geophysics students but also for geologists, physicists, atmospheric and environmental scientists, and engineers.
This book challenges media-celebrated evolutionary studies linking Indo-European languages to Neolithic Anatolia, instead defending traditional practices in historical linguistics.
This longue durée survey of the Indian subcontinent's environmental history reveals the complex interactions among its people and the natural world.
Network research has recently been adopted as one of the tools of the trade in archaeology, used to study a wide range of topics: interactions between island communities, movements through urban spaces, visibility in past landscapes, material culture similarity, exchange, and much more. This Handbook is the first authoritative reference work for archaeological network research, featuring current topical trends and covering the archaeological application of network methods and theories. This is elaborately demonstrated through substantive topics and case studies drawn from a breadth of periods and cultures in world archaeology. It highlights and further develops the unique contributions made by archaeological research to network science, especially concerning the development of spatial and material culture network methods and approaches to studying long-term network change. This is the go-to resource for students and scholars wishing to explore how network science can be applied in archaeology through an up-to-date overview of the field.
Neoliittinen vallankumous oli monien ihmiskulttuurien laajamittainen siirtyminen neoliittisen ajanjakson ajan metsästys- ja keräilytapoista maataloudelle ja asutukselle, mikä teki mahdolliseksi yhä suuremman väestön. Nämä asettuvat yhteisöt antoivat ihmisille tarkkailla ja kokeilla kasveja oppiakseen kuinka ne kasvoivat ja kehittyivät. Tämä uusi tieto johti kasvien kodittumiseen. Maatalous alkoi itsenäisesti eri puolilla maailmaa. Ainakin 11 erillistä vanhan ja uuden maailman aluetta olivat mukana itsenäisinä lähtökohtina. Keinokastelu, vuoroviljely ja lannoitteet otettiin käyttöön pian neoliittisen vallankumouksen jälkeen, ja niitä kehitettiin paljon enemmän viimeisen 200 vuoden aikana.
Neolithic byltingin var umfangsmikil umskipti margra menningarmenna á neolithic tímabilinu frá lífsstíl veiða og safna til landbúnaðar og byggðar, sem gerði sífellt stærri íbúa mögulegt. Þessi byggð byggð heimiluðu mönnum að fylgjast með og gera tilraunir með plöntur til að læra hvernig þær óx og þróast. Þessi nýja þekking leiddi til tamningar plantna. Landbúnaður hófst sjálfstætt á mismunandi stöðum í heiminum. Að minnsta kosti 11 aðskild svæði frá Gamla og Nýja heiminum tóku þátt sem sjálfstæð upprunamiðstöðvar. Áveita, uppskeru og áburður var kynnt fljótlega eftir neolithic byltinguna og þróaðist mikið frekar á undanförnum 200 árum.
Неолитната революция е широкомащабният преход на много човешки култури през периода на неолита от начина на живот на лов и събиране към един отземеделието и селището, което прави възможно все по-голямо население. Тези заселени общности позволиха на хората да наблюдават и експериментират с растения, за да научат как те растат и се развиват. Това ново знание доведе до опитомяванет...
La rivoluzione neolitica fu la transizione su larga scala di molte culture umane durante il periodo neolitico da uno stile di vita di caccia e raccolta a uno di agricoltura e insediamento, rendendo possibile una popolazione sempre più ampia. Queste comunità stabilite hanno permesso agli umani di osservare e sperimentare le piante per imparare come sono cresciute e sviluppate. Questa nuova conoscenza ha portato all'addomesticamento delle piante. L'agricoltura è iniziata in modo indipendente in diverse parti del globo. Almeno 11 regioni separate del Vecchio e del Nuovo Mondo sono state coinvolte come centri di origine indipendenti. L'irrigazione, la rotazione delle colture e i fertilizzanti furono introdotti subito dopo la rivoluzione neolitica e si svilupparono molto più avanti negli ultimi 200 anni.
การปฏิวัติยุคหินใหม่เป็นการเปลี่ยนแปลงช่วงกว้างของวัฒนธรรมมนุษย์จำนวนมากในช่วงยุคหินใหม่จากวิถีชีวิตของการล่าสัตว์และการรวมตัวเป็นหนึ่งในการเกษตรและการตั้งถิ่นฐานทำให้ประชากรมีขนาดใหญ่ขึ้น ชุมชนที่ได้รับอนุญาตเหล่านี้อนุญาตให้มนุษย์สั...
A neolit forradalom sok emberi kultúra széles körű átmenetele volt a neolitikum alatt a vadászat és az összegyűjtés életmódjáról a mezőgazdaság és a település kultúrájára, lehetővé téve az egyre nagyobb népesség kialakulását. Ezek a települések lehetővé tették az emberek számára, hogy megfigyeljék és kísérletezzenek a növényekkel, hogy megtanulják, hogyan növekedtek és fejlődtek. Ez az új tudás vezetett a növények háziasításához. A mezőgazdaság önállóan kezdődött a világ különböző részein. Az ó és az új világ legalább 11 különálló régióját bevonják független származási központokba. Az öntözést, a vetésforgót és a műtrágyákat hamarosan a neolit forradalom után vezették be, és az elmúlt 200 évben sokkal tovább fejlődtek.