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The work of Paul Ricoeur can be regarded as a faithful expression of the philosophy of the 20th century and as the paradigmatic exponent of a new philosophical character for the 21st century. Without belonging to any particular school, Ricoeur discussed a wide range of philosophical topics, with many of his insights being prophetic indeed. This book demonstrates that there is no single interpretation of Ricoeur's philosophy, describing his way of thinking. Rather, the book provides an opportunity to see Ricoeur's thoughts as a guide for a human enveloped in the experience of life and being. By exploring Paul Ricoeur in his life circumstances - through war, the academy, and his relationships, as well as through his works and his own words - this book offers a more complete picture of the many aspects of one man and the legacy he left behind. (Series: International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Vol. 5)
Most histories of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) have examined major leaders or well-established political and social groups to explore class, gender, and ideological struggles. The war in Spain was marked by momentous conflicts between democracy and dictatorship, Communism and fascism, anarchism and authoritarianism, and Catholicism and anticlericalism that still provoke our fascination. In Republic of Egos, Michael Seidman focuses instead on the personal and individual experiences of the common men and women who were actors in a struggle that defined a generation and helped to shape our world. By examining the roles of anonymous individuals, families, and small groups who fought for t...
This is the first complete study of the relationship between Retranslation and Reception. Although many translation scholars have cited Reception Theory in their work, this is the first systematic study of its relationship to Retranslation. The book starts from the hypothesis that frequent retranslations of the same literary text into the same language may be indicative of its impact in the target culture. The volume encompasses both theory and practical analysis of Retranslation and Reception as mutually dependent concepts. The sixteen chapters relate the translations analysed to their socio-historical contexts in order to assess the impact that they have had on the target culture in terms of the reception of the authors studied, and also explore the relationship that may exist between the appearance of new translations and historical, social or cultural changes.
The “Metaphysical Principles of the Doctrine of Virtue” (Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre) is the second part of the “Metaphysics of Morals” (Metaphysik der Sitten), published by Kant in 1797. This monographic study comments Kant´s Tugendlehre as a refutation of the “formalist” vision of Kant´s Ethics. This late writing is shown as consistent with the moral philosophy already presented in the “Groundwork” and the second “Critique”. The “Doctrine of Virtue” offers Kant´s application of the categorical imperative and acknowledges the conditions of moral motivation and, in general, of human agency. Kant´s derivation of duties of virtue (Tugendpflichten) i...
Amb els mapes, a més de ciència, es fa política. El 1939 els catalans algueresos, i altres pobles d'Itàlia, foren eliminats d'un mapa etnogràfic de tot Europa elaborat a Milà pel Touring Club Italiano. Les minories en qüestió hi havien figurat des de 1927, però finalment els mussolinians van imposar sobre aquella obra els postulats feixistes més extrems. Aquest llibre, bastit sobre mapes «de pobles i llengües» dels segles XIX i XX, es deté en la confluència de les disciplines cartogràfica, etnològica i lingüística, les conviccions ideològiques i l'exercici del poder polític. L'obra, que ha estat mereixedora del Premi Joan Coromines 2013 d'investigació filològica, històrica o cultural, patrocinat per la Societat Coral «El Micalet», reflexiona sobre les visions exògenes d'unes identitats socioterritorials que continuen concitant estudis i pulsions.
In the long shadow of dictatorship, young Spanish rebels fight for a truly free society. The Franco dictatorship in Spain was famously beset by armed revolutionary groups, inheritors of the legacy of Spanish anarchism that Franco had crushed. Less well-known are the Grupos Autónomos (Autonomous Groups) active during Spain’s transition to “democracy,” a transition set in motion and overseen by the powerful elites of the Franco regime and intended to maintain existing social and economic relations. As the country reorganized under a veneer of a parliamentary monarchy, resistance spread in the form of small autonomous bands of armed rebels who sought a more free and egalitarian future for Spain. Agitated is the tale of those groups. It brings alive the young people who comprised them, detailing their struggle against the faux democracy of authoritarian capitalism and the vibrant lives they lived: the counterculture they formed, their relations with workers, life underground, of course, the repression they suffered.
Conceptualising the new phenomenon of constitutional crowdsourcing, this incisive book examines democratic legitimacy, participation, and decision-making in constitutions and constitutionalism. It analyses how the wider population can be given a voice in constitution-making and in constitutional interpretation and control, thus promoting the exercise of original and derived constituent power.
Aquesta obra ens ofereix un estudi sobre vint víctimes mortals de la violència institucional i parainstitucional durant les darreries del Franquisme i la Transició. Els casos tractats responen a diverses tipologies: morts per la repressió policial en el decurs de manifestacions, per l’ús i abús de les armes de foc per part dels mateixos policies, per tortures i maltractaments soferts en dependències de l’Estat, o bé per actuacions d’una extrema dreta que en aquests anys actuava sota la cobertura i la connivència proporcionada per elements de l’aparell de l’Estat. Tots els casos tractats són objecte d’una anàlisi rigorosa i degudament contextualitzats. Els protagonistes del relat foren víctimes d’una violència que va esgarrar les seues vides, en la major part d’ocasions, en plena joventut. Uns fets, sovint obviats per la historiografia i els mitjans de comunicació, que van tenir com a resposta la impunitat dels seus perpetradors.