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Evidence-based practice has become a central part of physiotherapy today, but it is still an area which is constantly expanding and being updated. Written by an international team of experts, this second edition continues to outline the basic definitions of evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning, while detailing how to find and critically appraise evidence and clinical practice guidelines and the steps to follow in the implementation and evaluation of evidence. For those struggling to understand both the concepts and how to implement them, this book will prove to be an invaluable and practical guide. - Considers how both quantitative and qualitative research can be used to answer cli...
Evidence syntheses use multidisciplinary and intersectoral sources of evidence to support policy-making. The Health Evidence Network (HEN) has supported and strengthened the use of evidence in health policy-making in the WHO European Region since 2003. The HEN synthesis report series responds to public health questions by summarizing the best available global and local findings from peer-reviewed and grey literature as well as policy options and proposes general directions strategies and actions for consideration. This resource has been developed to outline key approaches methods and considerations for a HEN evidence synthesis to support the systematic and routine use of the best available evidence for decision-making relevant to the needs of public health decision-makers. It proposes approaches that hold both scientific rigour and practical applicability for individuals and institutions that perform commission review and/or publish evidence syntheses.
Authored by an international team of experts especially for physiotherapists, this new, one-of-a-kind resource examines evidence-based practice in physiotherapy - defining what constitutes evidence and how to implement findings in the day-to-day clinical setting. It discusses government and professional requirements for evidence-based medicine and clinical reasoning, and offers easy-to-follow guidelines for finding and applying evidence. It also offers useful strategies for determining whether benefits provided by physiotherapy interventions are significant enough to make the intervention worthwhile. Written specifically for physiotherapists Step-by-step guide to practice of evidence-based physiotherapy Written at different levels depending on reader's expertise: highlighted critical points and text box summaries for readers new to these concepts detailed explanations in text for intermediate readers footnotes for advanced readers Detailed presentation of strategies for searching for evidence, including using the www, search engines and physiotherapy specific databases Extensive consideration of clinical practice guidelines
Evaluates the per capita methodology for profiling physicians -- a method which measures a patient's resource use over a fixed period of time and attributes that resource use to physicians -- in order to assist with the development of a physician feedback approach. It examines: (1) the extent to which physicians in selected specialties show stable practice patterns and how beneficiary utilization of services varies by physician resource use level; (2) factors to consider in developing feedback reports on physicians' performance, incl. per capita resource use; and (3) the extent to which feedback reports may influence physician behavior. This report focused on 4 medical specialties and 4 metro. areas chosen for their geographic diversity. Illustrations.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wer eine Leistung erhält, möchte auch von deren Nutzen und Wirksamkeit überzeugt sein. Unwirksame Leistungen werden (zukünftig) nicht bezahlt: Eine Erkenntnis, die sich in der Medizin seit einigen Jahren durchsetzte und nun zunehmend auch in Pflege, Rettungsdienst und Therapie seitens der Kostenträger als Argument angeführt wird. Was bedeutet es aber, „evidence-basiert“ zu pflegen oder zu therapieren – und woher kommt diese „Evidence“, also der Nachweis der Wirksamkeit? Damit ein ersten Einblick über den Aufbau und die Zielsetzung von Evidence-based Practice (EbP) entstehen kann, aber auch die Grenzen erkennbar werden, wird innerhalb dieses Einführungsvortrages das Konzept EbP und mögliche Quellen dieses EbP vorgestellt.
Mozart wasn't born with perfect pitch. Most athletes are not born with any natural advantage. Three world-class chess players were sisters, whose success was planned by their parents before they were even born. Anders Ericsson has spent thirty years studying The Special Ones, the geniuses, sports stars and musical prodigies. And his remarkable finding, revealed in Peak, is that their special abilities are acquired through training. The innate 'gift' of talent is a myth. Exceptional individuals are born with just one unique ability, shared by us all - the ability to develop our brains and bodies through our own efforts. Anders Ericsson's research was the inspiration for the popular '10,000-hour rule' but, he tells us, this rule is only the beginning of the story. It's not just the hours that are important but how you use them. We all have the seeds of excellence within us - it's merely a question of how to make them grow. With a bit of guidance, you'll be amazed at what the average person can achieve. The astonishing stories in Peak prove that potential is what you make it.
This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care. Crucially, it summarizes available evidence on different quality strategies and provides recommendations for their implementation. This book is intended to help policy-makers to understand concepts of quality and to support them to evaluate single strategies and combinations of strategies.
Fizioterapia eshte nje dege e mjekesise qe merret me parandalimin, diagnozen, trajtimin dhe rehabilitimin e pacienteve te prekur nga patologji apo disfunksione kongenitale apo te fituara ne fushen neuro-muskulo-skeletike e viscerale permes nderhyrjeve te shumta terapeutike, si terapia fizike, terapia manuale/manipulative, masoterapia, terapia posturale, kineziterapia, terapia okupacionale etj.Fizioterapia është një profesion i kujdesit shëndetësor që kryhet nga terapisti fizik, i cili ofron shërbime për individ ose grupe të njerëzve për të zhvilluar, mbajtur ose rivendosur lëvizjen dhe aftësitë funksionale gjatë gjithë fazave të jetës, sidomos në ato rrethana në të cilat ato janë të komprometuar nga traumat, sëmundjet, faktorë të mjedisit, mosha.Në përmbajtje e këtij libri do të merrni njohuri profesionale mbi modalitetet e ndryshme bazë që përdoren në fizioterapinë bashkëkohore me fokus në përdorimin e agjentëve fizikë si: uji, drita, i ngrohti, i ftohti, elektriciteti, etj.