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SUZANNE MAJHANOVICH and CHRISTINE FOX Originally published in the journal International Review of Education, Volume 54, Nos 3–4, 287–297. DOI: 10. 1007/s11159-008-9097-9 Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2008 The papers in this collection have been selected from over 800 presentations given at the XIIIth World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, held at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 3 to 7 September 2007. The Congress was hosted on behalf of the WCCES by the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education and in association with the International Association of Intercultural Education. For such an int- national gathering, it was appropriate that the...
Záměrem předložené knihy je představit analýzu organizačního klimatu vysokoškolského prostředí, se zaměřením na pedagogické fakulty či fakulty připravující učitele. Jednotlivé kapitoly reflektují výzvy Boloňského procesu, charakterizují náplň práce akademických pracovníků a zabývají se teoretickými východisky percepce organizačního klimatu vysokých škol a fakult. Významným přínosem je seznámení s vlastním výzkumem, s tvorbou a ověřením výzkumných nástrojů. Stěžejní část je proto věnována popisu etap vývoje dotazníků percepce organizačního klimatu akademickými pracovníky, způsobům jejich ověřování a koncipování archu polostrukturovaného rozhovoru pro výzkum percepce organizačního klimatu fakult připravujících učitele jejich vedením.
Kolektivní monografie Determinanty organizačního klimatu vysokých škol a fakult vychází ze situace, kdy světové i české vysoké školství prochází reformami. Autoři monografie se zaměřují na český legislativní rámec vysokých škol, který rovněž určuje jejich ekonomické zdroje. Všímají si nového fenoménu ve vysokoškolském prostředí, a to jejich marketingové strategie. Za další z determinant vysokých škol a fakult považují jejich management, což se pojí i s otázkami jeho profesionalizace a znalostí v oblasti vedení a hodnocení pracovníků. Akademickým pracovníkům a jejich profesi je proto věnována další kapitola. Vysoké školy a fakulty však netvoří jen legislativní a ekonomické struktury, ale především studenti a doktorandi, jež jsou předmětem kapitol závěrečných.
When it comes to motivating people to learn, disadvantaged urban adolescents are usually perceived as a hard sell. Yet, in a recent MetLife survey, 89 percent of the low-income students claimed "I really want to learn" applied to them. What is it about the school environmentâ€"pedagogy, curriculum, climate, organizationâ€"that encourages or discourages engagement in school activities? How do peers, family, and community affect adolescents' attitudes towards learning? Engaging Schools reviews current research on what shapes adolescents' school engagement and motivation to learnâ€"including new findings on students' sense of belongingâ€"and looks at ways these can be used to reform urban high schools. This book discusses what changes hold the greatest promise for increasing students' motivation to learn in these schools. It looks at various approaches to reform through different methods of instruction and assessment, adjustments in school size, vocational teaching, and other key areas. Examples of innovative schools, classrooms, and out-of-school programs that have proved successful in getting high school kids excited about learning are also included.
This fully updated sixth edition of the international bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It is divided into five main parts: the context of educational research; planning educational research; styles of educational research; strategies for data collection and researching; and data analysis. The book also contains references to a comprehensive dedicated website of accompanying materials. The sixth edition includes new material on: complexity theory, ethics, sampling and sensitive educational research experimental research, questionnaire design and administration with practical guidance qualitative and quantitative data analysis, with practical examples internet based research. Research Methods in Education is essential reading for the professional researcher and continues to be the standard text for students and lecturers in educational research. To access the dedicated website of accompanying materials, please visit:
This text is an ideal companion to "Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model." The 99 ideas and activities include a few familiar techniques that have been shown to be especially effective for ELLs, as well as many new ideas to SIOP teachers.
This book addresses key issues concerning visualization in the teaching and learning of science at any level in educational systems. It is the first book specifically on visualization in science education. The book draws on the insights from cognitive psychology, science, and education, by experts from five countries. It unites these with the practice of science education, particularly the ever-increasing use of computer-managed modelling packages.
Was Jesus a Freemason? The discovery of evidence of the most secret rites of Freemasonry in an ancient Egyptian tomb led authors Chris Knight and Bob Lomas into and extraordinary investigation of 4, 000 years of history. This astonishing bestseller raises questions that have challenged some of Western civilisation's most cherished beliefs: Were scrolls bearing the secret teachings of Jesus buried beneath Herod's Temple shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman's? Did the Knights Templar, the forerunners of modern Freemasonry, excavate these scrolls in the twelfth century? And were these scrolls subsequently buried underneath a reconstruction of Herod's Temple, Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland - where they are now awaiting excavation? The authors' discoveries shed a new light on Masonic ceremony and overturn out understanding of history.
"Evidence Based Teaching presents a coherent, evidence based view of teaching and learning and presents some radical new methods that are known to greatly improve achievement.Evidence Based Teaching will help practically demonstrate how we should teach from the following sources:1. School effectiveness and school improvement research2. Best practice in University teaching3. Best practice in FE teaching4. Effect size studies carried out mainly in schools5. Teaching Thinking skills6. Multiple representations7. Constructivism.Together these strategies, ideas and advice provide us with both general principles for teaching, and very specific methods, all of which can substantially improve teaching and few of which are in common use.This new, revised edition includes a variety of improvements to the text, as well as a fresh new design in line with its companion title, Teaching Today 4th edn."--Publisher's website.