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Durant la guerra de les Vespres Sicilianes (1282-1285) el rei Pere el Gran va ocupar Sicília i es va enfrontar als reis Carles d’Anjou i Felip l’Ardit de França. El conflicte va estendre’s des de Sicília fins a Aragó i a Catalunya. En aquesta investigació s’analitzen les cròniques contemporànies als fets per entendre els pensaments polítics i com es van interpretar per convèncer els lectors.
Presentem aquí el segon volum de Recerca en Humanitats que, com el primer, recull els treballs que es van exposar a les Jornades del Doctorand organitzades pel Programa de Doctorat d'Estudis Humanístics de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili; en concret, a les III Jornades que es van dur a terme els dies 3 i 4 de maig de 2017. Són, en total, divuit capítols que, disposats per l’ordre alfabètic dels autors, constitueixen una nova mostra de la investigació que es fa en el camp de les Humanitats a la nostra Universitat així com a d'altres universitats de l’àmbit català. D'aquí que trobem estudis sobre diverses facetes de la història, la història de l'art, la literatura i la llengua que ens permeten donar a conèixer les tesis que s’estan elaborant actualment.
Aquest volum inclou els quinze treballs corresponents a les presentacions de la sisena edició de les Jornades del Doctorand. Us presentem un nou conjunt d’aportacions a la recerca en humanitats, per tal de posar a l’abast dels investigadors d’aquest àmbit els avenços produïts en les tesis doctorals del Programa de Doctorat en Estudis Humanístics. Els estudis comprenen qüestions de llengua i literatura, d’història i historia de l’art, i de filosofia.
The theoretical basis of membrane computing was established in the early 2000s with fundamental research into the computational power, complexity aspects and relationships with other (un)conventional computing paradigms. Although this core theoretical research has continued to grow rapidly and vigorously, another area of investigation has since been added, focusing on the applications of this model in many areas, most prominently in systems and synthetic biology, engineering optimization, power system fault diagnosis and mobile robot controller design. The further development of these applications and their broad adoption by other researchers, as well as the expansion of the membrane computing modelling paradigm to other applications, call for a set of robust, efficient, reliable and easy-to-use tools supporting the most significant membrane computing models. This work provides comprehensive descriptions of such tools, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in membrane computing models.
This book on 'Cooperative Learning in Higher Education' addresses the development of both reflective teaching and learning in higher education to promote sustainable education in several disciplines where reflection is at the core of sustainable development. The book explores reflection within higher education and/or within instructional approaches to higher education, not only via in-house and external individuals, collective initiatives and activities that focus on reflection and the generation of knowledge, but also on the transformative outputs of learning communities. We place an emphasis on reflective practices and communities, as well as linking reflective learning and the development of professional identity through reflection. The book also addresses the connections between theoretical and applied research on reflective practices and knowledge generation in all areas, as well as professional practice and identity through theoretical definitions, situated and grounded practice, and transformative knowledge.
Did you know that computation can be implemented with cytoskeleton networks, chemical reactions, liquid marbles, plants, polymers and dozens of other living and inanimate substrates? Do you know what is reversible computing or a DNA microscopy? Are you aware that randomness aids computation? Would you like to make logical circuits from enzymatic reactions? Have you ever tried to implement digital logic with Minecraft? Do you know that eroding sandstones can compute too?This volume reviews most of the key attempts in coming up with an alternative way of computation. In doing so, the authors show that we do not need computers to compute and we do not need computation to infer. It invites readers to rethink the computer and computing, and appeals to computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists and philosophers. The topics are presented in a lively and easily accessible manner and make for ideal supplementary reading across a broad range of subjects.Related Link(s)
First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed extended post-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC 2006, held in Leiden, Netherlands in July 2006. The papers in this volume cover all the main directions of research in membrane computing, ranging from theoretical topics in mathematics and computer science, to application issues. Special attention was paid to the interaction of membrane computing with biology.
Representing the latest thinking in this fast-moving and often emotive field, this book offers a remarkably comprehensive international coverage of the public aspects of archaeology. The process of survey and inventory, rescue and archaeology, conservation and protection have until now been studied largely on the basis of individual countries and their administrative and legislative structures. Now, by virtue of its broad geographical coverage, this volume provides many rights and guidelines not hitherto brought into focus: the history and philosophy of archaeological heritage management, case studies (regional, national and specialised), and the training and qualification of archaeologists for heritage management. This book is essential reading for all students, researchers and practitioners concerned with archaeological heritage management, public administration and the legal community whose work involves archaeological issues.